• Lancaster (Continued from Page 2) 27.50-30.00; few head 30.50-31.- 80; Cutter and low-Utility 900- 1100 lbs. 25.75-27.00, FEEDER STEERS Couple loads Choice and Prime 880- 1050 lbs. 3025-30.75: couple loads Choice 900-1100 lbs. 2835- 29.85. CALVES 500 Vealers most ly steady. VEALERS Choice 46 00- 49.50, few head 50 00-50 50; Good 42.00-46 50; Standard 39.- 0043.00; Utility 32.00-39.00; Cull 90-120 lbs. 29.00-34.00, 65 85 lbs. 24.90-29.00. HOGS 1350 Barrows and Gilts fully 50 lower; Sows scarce. CLOSING SALES, BAR ROWS AND GILTS: US 1-2 210- 225 lbs. 22.75-23.10. US 2-3 200- 250 lbs. 2250-22 75. SHEEP 250 Spring Lambs mostly steady: Ewes steady. SPRING LAMBS Choice 75-90 lbs. 27.50-29 50; Good 25- 50-28 00; Utility 24 00-25 50 SLAUGHTER EWES Uti lity and Good 400-900. • Auction (Continued from Page 2) and Prime 880-1050 lbs 30 25- 30 75; Choice 900-1100 lbs 28 35- 29.85. CALVES 119 Vealeis steady •to 1 00 higher. VEALERS Choice 46 50- 49 50, couple 50 00-50 50; Good 43 00-46 50; Standard 39 00-43 00; Utility 32 00-39 00, Cull 90-120 lbs 2900-34 00. HOGS 171—Banows and Gilts 50-75 lower. BARROWS AND GILTS—One lot US 1 220 lbs. 23 75 US 1-2 10-225 lbs. 22 75-23 10 US 2-3 200-250 lbs. 22 50-22.75 US 2 195- RADIO CONTROLLED TRUCKS FOR BETTER SERVICE C. B. HOOBER & SON Intercourse, Penna. Phone 768-8231 Elizabcthtown-Doncgal 411 By Christine Erb The Elizabethtown-Doncgal 4- H Community Club met at the home of Willis Hackman, Eliza bethtown, for the August meet ing. The meeting was called to ordei by the Piesident, Bany Hosslei, and the club pledge was lecited Club membeis responded to roll call by telling about their pi ejects and their pi ogress The speaker foi the meeting was Mi Hackman who spoke to the club about Lancaster Coun ty’s green gold “ten point pro gram to giow 2200 pounds tobac co ” A coi n roast was held The next meeting will be Sep tember 8 at the home of Thomas Schadts The meeting will stait at 8 pm with a ball game at 7pm Pig Show Judge Named Judge for the Lancaster County 4-H Pig Show and Sale Tuesday will be Heniy Gruber, livestock buyei fiom A&B Packing Co, Allentown, accoiding to Max Smith, Lancaster County agri cultural agent The show begins at 8 am and the sale follows at 1 30 pm Tuesday at the Lancaster Stoek vaids 205 lbs 2160-22 10 US 3-4 260- 270 lbs 22 00-22 10 SHEEP 36 Small supply Spring Lambs and Slaughter Ewes steady 7. SPRING LAMBS—Couple lots Choice 50 80 lbs 29 00-29 50, one lot Utility and Good 85 lbs 24 00 SLAUGHTER EWES—One lot Utility 4 00. 4-H members have been in structed to bring their animals to Stockyaids Monday beginning at 2:45 p m. Announcer for the show will be Maik Neslleiolh, Manheim RD3, Assisting in the show ring will be J Wairen Heisey, Elizabeth town RDI, Wauen Leininger, 525 S Fomth St. Denvei. Chailes Miller, Lititz RD3, and Glenn Wissler, Ephiata RDI Assisting in the pens and alleys will be Richard Buckwal tei,Lititz RD3, and Elmer Boyd, Ephiata RDI. Assisting with gettihg the pigs weighed and penned Monday will be Carl Nestleioth, Manheim RD3; Richard Buckwaltei, Lititz RD3, Glenn Poiter, Washington Boio RDI, Haiold Roop, Chusti ana RDI, Chailes Millet and Robeit Miller. Lititz RD3 Marlin Bolhngei, Denvei RD2 Mailin Weaver, Ephrata RDI John Fisher, Manheim RDI, and Philip Leininger, Denvei RD2 Theie will be a glooming and showmanship class; thiee weight classes will be divided as fol lows lightweight, 190 pounds and undei, mediumweight, 195 to 220 pounds, and heavyweight, 225 pounds and up. District 4-H Dairy Show Lancaster County 4-H dan\ clubs will have 39 entues in the South Central Distnct 4-H Dany Show Thinsday at the Faim Show building, small aiena, Hai usbui'g, accoiding to Max Smith Lancaster County agucultuial agent The entries include 16 Hol sleins, 7 Guernseys, 6 Jerseys 6 Ayishues and 4 Biown Swiss The youths will be going to Hamsburg Wednesday to pie pale for the Thuisday show, which is open to the public CALL Titus Burkholder 1 - 400 Gal. Mojonnier Bulk Tank MCDI - N.Y. 1 - 600 Gal. Mojonnier Bulk Tank with 5 h.p. compressor and automatic wash er MCDI - N.Y. Milk Keeper Bulk Tanks. 12 & 7 can Star Milk Coolers. Lehigh Refrigeration Compressors. Klenzade Automatic Bulk Tank Washers NOTICE We have been appointed stocking warehouse for Miik Keeper Bulk Tanks. CALL Leroy Zook LANCASTER SILOS ACORN BARN EQUIPMENT WEAVERLINE CARTS CALL Cbas. Eshleman See Our Display of Golden Malrin Bait; Also Ortho Flj Spraj s Check Our Prices. BALER TWINE $7.60 Bale, 10 Bales or more Just Arrived ALUMINUM GATES 10 -12 -14 -16 Foot SPECIAL POLYETHYLENE FILM Covers 32 x 100 6 Mill 35/ foot Lancastcr Farming. Saturday. August 22.1970—H Mail Box Market For Sale Hainpshne bo.n Phone 665 4153 Foi Sale John Dccic -237 2-iow mounted com picker, with multi-lube, in good condition pi ice 51.500 Call 626 2668 Foi Sale Standaid bied family bioke carnage hoise Sol K Bcilei, Bnd-m-Hand RDI, resi dence between Leacock and Tal mage. Foi Sale 37 Holstein cows, all home laised, mostly legisleied Daniel E Tumble, Quaiiyville RDI. Phone 548-2237 • Form Calendar (Continued from Page 1) Sale, Sam judging, 130 pm sale, Lancaslei Stock Yards. 2 20 pm—Woild Omelet King, Lancastei Aupoit, NefTsulle, 630 pm Hilton Inn, Lan castei. Wednesday, August 26 10 a m 1970 State Plowing Contest, Milton Heishey Faims, Heishey Thursday, August 27 6 30 p in —Faun Women Society 26 to meet at Cleaivievv Bowling Lanes foi tom of Heishey Medical Centei, Hei- shey South Cential Distuct 4-H Dany Show, Faim Show Building Hamsbuig Friday, August 28 9 am Regional FFA Dany Show, Faim Show Building, Ha'iisbuig Saturday, August 29 Poultiy Queen Contest, Heishey Paik Bandshell. 830 am Sixth Annual St Maiv’s Hoise Show, West Giove, Pa Breeding Service All beef ami diii i y faimcis c.ti pin chase C.unution F.unis Semen dn eel liom Joseph 11.I 1 . Ti .iinoi. Ilonev Uiook, Pa 19344. oi phone 215 273-3847 oi 273- 3817 Mail Box Market 1 Foi Sale—l6s gallon tank with ioloi pump used few yea's $lOO 00 Phone 548 2285 Foi Sale 125 bu Balbo Rye SI 75 pei bu , pony with colt $5O . yeailmg pony $25 , veailmg hoise colt $65 Call eyemnga 6 to 6 30 717-442 4601 Foi Sale—Model 616 New Hol land Haivcstei, good condition Phone 733-8770 Foi Sale—Rotaiy hairow 3 point lift used foi 10 acie, cost $385 00 at 45% oft—s2lo. Peeiless all puipose Allis - Chalmeis coin pickei $5O, good and picks clean. Ph 215 445 6409 For Sale—Schultz lotaiy beatei good foi potato patch $75 6 knife John Deeie haivester good condition with engine puced to sell, L\ John Deeie tiactoi on steel with cullivatoi Phone 656- 9550 Foi Sale—GE chest type freezer, only 2 yeais old $95 00 Wheel hoise tiactoi, 32” mower $155 00 Suiveyois and conliactois level $75 00 S G Daihngton, Lrtrtz RD2, Phone 626-7440. Foi Sale—7 week old 4 black piuebied poodles, males, Father toy black poodle, Female medium black R H Mmmck, 157 Hess Blvd Lancastei, Pa Phone 569-2166 For Sale Purebred Landiace Boais. Service Age; Also Feeder Pigs Phone 354-7510