Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 22, 1970, Image 12

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Lancaster Fat mini!. Snturdnv. August 22. 1970
Pennsylvania Dutch Days
At Hershey
Many surpiiscs for young and
old have been planned for vis
itors to the 22nd annual Celc ion of The Onginal Penn
.svlvnma Dutch Days opening in
llcishcy. Tuesday. August 25
thiough Sunday. August 30
A special attraction for foun
ds will be the annual state
plowing contest which gets un
dci way at 10 a m Wednesday
P.u ticipants in the contest ore
the winneis fiom pievious
countv contests
The plowmen will icgistei
and practice fiom 7 to 9 a m
and hold a contest briefing
fiom 9 to 10 befoie beginning
the contest at Milton Hershey
Fauns in three divisions laige
plow, small plow and contour
Dutch Days programs aie
planned foi all paits of the
community. The committee is
again using the slogan, 11 to 9,
rain or shine, hours that will
peimit everyone to see the
skills of the Pennsylvania
Fiee town center events will
include Chocolate Plant tours,
from 8:15 a.m to 330 pm,
Monday through Friday.
In the Little Theatre of the
Community Center building,
colored motion pictures depict
ing local scenes will be shown
hourly on week days. Each af
ternoon at 3 45 p m in the same
Theatre, Pennsylvania German
educators will hold seminais
explaining the chaiactenstics of
the people
Also m the Social Room West
of the Community Center, ten
Hamsbmg aiea antique dealeis
will assemble their waies for
show and sale On Friday aftei
noon at 2 p m in the Park Ball-,
loom, a Countiy Auction Sale |
will be held undei the duection
of Betty Smith
Seven top conceit and stioil
ing bands will peifoim They
aie Schwab’s Dutch Band fiom
Ehzabethville, A 1 Shade’s Coun
tiy Musicians, Myerstown. The
Johnnie Schmokeis fiom Read
ing Manwellei’s Jiggei Band,
Fleetwood, Andy Reynold’s
Ranch Boys. Yoik, Vanety
Band of The Mahoning Valley,
• Chicago
(Continued fiom Page 2)
Choice, compaied with 23 pei
cent Pume and 68 peicent
Choice last week and 20 peicent
Pi .me and 68 peicent Choice last
>eai Avei age cost and weight of
Slaughtei Steeis, estimated at
30 90 and 1165 lbs compaied
with 30 75 and 1167 lbs last
week, and 30 71 and 1169 lbs last
jeai Heifei supply mainly high
Good to low Pume weighing 850-
1000 lbs with Wednesdays le
ceipts consisting of a iaigei pei
centage of weights undei 900 lbs
a\u age cost ol Slaughtei Heifeis
foi the week is expected to be
about 28 75, lowest since Jan
Monday and Wednesday, Pinne
1200 1350 lbs yield giade 3 and
4 32 00-32 25, fom loads at lattei
puce High Choice and Pume
1120-1375 lbs 31 25 3175 At
mid week, Choice 1100-1350 lbs
yield giade 2 to 4 30 25-31 25,
Choice 950-1100 lbs 30 00-31 00,
mixed Good and Choice 29 25-
30 25 Good 26 75 29 25, Standaid
and low Good 25 75 26 75
High Choice and Pume 950-1025
yield giade 3 and 4 29 SO
SO 00, with load mound 1050 lbs
at 30 25 on Monday At mid
v. eek, Choice 850-1000 lbs yneld
guide 2 to 4 28 50-29 50, Choice
800 850 lbs 28 00-28 50, mixed
Good and Choice 750 900 lbs
and the Spnng Garden Band of
Yoik The Cat illon can be heaid
daily fiom the towei atop the
Milton Ilcishey School.
The village blacksmith, along
with the town handyman and
his ancient lathe, will be show
ing their skills An old-time
li action engine. thieshing
wheat fiom the sheaf to the
bag. will be operating daily
Old faim equipment, wagons,
and fences will be on view In
the neaibj Spoils Aiena, scoies
of ciaftsmen and women will be
holding demonstrations
Pennsylvania State Police
will perfoim feats of horseman
ship, motorcycle riding, and
drilling in their special fiee
Black Silo Plastic
16 Ft. 4 Mill $ 7.70 ea.
16 Ft —6 Mill $11.50 ea.
24 Ft. 4 Mill $11.50 ea.
24 Ft. 6 Mill $17.25 ea.
32 Ft. 4 Mill $15.35 ea.
32 Ft. 6 Mill $23.00 ea.
40 Ft. - 6 Mill $28,75 eo.
FarmersviHe Equipment Inc.
R. D. 2, Ephrata, Pa. Phone 354-9221
Quullt> French Fries
Since lO.ifi. most of the piepa
i;Uion of Ftench filed potatoes been left to piocessing
plants We don't have to worrj
about the qualitj of these fio/en
piochicts. nccoiding to a United
Stales Dcpailment of Auiicultuie
icpoi'l Mom of the fiozen
Fiench flies piocessed in areas
throughout the countiy aie in
spected foi quality by the De
paitment of Agncultuie’s Con
sumer and Maiketing Seivice.
The aveiage use of fiozen potato
pioducts lose from 12 pounds
pei pei son in 1956 to 8 5 pounds
in 1968.
exhibition in the huge Hershey
Stadium on Thursday. August
27, at 730 p.m, Trained Police
dogs, Academy horses, Acroba
tic Riding, and Piecision Shoot
ing will all be included in their
75-minute show.
Snack-bar lunches or home
cooked hotel meals will be avail
able daily.
now taking orders to be
delivered September thru December
I PHONE (717) 768-8451
• Offset snapping rolls put more corn in the crib
• Steel, quartz or rubber_rolls to meet
• Easy-to-control gathering units pick fieldsjjlearQiij®
kinds of corn
• Mounts on Ford, IHC, AC and other makes
lIIV 505 E. Main St., New Holland
Ph. 354-2214