Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 22, 1970, Image 1

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of Agriculture " *
VOL. 15 NO. 39
Ten-year-old Glen Wiegand of Glen Moore RDI with
Yorkshire crossbred gilt shortly after the animal was nam
ed grand champion at the Chester-Delaware County 4-H
Hog Roundup at the Vintage Sales Stables last week.
(See Story on Page 9.)
Melvin R. Stoltzfus Is Elected
Farm Foundation Chairman
Mchon R Stoltzfus, a 50-
year-cld Honks RDI dairyman,
is the new chairman of the
Farm atd Home Foundation
Stoltcius was elected at a
Foundation board meeting this
week tc fill the unexpu ed tei m
of John H Heir, who recently
died unexpectedly The term
mns tci Januaiy
A member of the ongmal
Foundation boaid when the
Founrir'ion “was still in the
stage,” Stoltzfus
pledge d immediately after elec
tion to continue the basic poli
cies of ■'ne Foundation “I think
we’re trowelling in a sound path
and 1 oope we can continue in
the same dn ection om past
leaderMup has been taking us,”
be said.
A£> in the past, Stoltzfus said,
“our ri_mbei one goal is to re
duce fee mortgage on the Farm
and Kcme Center and I’m opti-
mistic because people are more
inclined to give to a going opeia
Melvin it. Stoltzfus
Lancaster Farming, Saturday. August 22. 19707
Rootworm Is Reported
Serious Corn Problem
Com lootwomi is now a sen
ous pioblem foi manj com giow
eis in Southeastern Pennsjl
vania, it was learned this week
The pioblem is paiticulai 1>
acute on some faims which giow
com on the same field foi several
jeais stiaight
Com yield loss can be up to
one-thnd in fields wheie the
small, gieen bug gets well estab
lished local souices indicated
The loss stems horn a combina
tion of mot injuiy by the loot
voim laivae which saps the
glowing stiength of the plant,
baivesl losses when the weak
ened plant tails 01 blows ovei,
and i educed yields fiom poor
pollination when the adult bug
feeds on the silk and pollen
When fields get heavih in
fested, foui 01 moie oi the bugs
per plant can be found, it was
icpoited. __ ,
Willis Rolner of P L Rohiei
& Biothei, Inc, Smoketown,
well-known fami suppliei, said
this week that fauneis should
look at the com ciop now to see
it the problem is senous in then
own field in oidei to be able to
evaluate whethei collective ac
tion is needed next ycai
Rohiei said icpoits fiom his
salesmen indicate the pi oblem is
quite senous m man) aieas in
Lancaster Chestei and Lehigh
Counties and on the Eastern
While theie is no reliable way
to determine ciop loss fiom the
lootwoim, some souices indicate
a 30 bushel loss pei acie is pos
sible Some fauneis in Chestei
County estimate a 15 bushel
loss, Rohier said
Against such losses, Rohier
tion than to one that’s in finan
cial trouble
Earhei m the meeting, it was
announced that contributions
totaling about $5,800 have been
leceived since a letter was sent
out last month to pievious con
tubutois “The lesponse to that
lettei indicates faith in the 01-
ganization,” Stoltzfus said
Stoltzfus also said the Foun
dation has ‘ cios&ed many hin
dies” and “oui public image has
impi oved ” The lai ge numbers
ot meetings in the Faim and
Home Centei, he said, shows
‘it s a much needed building ’
A dauy faimei with 100 head
of pmebied Guernseys Stoltz
fus woi ked on his fathei’s fai m
until 1960 when he went on his
He is manned to the loimei
Pauline Hufford of Akion (Pa )
and ;they have four children
three slaughters, Mrs Donald
(Continued on Page 5)
Corn rootwoim, several times
lai ger than actual size.
said, tieatment, depending on
how close the ions aie, noimaily
urns abou t $3 to S 3 50 pel aci e
Bail Kieidei and =cn Melvin
Local Grain Prices Jump
In Wake of Blight Scare
Local giain puces jumped
shaiply this week and a local
giain buyei said the mcieasc
laigely stems horn the national
Southern Leaf Blight scaie
At the same time hovvevei, he
cautioned that the blight scaie
may now be blown out of pio
poitions to the actual situation
by speculator and predicted
grain price increases have about
reached a peak—barring fuithei
adveise com crop news
Albert Landis, purchasing
agent foi Millei & Bushong Inc,
Rohrerstown, said upward plea
sures were aheady on coin puces
even befoie the blight scaie
These included a lepoit by the
federal government that the na
tional coin inventoiy was down
Corn had been getting increased
usage in feed pioduction Coin
Southern Corn Blight Spreads,
But None Reported Yet in Pa.
Com gioweis acioss the nation
have been shocked by the spiead
of a new and devastating type of
com blight, called Southern Leaf
Blight has been spi ending nouh
v.aid and inflicting heavy aop
losses even into the Midwestern
com belt
The icassuung void fiom
Penn State Umveisilv this week
is that the new blight has not
been lepoited so fai anvwheie m
Pennsylvania and that even it u
new occuis it is too late in the
glowing season foi the blight to
inflict senous damage in the
state If it becomes established,
however. 1971 could be serious,
early reports indicate.
S 2 00 Per Year
of Manheim RDI aie among the
gi owing numbcis of faimeis who
aie finding that lioatment of the
coin ciop foi lootwoim is profit
Last yeai, tne Kieideis figure
they “only got half of the crop”
and the bugs got the other half
in some aieas This seuous dam
age, they note was in the con
tinuous com aieas
The Kieideis have a steer fat
tening opcation and the corn,
along with giam and hay they
glow, is an unpoitant pait of
then feeding piogiam
This yeai they bought a spe
cial attachment foi then tiactor
to an insecticide band
about seven inches wide on the
low a piess wheel followed the
band The,> put about eight to
ten pounds of Bux-ten per acre
and say they have no rooUom
Problem this vem. except for
*cm 1 ovvs the > r , wlle « the y
(Continued on Page 8)
yield was also expected to toe
“We knew the new crop was
going to be high,” Landis said.
“But what leallv caused it (the
(Continued on Page 8)
Farm Calendar
Saturday, August 22
7pm —Lancastei County Pomo
na Giange picnic, Holtvvood
Athletic Field and Pavilion.
Sunday, August 23
Faim Women Camp at Camp
Swataia neai Bethel, August
Tuesday, August 25
Pennsylvania Poultry Festival
and Dutch Days, Hershey,
August 25 30
Countywide 4-H Pig Show and
(Continued on Page 13)
Wh.le extent of the bhghl dam
age is highly unccilam, some re
poils indicated the blight
could doMioy up to half the na
tions com uop If this happens,
a is expected to mciease the
puce significants foi the re
main ng coin othei giams also
should icccive inaiket boosts as
substitutes ate used foi corn
Max Smith Lancaster County
agiicultiual agent this week re
leased a lotlei John E Ayers
and Donald H Peteison, Penn
State depaitment of PJant Path
ology, presenting the latest state
wide mfoimation on the deadly
new blight
(Continued on Page 9)