Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 15, 1970, Image 7

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    Pa. Is Pilot Pork Promotion Area
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proLdon camSa.S ** ' SS PP >nd supplying poik cookery kits Council project is attracting an
The September pork camnaiL'n 'anwhile, Governor Raymond ’? eve /’ y £ ome e ?° no " llcs class ‘ edited reaction from the indus
—- P P ° rK nipai " n ’ Shafer has proclaimed Septem te “ h « r in the state - . . try w hich is “surprised and
„ , . . . , , her Pork Month for Pennsvl- , e Res f aurant Association pleased" that producers are try
(vetiysourg Mon Named vania. Plans to do its promotion of poik ing to help build more sales and
To Food Market Staff ? s . * m * nu feature following the consumption of pork.
* After Visaing witn pacKer and initial impact of the advertising Although a short campaign
E. W “Ted” Thomas Jr of retailer leaders in the state, 1 ■
Gettysburg, was recently ap- Crayon Knau, program direc- || Jj J It f, _
pointed the assistant director of re P^rt s that Council adver- | OIK | |*O(IUC6I > S 3IMI ■ Gllll 3ftdtG
the U.S. Department of Agricul- Rising will be carried in a total
tare’s Northeast Region Plentiful of 16 Cltjes blanketing the state ■ L f • II ■
Foods Program Staff in New The billboards are slated to be I ai|||f h \Uf|||o IllfllllStl'V Sflllllf
York. erected by September 1/ wnmw liiWIIJll y
Mr. Thomas brings to his new Full-color high-fidelity ads will At a recent meeting of the tilation and odor pi oblems duim
position eight years of experi- launch the campaign in Phila- Pennsylvania Pork Producers mg all seasons and types of
ence "heading up the Federal Ad- delphia, Pittsburgh, Scranton, Council, the members approved weather,
ministration of USDA family Wilkes-Bane. Allentown and an allocation of funds to study As new ideas are put into oper
tood assistance, child feeding and Hamsburg the performance of new build- atloni the performance will be
ra d w. f og l' ams iV} 16 These cities, plus Lancaster, hog equipment in Penn- studied The ]nfomation com
delnhiafieW o S S tonandPhl a ’ Reading - Elle and Altoona will y ‘ P R ed from these studies will be
T * receive additional impact fiom Financed by the Nickels for made avajlable to the producer
j In this assignment, he will as- a month-long ladio advertising p ro fit voluntary checkoff pro- in P ubbcatlons and at educa
6ist in the supeivision of Plen‘i- schedule To round out the cov- gram m t he various markets tlonal meetin § s -
Rro = iam activities in e age. the Allegheny Network of across the state, this pioject will This pioject is just a start for
n r f a as SIX stations will put the Council’s be done in co-operation with the the Pennsylvania Poik Pioduc-
Dis ict of Columbia pork messages into six smaller Agricultural Engineenng De- eis’ nickels invested in impiov
\ Under the program, food pro- cßies In noith-central Pennsyl- partment and Animal Science mg the pi eduction of hogs foi
ducts designated by USDA as vania. Depaitment of Penn State Uni- our state,
ra abundant supply, are given Major meat retail organizations vei sity.
Marketing assistance by the PFP aie planning to augment Council Fuither information on this
Staff through peisonal contacts advertising with special poik The Penn State Peisonnel will pioject can be received by con-
Suth major food distributoi s, features in their usual ads, and study and compaie vauous op- tactmg Dwight Younkm, Animal
feeders and the news have agreed to make maximum eiations across the state includ- science Depaitment, Penn State
media. use of pomt-of-sale materials m S cost of housing, labor, ven- Umveisity I
Red Rose
Waiter Binkley & Son Heistand Bros. Musser Farms, Inc.
Lititz Elizabethtown Columbia
Brown & Reo, Inc.
Etyerson Supply Co.
L. T. Geib Estate
I. B. Graybifl & Son
E. Musser Heisey & Son
R. D #2, Mt Joy, Pa,
the best you know
Red Rose Dairy Feeds
are the feeds you need 1 They provide all the nutrients cows
need for maintenance and put more milk in the pail
Take Red Rose 14 Test-Cow Feed, for example. This
course-textured all purpose feed can be fed to your milk-
ing cows, dry cows, calves and bulls. You can feed it all
seasons but it's especially helpful to keep appetites from
lagging during warm weather.
Other Red Rose Dairy Feeds are available in many protein
levels. Select the one that suits your particular need and
feed with a satisfaction you have never known before!
Red Rose Farm
Service, Inc.
N. Church St., Quairyville
David B. Hurst
G. R.-Mitchell, Inc.
Refton, Pa,
Mountyille Feed Service
. and Red Rose Supplements
Chos. E. Souder & Sons
H. M. Stauffer & Sons.
‘ Inc.
j~ r 1 -
Musser's Mill
The Buck
Terre Hill
Ammon E. Shelly
E. P. Spotts, Inc.
Honey Biook
Lancaster Farming. Saturday. August 15.1970-
Herr 62, of 1564 Mrllport
Road, Lancaster, ear her thrs
year descrtbed hrmself as being
actrve rn farm and land real
estate He sard he had been
farming rn the areas of darry,
poultry and steers “srnce 1 was
a boy ”
One of the orrgrnal group of
agrrcultural leaders responsrble
for estabhshrng the Farm and
Home Center, 1383 Arcadra
Road, Herr was actrve rn fman
crng the project and rn Febru
ary was elected charrman of the
Foundation which oversees the
Grube to Teach
Ag at Warwick
Clifford N Grube Jr will be
the new vo-ag teacher at War
wrck High School, effective
September 1, accoidrng to Dr.
Dale Winger, superintendent of
Giube, 26, is mamed and cur
rently lives in Doylestown in
Bucks County A 1967 graduate
of Delawaie Valley College in
Doylestown with a BS degree in
dairy husbandry and poultry
science, Grube taught vo-ag two
yeais at North Burlington
County Regional High School in
New Jersey.
He replaces James Kerr, who
resigned to teach horticulture
at the new Brownstown vo-tech
Two Solanco vo-ag teacheis
the past year will also be at
Biownstown Tfiey are - Ralph
Layman, who will be principal,
and J Richaid Wood, floricul
tuie instiuctor.
tloci not lend itself to scientific
mc.isuicnu.nt of icsults, pcnnsyl
v.mi.i State Umvcisity stuff peo
ple have agreed to check icsults
thiough meats merchandisers
and through sales tonnage com
parisons where available.
The Pennsylvania Poik Pro
ducers Council will be buying
billboaids in ceitain areas across
the state. For additional informa
tion, contact Eugene Wmgeit, St
Thomas, Pa.; Craighton Knau,
3301 Ingersoll, Des Moines, lowa
50312; John Henkel, Stiasburg
RDI, or Mark Nestleroth, Mar
heim RD3.
John H. Herr
John H. Herr
Dies Suddenly
John H Herr, chan man of
the Faim and Home Founda
tion, died suddenly Monday at
Lancaster General Hospital.
He was buned Thursday at
Melhnger’s Mennonite Church,
where he was a member and a
Sunday school teacher