G Lancaster Farming. Saturday. August 15.1970 Society 2 Society of F.nm Women 2 held i!» anmi.il family picnic at the Lititz Chinch of the Biethien picnic giounds Each member brought a cov e cd dish for the event. Ronald Ooidley. Lititz, led the devotions. A shoit business meeting was conducted by the president, Mrs. Andrew Low \ donation was voted to the Mental Health Association, the County project for the yeai The g -otip also wrapped five kits for the migrant workers Mis. Low gave a icport of the County Executive board meeting. Appioximately 36 members and their families attended the pic ric. Latei, games were played atid puzes awarded. Membeis of Society 2 will have a food stand at the sale of Miss Leona Gingiich, Manheim. Society 17 “Where in the Woild Were Aou This Siimmei’” will be the question membeis of Farm Wo men 17 answer dining then Sep tembei 3 meeting, it was an nounced recently Plans weie made to have a baked goods sale at the Lancas- STRETCH tractors, combines, corn heads, corn pickers, corn harvesters, wmdrowers, balers, forage harvest ers, cotton pickers, cotton harvesters and cotton strippers purchased now and financed through Inter national Haivesior Credit Corporation. Your trade-m may handle your down payment! STOP IN FOR FULL DETAILS Kauffman Bros. MOUNTVILLE Cope & Weaver Co. Messick Farm Equip. NEW PROVIDENCE ELIZABETHTOWN 786-7331 367-1319 • . u . C. B. Hoober International Harvester on EPmATA 1 * 5 “;35283 Farm Societies tci County Convention of Faim Women to be held Nov. 7 at the Farm and Home Cenlei Co-hostesses wcie Mis. Ruth Shenk and Mis Veina Lloyd. Mis Peail O’Donnel and Mrs Virginia Jackson will serve as co hostesses for the Sept meet ing which will be held at the home of Mis Gladys Sprout, Diumore. Sociefy 25 Farm Women Society 25 met at the Safe Harbor Park for a covered dish family picnic. Eleven members and their families were piesent. Laban Byers led the group in Grace before luncheon. Mrs Wade G i off conducted the business meeting in absence of the President Roll Call was answeied by telling the O, 'oiin about vacation Mrs Wade Groff reported that she had taken five dozen cookies to the USO Satui day August 8 Societies 25 and 26 will entei tam guests at the Conestoga View Thuisday Septembei 17, 1970 The County Convention will be held at the Faim & Home Cen tei, Lancaster, Novembei 7, 1970 The cost of the luncheon YOUR 285-5951 Women tickets will be $3 The Slate Con vention will be held at the Faim Show Building. Hainsbuig. Jan uary 11 and 12, 1971 Mrs Joseph Bieneisen will have ballets leady foi the next meeting in which the Faim Wo man of the Year fiom society 25 will be chosen Program of the evening was games piovided by our social committee, Mrs. Maynard War fel, Mrs Donald Lohr, Mrs Chester Eshleman, and Mrs. Paul Roland. The next meeting will be an Anmversaiy Banquet to be held at the West Willow Fire Hall, West Willow, at 630 pm Pio gram theme is “Home Talent” Society of Farm Women 22 met in the home of Mrs Willis Lefever, Strasbuis RDI on Tne«- * Society 22 CASHWAY I! 5/umfaiQ.o. p :pU Look For This Sign") PANELING Aluminum Storm Doors Markov “Highlight By Weather-Seal” Inc 30”, 32” or 36”x80” [L -J ll $17.97 Including Haidware Haul Your Own And Save . . . Delivery Available 3 Miles East on Route 340 2275 Old Philadelphia Pike LANCASTER, PA. day evening. Mrs Harold Zook was co-hostess The piogiam featured a food and gniden sale. The group voted to give $lO toward pm chasing supplies foi the Red Cioss Ditty Bags foi sei viccmen Mis Leslci Landis. 2088 Cicek hill Road, Lancastci. icminded members of the bus tom of Hai nsbuig on Tuesday, Sept 15 The bus will leave the cai bai n at 7 45 a m and will leluin to Lancastci at 6 30 p m The Agenda includes a tour ol the Governor's Mansion, the Cap itol and shopping at the Harus baig Mall Society 29 Society of Farm Women 29 toured the Masonic Homes, es corted by residents, during the August meeting. The business meeting and social hour was held in the Grand Lodge. Mrs. Ronald Ober, president, was in charge of the session. Mrs. Clayton Ranck led devo tions. Mrs Christian Strickler and Mrs. Keith Vogt were hos tesses. A gift of $25 was forwarded to the treasure* of Lancaster County Farm Women toward the County project. Mental Health. WELCOME Pre-finished PANELING Three Patterns 4’xB’ sheets *2.75 ASPHALT ROOHN6 Sealed Down By The Sun Against Wind & Weather Special sealing agent activated by sun bonds down each shingle tab. Hurricanes can’t lift them' Handsome colors. Written wind wairanty. 240 lbs per sq $7.49 sq. 2x4 8 Kiln Dried RUBBEROID GYPSUM WALLBOARD Easy To Handle Economical Low in cost, easy to woik vet sti actually stiong Easiei to use than similai materials because it scoies, dimples, and joint finishes moi e smoothly Foi any suiface decoia tion %”x4’xB' . ... $1.28 1 /2”x4’xB‘ $1.44 %”x4’xl2’ . . $2.16 IT’S THE SELLING PRICE THAT COUNTS! COMPARE AT CASHWAY BEFORE YOU BUY 67c OPEN 7 30 to 5 30 SIX DAYS A WEEK. Phone: 397-4829 Phone: 397-4820 Mrs. Obcr reported on the County executive board meet* ing and urged individual mem. bers to send legislators letters slating views on X-rated movies. They also commended Sen. Richaid Snyder for his interest and stand concerning legisla. tion directed at control of view), ing such films. The Society will enter a con* lestant in the Farm Women of the Year contest. She will bft selected at the next meeting which is planned on Sept 21 at 7 30 pm. in the home of Mrs. David Becker, Mount Joy RDI. Election of new officers and a cosmetic demonstration by member, Mrs. Richard Shellen* berger, will be presented. Call Us Now To reach the Lancaster County farm community at the least possible cost, ad vertise in Lancaster Farm ing. Call us at 394-3047 or 626-2191 from 8 a.m. to 5 p m. Monday through Friday. The 626-2191 (ask for Lancaster Farming) number enables Manheim, Ephr a t a and Akron patrons to avoid a toll call. Hardboards. American Made ' 4’xB’ Vs” Standard ... $1.48 Vi” Standard .. $2.48 Vs” Tempered .. $2.32 1 4” Tempered ... $4.45 BARN SIDING IxB #3 Spruce $14.00 100 Sq. Ft. 1 . - * p jsjt t' 5 gal Liquid Roof Coating . .. 53.35 5 gal Plastic Roof Cement . .. $3.95 5 gal Alum- Coating $10.95 1 gal. cans also available