Grube’s Hogs Top FFA Show A Wamp-Yoik Ciossbrcd won .md om He ttic Grand .md ,i scive Bicod Championship Yorkshire won the Heservi and (i.udcn Spat both #nnd Championship m the had two bicod champions and Eighth Annual Lancasloi Conn- two toserve bleed champions ty FFA Market Hog Show and Sale held at the Lancaster Stock yards on Tuesday, Both the Giand Champ.on and Gar(,tn s P ot H'Rh School, won Eesciye Grand Champion wcic the filling contest m (he compc exhibited by Mike Giubc. a tition The awaid for showman sophomore in tllc ship went to Claik Stauffer of Chapter of FF\. Mike won Ephiala. three breed championships and «ae second place In all, the four Second m the fitting contest hogs Mike enteied won six was Claik Slauffei. and thud awards was Fiank Ruoss of New 110 l The Grand Champion, a 225 £nc * ponnd Dan ow set a ieco. cl p. ice Donald Bollmgei f. om Eph. ata for the FFA Sale The pig went was secon d in u ie showmanship to Penn Packing foi SI Iper con test and Jesse Bdlmei Q P f pound The best any Giand Wdlwlck was thlld Champion had brougnt befoie Kvas $Bl Mike lecencd 5263 25 for his Grand Champion in the sale which followed the The Reseive Giand Champion, o£ f th « h ° gS Theavel^ a 215 pound gilt, also d.ew a ® f . th « wa £, 209 recoid price, $64 per pound % " It went to E W Martin Pack- f ® la ° e , 52613 pet ing Company for $137 60 The hu ? d i e sT® h i These ave ‘ a S^ previous top price had been the^ a e pilce for a i the *6O per pound Champion and Reseive Cham- T r • pmn hogs. The contest was the fust FF\ . hog competition for Mike He ™ e tot^^ e ' ght the , h °f fcas been raising pigs for thiee was , 66 ’ 770 Pounds and the years and has exhibited m 4-H £ tal sales amounted to ? 17 -' contests The highest Mike ever went in the 4-H competition was breed leseive champion The Warwick Chapter made a the sale on Tuesday afternoon fine showing in the competition, Repiesented were Penn Packing taking the Grand and Reserve Company, E. W Martin, Kunz- Championships, four Breed lei, A & B Packing, Armour Mr. and Mrs. Paul Livengood and daughter Nancy watch closely as their son participates in the hog show competition. With the Livengoods is Miss Raye Jean Shields. The Livengoods live at Manheim RD3. The lepoit fiom the Conseiva tion Distnct office last week that Ivan Yost, Christiana RDI would be eligible foi the state plowing contest at Heishev was in error, officials said this w'eek Frank Ruoss, one of the competitors m the FFA Hog yost fimshed second in the Show, watches the judging along with his parents, Mr and C ontoui plowing contest at New Mrs. Frank Ruoss, of New Holland. Frank was one of the Holland and would be eligible successful exhibitors in the show, winning the Duroc Breed only if the fust place wmnei Championship and placing third in the Fitting Contest. did not attend, officials said Filling, Showmanship Ei ic Zcisct of New Holland, A total of 319 head wei e sold Eight Buyers Eight buyeis were present at FFA Grand Champion and Reserve Mike holds the Grand and Resen e Grand Champion were shown by Mike Champion trophies above each of his Grube from the Warwick FFA Chapter. prize winning pigs. Packing, John Hoober, J P Wai-Spot; reserve, Eric Zeiset of Mike Grube, leseive, Euc fel, and Chailes Poor Garden Spot; Beikshne—Mar- Zeiset, Open Class—champion. Mr Henry Gruber from \&B lm B °Bmger of Ephiata, ic- Ken Giube of Waiwick, and Packing was the judge foi the seive> Eu S ene Bollingei of Eph- icseive, Robeit Halting of morping competition rata, Cxossbied champion, Ephiata This yeai’s show was the , » usual The good showing came about despite the lecent epidem- MMP ic of hog choleia in the County |j“Jj r s Sale Chairman Maik Camp bell said he knew of only one boy who could not show his hogs because of the disease Campbell further stated that the boy in volved only had stock under ob servational quarantine Breed Champions The bleed champions and le serve champions were Yoikshne —champion, Mike Grube of Waiwick, leseive, Joe Lefevei of Manheim, Hampshne—cham pion, Mike Giube leseive, Jesse Balmer of Waiwick, Poland China—Meivin Gioff of Man heim, leseive, David Biandt of Manheim, Spotted Swine—Lin ford Weavei of Eplnafa le seive, Alvin Redcay of Gaiden Spot. Landi ace champion, In in Saylor of Elizabethtown le seive, Glenn Obeiholtzer of Elizabethtown, Duioc cham pion, Fiank Ruoss of Gaiden Yost Not In State Contest LaiH’fisti’r Farm Showmanship Award —Clark Stauffer from the Ephrata Chapter was judged the best showman at the FFA Hog Show and Sale on Tuesday Clark is seen showing one of his hogs in an earlier competition. Stauffer \\ as also second in the fitting contest. mg. Siitui clii,\. Ai.gml (i. 1070 0 *
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