Winners of the Guernsey Judging Contest held as part of the Guernsey Breeders Field Day are Mr. Ellis Den linger, Stephen Combs, and Mrs Vaughn Moore. Mr. Den lingec received a model of a Guernsey cow, Stephen was awarded a 50 pound bag of milk replacer, and Mrs. Moore was presented an insulated picnic jug. All the prizes were presented by Marilyn Krantz, Lancaster County Dairy Princess. NEW - IT'S SAFE IT'S PROVEN and developed by Michigan State IT'S Researched University. The most economical liquid additive yet deve loped to make corn silage a complete ration for cattle. For Fall use, ordeis must be taken immediately. For details inquire jftuarryville, Pa. Dealers LANCASTER BONE FERTILIZER CO. Quarryville, Pa. 717-786-7348 ORGANIC PLANT FOOD CO. Lancaster, Pa. Paradise, Pa. Distributor LAN-CHESCO CO. AMOS EBY & CO. 717-786-3527 after 6 P.M, 717-392-4963 717-687-6091 Guernsey Day (Continued from Page 1) scorer* woe Jovee Wagner. Quai i yvillc RD2, 200 1: Thelma Gaibcr. Willow Sheet RD2, 200; Mrs Aithnr Rieneman, Willow Sheet RDI. and Deboiah Sollcn berger, Goiclonville, ID9 7. Youth winner* weie Stephen Combs, Pat a disc RDI, 233 4; Donald Breneman. Stiasbuig RDI, 233 3, Baibara Myer, Eliz abethtown RD3, 226 7, Allan Ci icier, Nottingham, 216 6. Bob Shoff, Elizabethtown RD3, 200 1. Foi their effoits, Denhngei iecei\cd a large model of a Guernsey cow. Mis Mooic was given an insulated picnic jug, and Stephen was piesented a 50 pound bag of milk leplacer \ppi oximatcly 150 attended the field day actfvities Chester Co. Extension Aides Go to Conference Extension ruunlion aides liom 27 Pennsylvania counties had the oppoilumty to shaie expe’iences and to impiove then job skills dining a confeience at Pennsyl vania State Umveisity, Umveis ity Paik iccently Attending the confeience fiom Chester County weie extension nutiition aides, Mis Julia Bauza, West Chester, Mrs Blanche Bowers, Avondale, Mis. Alice Carter, Mrs Indiana Morton, Mrs Elizabeth Robinson all of Coatesville, Mrs. Elizabeth Lear, Phoenixville, and Mrs. Mane Simmons, Kennett Square, Mrs Maiie Dorlander, West Chester and Miss June Wilke, Extension Home Economist. Try A Classified It Pays Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 8,1970- Penn State Poultry Tour Termed Highly Successful The Lancaster County Poulliy \ssocialion tup to Penn Stale (his week was vciy successful, nccoiding to Jay liwin, associate county r.-gent Some 33 pioduccis, equipment manufactuieis and teed sup pliers made the bus tup not a many as had been hoped but scveial othei local activities pi obably kept the numbeis down some, it was indicated But liwin said the inteiest ol those who went was excellent The piogiam included Dr Glenn Biesstei s sloping wne Hoot and automatic manuie diying and cleaning system also his leseaich on clifleient typos oi floois foi bleeding flocks in an effoit to cut down on dust, bactcna on eggs and bud foot problems At the disease lab, Di Robei t F Gently discussed his woik on Maiek’s vaccine which shows the vaccine is effective in con- Conservation Officials Bid Farewell at Party Two Southeastern Pennsyl vania soil conservation officials who retued recently weie honor ed Wednesday night at a faie well party at Hillcrest Supper Club at Elizabethtown They were. Robeit (Al) Young, district conservationist for York County, and W Merrill Kunkle, soil scientist for the Lebanon County distnct Each had seived in seven states duung his career Young was in conservation woik for 36 yeais and Kunkle for 35 years tiolling Maiek’s A tour of the animal science building to see the woik of Di. Edwaid Buss on genetics The pioduct development ic seaich of Di Joe McNeil on poulliy pioccssing to obtain new pioducts This woik includes putting poulliy meal in.o hot clogs In the afternoon the gioup split up, giving each pci son an oppoitunny to ietui n to one of the above aieas of intei est for lui then mloimation Di Kenneth Goodwin, head of the poultiy science depat tment, oiganized and conducted the tom with the assistance of Di. Floyd Hicks and Pi of Heibeit Joi dan, extension poulliy specialists CONVENIENCE IS ELECTRIC HEAT! Whether you prefer to dial the temperature in every room or have one thermostat you can set and forget... there's nothing as convenient as electric heat. Because it's flameless and fuelless, only electric makes heating so carefree! For a free estimate of operating costs for your home, call PP&L today. 7