Ifl -Lancaster Forming. Saturday. August 8.1970 FFA Begins Rural America Program Making mini communities bet- Picsidenl. made thr •ii nliccs in which to live nnd ment at a Capitol Hill buakl.ii. vi,k ?; T new (or S.nle FFA <om.iu.nKv action pi or. am an- Conßiessmen. and Scnniois no..need icccnllv by the National "This is an opportunity to. o. r mi/alion of tin. Futu.e young people to show thcli con corn fo. Amcnca by getting ac ..lines of \meiica Uvciv involved in their com- Theme of the new p.ogi.im is .. Blldwo n (old the group •Building On. American Com- J,, w s lotc offices and 40 Con iminilies" nrtltem „n H.mv Bn dwell. National FF\ " rCssnun - Robert Good Attends (Continued fiom Page 17) events was the announcement of i new FFA community action p ogi am—“ Building Oui Amen can Communities" Announce- ment of the new piogiam was a ,dc at a Capitol Hill bieakfast foi state officus, then Senalois an ! Congiessmen The "Building Om Amencan ' immunities pi ogi am combines c'sssioom studv with action pio to get FFA membeis in volved in making then comniun- U es bettei places in which to jive and vvoik Sta e office's fiom 49 states . tended the FFA confeienee p ogiam designed to impiove the FUTURE is HERE with REX SELF-UNLOADING forage box FUTURE THE BOX DESIGNED WITH THE'A FARMER IN MIND SIMPLE ... SMOOTH ... Worm Driven NO RATCHET Main Apron Woi m Driven Beaters SAFE .. . FINGER FORCED STRONG . .. FEEDING Built with Good (“PEELS” OFF THE LOAD) NO AUGER - NO RATCHET For Handling Of Heavy Loads Smooth, Easy, Trouble Free Comolete 14 foot box (16 foot overall) 2 beater 54” high 7 ft wide inside Revei se and Swinging Tailgate for Bale Thrower $95 00 extra Right oi Left Hand unloader available $1095. F. 0.8. Locke, N.Y. KINZER EQUIP. CO. Your Equipment Center in Lancaster County Box 23, Kinzer, Pa. Phone 442-4186 Phone 768-8916 leadeiship skills, and develop an unde, standing of the national heutage Duung the week the FFA officei s had an opportunity to exchange ideas with other officei s thioughout the nation In addition to the training ses sions. the FFA membeis visited Ml Veinon Plantation, the Na tional Ai chives, Aihngton Na tional Cemeteiy, and seveial other histone monuments and memonals in and atound the Capital Good, age 19, is the son of Mi and Mis Haiold C Good of Au ville, Pa His vocational agncul tme instmctoi is John G Myeis In addition to his duties as State Ist Vice Piesident he, is cm lently opeiating a 75 head daily opeiation with 316 acies * LANCO LOCKE, N.Y. -• •Wo want to make it cleai". nairt Bn dwell. "that students of vocational agncultuie and mem bei s of the FFA arc training for occupations in both farming and agnbusiness Because of oui ex panded inteicsts and the desue of our members to be associated with agncultuic, we feel it is essential to build strong rural communities where they can live and work in agriculturally ie latcd jobs This will be possible only if jobs are available and i ural communities are desirable places in which to live and woik,” he said. The Building Oui American Communities program is a joint effort of the FFA, the U S Office of Education and the Farmeis Home Admimstiation (FHA). an agency of the United States De railment of Agncultuie The FHA has piepaiecl a “Guide to Undei standing and Developing Communities” foi use by vo ag instiuctois in the high school vocational agncultuie classioom The guide outlines discussion that can be ielated to any com munity and includes topics such as identifying the wants and needs of the local community, analyzing the lesouices available foi community impiovcment and how to cany out constiuc tive pi ejects foi impiovmg the community A second phase of the pi ogi am will involve FFA members in community action piojects Chapteis will be encouiaged to take on constiuctive piojects that will impiove then communities Some piojects being suggested include suiveys of community land, water, manpowei and trans poitation lesouices, job surveys, envuonmental clean up and con tiol and community health and safety piojects As we view Ameuca’s futuie, it becomes moie evident that rural Ameuca must help find solutions to the pioblems of con gested uiban centeis,” said Bud well in announcing the progiam “The overpopulation of cities can be i educed,” he explained, “pio vided that sufficient ]obs, ade quate housing and municipal fa cilities can be secuied.to make uual and semnuial aieas moie attractive places in which to live and woik ” Mak mov< save! Drive a new or used John Deere Tractor all fall and winter... no finance charges until March I, 1971 We’ve sharpened our pencils, and our terms are better, too Effective im mediately—no finance charges until March 1, 1971 on the tractor of your choice . any model, any horsepower size new or used equipment Get today’s prices, today’s trade-in allowances Make your move here right now! Stop in for moneysaving details! Wenger Implement, Inc. A. B. C. Groff, Inc. The Buck 284 4141 New Holland 354-4191 M. S. Yearsley & Sons Shotzberger's West Chester 696-2990 Elm 665-2141 Landis Bros. Inc. Lancaster 393 3906 In addition to support from the 5 000 awaids me available to FHA. sovcial lop government FFA chapters that lake an active officials including Piesidenl role in improving theii com- Nixon have given their veibaL nlunlties support of the FFA Community "We realize this project is Action Program Lilly Endow- quite an undei taking," said Bird ment, Inc., of Indianapolis, Indi- “however, we anticipate ~ ••‘■"“"ii as s as^issss Our American Communities’ p ,ejects as a result program thiough the National 0 f FFA efforts to help coordinate FFA Foundation. Inc More than rural development " ,
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