Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 08, 1970, Image 14
-Lnncnstcr Farming. Saturday. August 8.1D70 14 Sale Register KHI sKI’T 18—7 30 PM Fall V i line Cattle Salt* to bi* held a. the Fainu'is Livestock Kv rh.mei. Inc located IVj mill’s \n»; n( Winchestei. Va. on U S Route SO KUI OCT 2—l P M Feeder Calf S.i!i> and Show to be held at the Farmeis Livestock Exchange 1c ated IHz miles west of Win chester Va on U S Route 50 FRI OCT. 16—7 30 PM. Fall Yearling Cattle Sale to be held al tl.e Farmers Livestock Ex change. Inc located miles wis; of Winchester, Va. on U.S Route 50 ■rRI OCT 30—7.30 PM. Feeder Jalf Sale to be held at the Farm- Livestock Exchange located I*2 miles west of Winchester, /a. on US Route 50. SELL * YOUR JTjm > BUTCHER .) HOGS r^JI DIRECT TO ****-' ARMOUR CO. READING, PA. We will be glad to look at your hogs & bid you. CALL AL SHAFFER AT (215) 376-2941. Evenings (215) 779-314? MILLER'S Sales and Service Inventory Clearance We are overstocked with Used Equipment Finance JDCP! No interest until spring. DIGGER, POTATO Buy Now Oliver 2 row JD level bed 2 row HARROWS, DISC As low as $95 JDKBA 14 ft. 6” - 48 blade HARROWS, SPRING TOOTH As low as $75 HARVESTERS, FORAGE JH No. 8 $395 Gehl Chop-All . . JD No. 6 $695 New Holland 800 MOWER - JD No. 10 PICKERS - JD 227 - $695; JD 237 - $1795 CORN SHELLER - $595 PLOWS as low as $75 TRACTORS AC “B” $95; Case 5118 $795; Farmall H $395; Ford 440 w/loader $2895 John Deere H - $250; B - $325 ; 50 - $795 ; 60 - $995; 520 - $1695; 720 D - $1795 ; 3010 G - $2495; 4010 G - $3895; 4010 D - $4195; 3020GPS - $3995; 4020 D - $5295; 4020 DPS - $5495 WAGONS, FORAGE NH No. 6 MISCELLANEOUS LAWN AND GARDEN TRACTORS AND EQUIPMENT POTATO HARVESTER Dahlman 2 row pull Further reduced to only $B5OO. MILLER'S SALES & SERVICE, INC Highway BSI Stewartstown, Pa. Yoik County’s Progressive Dealer Brillion & Lel^ Ph. 717-993-247# John Deere Dahlman Potato & Brady Harvesters Moil Box Market in™ with ducts, used lumber—-Bxl2x Fo. Sale - McCoimick Decrinrj 30 hr. 3x 12x24 hem lock; shutte. s Kn-ila"c Ctillei; MeCo’mick split Jog s 2 „V I i ° 2 2236 11 actor Good Condition piieces c.ipibig fo. n mul B Simiekei. C.ordonville 8 inch blocks: outside dooi s Con- RDI. Pa. near Zcllcnreich Walter Hoover. Knsl hail Chinc-h IRDI. Pa. along route 23 east of ; Gooth ille. Foi Sale—Model 616 Mew Hol land llaivestcr Phone 733-8770. For Sale—While Eskimo pups Paul Stoltzfus. one mile south of Lampeter. Wanted 16 inch Gehl Enslage cutter. Stale price and condition. Jonas Zook, Quarryvillc RD3, Pa. 17566 For Sale Dark brown work horse. 9 years old. Eli K. Stoltz fus. Gordonville RDI, cast of Cenleiville school. For Sale One set of double tobacco ladders 20 feet long; a John Deere No. 8 mower. 215- 445-6453 For Sale—JD #l2 corn chopper and a JD Tank Manure Spread ei. Phone 394-8184. Wants to Buy—A used windmill, also 9 or 10 foot harrow roller packer. Earl Heist, Norristown RDI, Pa, 215-584-6667. For Sale—looo tobacco lathe and 600 yearling biown egg layers. Wanted Papec silo filler, 14 inch size for parts. Apply to John M. Martin, Denver RDI, Pa. 17517. For Sale—2 registered Holstein Heifers, Bred. Dam’s Record 17,261 lb. 600 Butter Fat. 305 days. Sire—Ty-Vic Grand Sire, Ivanhoe. Call 215-869-2978 after 4 P.M. Only $595 $595 $695 $995 Choice Moil Box Market For Sale Hot all oil finnan For Sale St Bernard pupp>, male. 6 weeks old. AKC; also, female Bassett. 4 ycai s old. AKC Joseph Fisher 215 932-8499. For Sale —220 x Plate Mill Kohler Electric Plant, 3 hp. Petter Diesel. Phone—44s-5201. Miscellaneous Welter Stively, Jr. Mechanical Repairing of All Kinds 242 W. State St, Quarryville, Pa. Phone 786-2252 or 756-3755 STUD SERVICE Sybnan Huskey Samoyed Dog Old English Sheep Dog AKC Registered LANDSIDE KENNELS Phone 215-445-6918 East Earl RDI WOOD SHAVINGS. Ideal for work-ways and bedding. $l2 per ton. Can be delivered in bulk loads of 10-12 tons. Less expen sive than straw or tanbark. Con tact Bob Geist at Leola Supply Co. Inc. Ph. 717-656-6811. For Sale MUSHROOM SOIL for your lawn and garden. GAP NEWPORT MUSHROOM FARMS. INC. Ph. Avondale 215-268-8808 Lancaster 394-2611 FREE CIRCULAR. Country Western Records or Tape Car tridges—Fiddle Tunes—Waltzes —Blue Grass Uncle Jim O’Neal, Box A-LF, Arcadia, Calif. 91006 $245 $395 For Sale Dried Wood Shav ings Store now for winter, use while available. Phone 215-267- 6726. Instructional DRIVERS NEEDED Tiam now to drive semi truck, local and over the road Diesel or gas, experience helpful but not necessary. You can earn over $4 00 per hour after short train ing For interview and applica tion, call 304-232-6700, or write Safety Dept, United Systems, Inc, 183 N. River Road, Wheel ing, West Virginia, 26003. Help Wanted Wanted Milker for 40 cow Guernsey herd. Pleasant work -1 mg conditions. Top wages, 6 day [week, paid vacation. Prefer married man. Provide 3 bedroom house in excellent condition with utilities. Would like exper ienced person but willing to train References required. Write Coventry Farm, Box 348, Prince ton, New Jersey. 08540 or call 609-921-2292. -Wanted: Hired man for dairy Jfarm, some experience neces sary. Send letter to Box 20, c/o LANCASTER FARMING, P. &: Box 266, Lititz, Pa. 17543. Wanted Reliable man to work op dairy farm. Must have clean habits Write Box 266 A, c/o Lan caster Farming, Lititz, Penna. 17543. Money will be loaned by private paity at less than standard iates Collateral is icqmied. Write Box 266 B, c/o Lancaster Farm ing, Lititz, Pa. 17543. Loans Form Equipment* For Snlc—New Lll Coll Cam pci Cabs for all size pick-up trucks 5135 00 and up. Famuli 400 with late model cotnpickcr New idea model 310 cornpicker —good condition Late model John Deere thrash ing machine—like new All types of farm machinery. ELWOOD FLOWERS Manheim RD2, Pa. Phone 653-4830 JD 1010 Special w/loader JD 50 w/loader Oliver 77 Diesel Super 92 Combine 82 Combine M M. WEAVER & SONS Lcola, Pa. Ph: 656-7702 HYDRAULIC OIL Good Quality—Good Prices Haverstick Bros. 2111 Stone Mill Road Lancaster, Pa. Phone 392-5722 Don’t wait til the last minute Get your corn picker repaired now ALLEN H. MATZ, Inc New Holland, Pa. 354-2214 Doiry Equipment 285 gal. Girton self contained, ready to plug in. Good condi tion. 200 gal. Girton bulk tank 300 gal. Esco, good condition Ph: Intercourse 768-8228 CLARK ELECTRIC Rl. Kinzers, Pa. All beef and dairy farmers can purchase Carnation Farms Semen direct from Joseph P. Tramor, Honey Brook, Pa. 19344, or phone 215-273-3847 or 273- 3817. Reel Estote Wanted to Rent—Artist desires 3 or 4 bedroom house in coun try. Can supply references. Phone 394-6512. Form Equipment IVd Tractors and Equipment 2010 .1 1) (ins .11) 030 1)170 \C 706 Internntionnl 430 T .ID w/cultlvalors 420 W .ID w/cnlllvalors .ID 38 Harvester JD #6 Harvester NH 818 Harvester #lO and 50 JD side mtd. Mowers. 207 r Down. No Finance Charge til March 1. 1971. WENGER IMP. INC. The Buck, Pa. Ph: 2844141 TRACTORS Case 800 Case 400 Case 430 Case V.A.C, D.B. Hav Rake Case Rake Model 281 J.D. Hay Conditioner 550 Case Windrower N.I. Hav Crusher WALTER BINKLEY & SON R.D.#4, Lititz, Pa Ph: 626-2344 USED BELT TYPE TRACTORS IH W 9, Super W 9 Diesel, 660 Diesel, with 85 h.p. AC Dl9’s over 70 h p. Case 930 - 85 h.p. Also AC power Units Will Trade RAYMOND B. LEAMAN 2051 Butter Road. Lancaster Phone 394-2917 Livestock For Sale 5 home raised Hol stein Heifers, Springing, a few real close. Health Charts but not registered David Z. Esh, RDI, Gordonville, Pa. 1 mi. south of Intercourse on West Pequea Lane first farm. For Sale—Purebred Yorkshire hoars, bred gilts and open gilts. Carcass championship bloodlines. Willow Glen Farm. R.D. 1, Stras burg, Pa. Ph. AC 717-786-2562. Wanted to Buy—'Red and White Holstein Heifer Calves. Karl Herr, Kirkwood RDI, Phone 529- 2367.