Read Lancaster Farming For Full Market Reports Public Auction 80 - Registered And Top Grade Holstein Dairy Cattle - 80 Sale to be held in the dairy barn arena at the Aberdeen Sales Co. in Churchville, Harford Co., Md., located on Md. Rt, 22, 6 mi. east of Bel Air, Md., (via U.S. Rt. 1) and 6 mi. west of Aberdeen, Md., (via U.S. Rt. 40 or Kennedy High way), on FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1970 of- 8:00 P.M. EDST This is one of the finest groups of cattle to be offered this year. Sixty-five head are Canadian cows and heifers, most of which will be fresh at sale time. Also, there will be consignments of local animals either fresh or close spring ing. We have put together a top quality group of cattle for the start of .the new average months. Plan to help yourself by purchasing one or more of these quality animals. All cows T. B. Accredited, Certified Bangs Free and tested within 30 days of ssfie. Freshening dates, breeding and due dates, and milk weights will be a\ailable. i TERMS: CASH PRIVATE SALES DAILY ABERDEEN SALES CO. Sale Managers Phone: 301-734-6050 Night: 301-734-7105 301-272-1368 TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! RADIO CONTROLLED TRUCKS FOR BETTER SERVICE C. B. HOOBER & SON " Intercourse,Penna. Phone 768-8231 Sole Register be :ht l.**i *ale for 1070. Wc nil mutnc ~ v . on (OmmiMlon Terms by Paul u. U k S 'i r (,> 13 ~L 2 . 30 •>°f n Z. Marlin I’h. 717354 6671. Puiebud (tuemsey bale nt the Asj'n. Sales Pavilion, l.ancailer. S\T M‘C 32 10 00 \M, Pa, 50 Head Sale managed by Public Sale of t».»ii > CV.He. Pinna Guernsey Biu-deis' F.rm Kquipnuni and fools knai , P O Box 458, Camp Hill, id appioxlmnlelv 2 miles soulh Pa 17011. of l.amasU’i—lUadlns Tumplki lute uh.mcr 1 m«le S of Rt 222 FRI Al'G ’.4—6 30 PM 3 bod- Mon,: 807 Hmknotk Twp. loom conciete block bunaalo c.ntei Countv fn.n-bv Euccne with fame attached lanndiv. Zunmnman Dunn RDI. Elton bath and gatage with 12x21 Homing and Lnov Hoii>l. Am. frame bam. 9x13 pony shed, tiomti' Located 3 miles Northwest of; Terre Hill on E Pieffcr HiII,MON AUG. 24 Shalco Collpssil Road in Biccknock Twp. on Rt .Vacation Sale, Miratare, Nebras -897 at Fucpomtville Turn Westliu. on Fnepoinuille Road to E.; —■ Pbefler Hill Road Tei ms by John TEES SEPT 8— 2 P M Public E Peters. | Sale of Valuable Dam Faim located alone Rt 241. 3 miits FRI. AUG 14 —8 PM Public southwest of Elizabethtown, auction 80 Registeied and Top, West Donegal Townsh.p Teims Giade Holstein Daily Cattle to b.\ Abiam and Lain a K Gish be held in Inc dairv bam aiena at the Aberdeen Sales Co in ChuirhMlk. Haifoid Co. Md located on Md Rt 22. 6 mi. East oi Bel Air .Md Sale b\ Abeidecn Sales Co WED AUG 19—9 AM Maitm's Sale Bam. Blue Ball, Pa. Full line of faim equipment This will Purebred Guernsey Sale Thurs., August 13, 1970, 12:30 Noon At the Aas’n. Sales Pavilion, Lancaster. Pa. 50 Head 25 Cows 9 Bred & 16 Open Heifers Vaec. Bang’s Cert. T B. Accred 16 fresh or due hy September. The sale features 42 head, from Hill Girt Farms. Chadds ford, Pa. There is a chance to "buy some outstanding calves and heifers hy a son of Pntzlyn Jeanette's Flash. They showed some at the Chester County Show. July 27th. One was first in the Heifer Calf Class, another was second in the Sr. Heifer Calf Class, and another fourth place Two Year Old Hot Fresh. . . . , . „ The balance from Hill Girt are cows and heifers. George Newlm, Manager, has piclted a cross section of the herd, which has to he reduced in size. Additional consignments are cows and hred heifers either fresh or due soon. Don't forget, this is a NOON SALE. Sale Managed By: Penna. Guernsey Breedeis’ Ass’n. P.O. Bor 458 Camp Hill Ba.. 1)011 CALL Titus Burkholder Milk Keeper Bulk Tanks. 12 & 7 can Star Milk Coolers. Lehigh Refrigeration Compressors. Klenzade Automatic Bulk Tank Washers. NOTICE We have been appointed stocking warehouse for Milk Keeper Bulk Tanks. CALL Leroy Zook LANCASTER SILOS ACORN BARN EQUIPMENT WEAVERLINE CARTS CALL Cbas. Eshleman See Our Displav of Golden Malrin Bait; Also Ortho Fh Spra\ s Check Our Prices. BALER TWINE $7.60 Bote, 10 Boles or more Just Arrived ALUMINUM GATES 10 -12 -14 -16 Foot SPECIAL POLYETHYLENE FILM Covers 32 \ 100 6 Mill foot LoncnUfr Farming. SnUirdny. August )l. I!>70 1.1 THL’RS SEPT 10—11 AM Public Sale of 52 Head of Hieh Giadc and Rcgiste.ed Ilolslun Danv Cattle. Faini Eqiupment, Hay* and Stiaw. and Dairy Equipment. Located along Rt 241. 3 miles soutnwesl ol Eliz aoethtown. West Donegal Town ship Teims by J \e%m Gish Funk's Farm Market Gets Certification \inos Funk's F.nrn M.nKil. MuleisM’.le. was (he (~<■ of v-\eii suit m.nkcls lo nicise (he (Vi'ifnd F.nrn M.uket i.ilma of the I’i nnsvlv.nii.i He t.ul Finm Mai kit \ssn \ao ding !o Fil'd Funk, ie |) (■'( Dim-* Jus fa'hei's ni.nkil on the IHmcmbei .issot i.ilion, mi'iiibci sof iho oigani/at.on dc e.ded lo institute the eeiiificrl status and establish .1 code of ethics so etistomeis could lie sene tliev wcie buving qualily pioduec The association. he said, is aiming foi mcieasinglv higher st.lnd.llds hoping eventually lo lequiic that anyone lecenmg tne ee.tification mow at least 50 pel cent of the pioduce sold at the maiket Two association membeis, Funk said weie min ed down because their m.ukels did not meet high enough stand ards Funk stated that he knows of thiee 01 tom othei maikets wilhtn Lancaster Countv that could qualify for the ceitifica lion if the\ belonged to the asso ciation Robert K. Rohrer Bulldozing - Groding Potz Sales & Service Barn Cleaners - Silo Qnloaders - Cattle Feeders Quarr>\ille, R. D. 1 Eensel 548-2559
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