Swine Producers to Give $BO Grill to Best Cook The winner of the Cook Out Cook Out King Contest will be King Contest at the Lancastei announced. County Swine Produceis Field Day August 15 at the Faim and display will be all types of Home Center will receive an $BO feeders, auger equipment. Gas Grill, it was announced this bins, farrowing ciales. pen week. mateiials, fencing materials, hog scales, pre-fab poi table hog The Field Day will begin at houses, heating systems, and 1 p.m A baibecue will be held floor slats, from 5 to 6.30 p.m The list of exhibitors includes: Door prizes will be awarded at M. K. Hoke Est., Manheim; New 6 30 p.m. and the winner of the Holland Concrete. New Holland, I AVAILABLE NOW I FOR AUGUST SEEDING | • Cert. Saranac Alfalfa • Cert. Pennscott Red I Clover r • Cert. Vernal Alfalfa • Cert. Ladino Clover • Cert. DuPuits Alfalfa _ „ . _. .. • Cert. Climax Timothy • Cert. Buffalo Alfalfa • Pennlate Orchard Grass • Cert. Iroquois Alfalfa • Pasture Mixtures YES WE WILL HAVE CERTIFIED BLUE BOY WHEAT ORDER YOUR FALL SEED GRAIN NOW • Balbo Rje • Cert. Redcoat Wheat • Cert. Pennrad Barley Command Performanoo New Van Dale “1230 Series It” Silo Unloader Customer- Certified te outperform, outlast any make its size. You're in command. Push the the new Van Dale “1230 Seriei Unloader go into action—give y output, feed more head—with booster or added electricity. Our say so? No, our customers testify the "1230 Series II” is better three ways: 1. handies meaner haylage 2. throws out of I larger silo A 3. unloads on lower In current draw I f So, demand / Jl Command Perform- I |J ance—the new //J NEW WHIP-SNAP V-PAOOLES GIVE EXTRA THROW POWER DOURLE T AUGERS WITH 3/18' FLIGHTING Willow Glen Farm. Strasburg: Penn Jeisey Harvestore Systems Inc. New Holland: Anderson Box Co, New Holland. Garbci & Moseley, Richmond, Va: Agn Inc, Ephrata, Ryder Supply Co, Chambersburg, PP&L Co, Lancaster: New Hol land Supply Co, New Holland Agway Inc., Lancaster; Big Dutchman, New Holland; Frey Bros., Unicorn, and Grubb Sup- ply, Elizabethtown. Mark Nestleroth Ready for Pork Cook Out Lancaster Farming, Saturday. August 8.1970—1 Try A Classified Ad It Pays! While at- the Lancaster County Swine Producers Field Day August 15 See Our Torque Suspension Scale Specially designed for hog producers FREY BROS. Quarryville, Pa. During the Loncaster County Swine Producers Field Day, August 15 Be Sure to See Our PORK PARLOR (a complete 56 x 12 ft. farrowing pen on wheels) GRUBB SUPPLY Elizabethtown, Pa. We hope to see you at our exhibit During the Lancaster County Swine Producers Field Day AUGUST 15, AT 1:00 P.M. Penn-Jersey Harvestore Systems, Inc. New Holland, Penna. See our Exhibit of Hog Waterers and Auger Feeders At the Lancaster County Swine Producers Field Day Farm & Home Center, Aug. 15. M. K. HOKE EST. Manheim, Pa. The Satisfaction That Conies From Doing A Good Job Of Fanning It's a great feeling to know that you are the master of your farmlands . . . that when you treat your soil right, it will treat you right. Liming is one of the most important factors in keeping your soil in the highest productive range. By raising the pH from a level below 6.Q to 6.5 or higher, you can expect to harvest as much as 5 more bushels of corn per acre, with similar increases for all other forage and cash crops. Order Now For Prompt Delivei? MARTIN'S LIMESTONE Blue Ball, Pa. 354-4125 Gap, Pa. 442-4148 1 i