Weekly Poultry Report Delmarva Reacly-to-cook movement spot ty ranging light anti disappoint ing to fair at best, Oflcungs ample and often forced for clear ance despite reduced slaughter schedules at some plants Ad vance interest irregular langing light to oecas.onally good to small chains and large indepen dents. Less-than trucklot prices unchanged to lower on both U.S. and Plant Grades. Live supplies ample to burdensome with weights often heavier than de sired. Undertone continues un settled but steadier. Negotiated trucklot prices 2-3 £ound ready -to - cook broilers/ fryers for delivery next week; U.S. Grade A Tfewr Plant tirade 23%-25V 2 Pool trucklot prices for Thurs day arrival at terminal markets; ’ U.S. Grade A 25-27 mostly 25U-26Vz Plant Grade 24-25V2 mostly 24M>-25 ■ Special packs including 1%-2, 3%# sizes Tfewr. Eastern Pennsylvania And New Jersey Prices unchanged to Vzc lower on light type hens. Demand no fcetter than fair from processors Its some plants only operating r T~~ ~ July 21, 1910 AU hay No. 2 and better, prices paid by dealers at the farm, price per ton. Hay and straw mostly steady. Demand good for better grades of hay. /i.ui. Horn ci.,.. Alfalfa 28.00-35.00, few sales to Week to date 455,000 1,074.000 145,000 18 00-28 00 Same period last week 465,000 1,008,000 148,000 Mixe d hay 25.00-35.00 Same period last year 443,000 1,028,000 148,000 gtraw 20.00-28.00 Estimated daily livestock slaughter under Federal Inspection. Mulch 8.00-15.00 Reported by Bureau of Markets •; Fa. Sept, of Agriculture. Federally Inspected Livestock Slaughter (For week starting July 27,1970) mtr*r HERE'S "top nutrition" for your horses Red Rose Super Horse Feed is the only feed you need except hay. No extra vitamins or special preparations are necessary. Feed it to young, growing and prized horses. You’ll be pleased with the condition Super Horse will give. Try it . . . and you’ll feed it always. 6. R. Mitchell, Inc. Refton, Pa Mountville Feed Service Chas. E. Sauder & Sons Mountville Terre Hill Musser Forms, Inc. Columbia part-time. Movement of proces sed hens slow as canners con centrate on current vegetable Ci'ops. Offcnngs of light type hens fully adequate as offerings have incieased as a icmlt of the lower egg puces. Offerings of heavy type hens adequate for seasonally limited needs. Prices paid at farm; Light Type Hens; o'a-TVzc mostly 7Vfec in Penn sylvania; mostly 6Vzc in New Jersey. Heavy Type Hens: Tfewr. Fogelsville July 28, 1970 (Prices paid dock weights, cents per lb,, except where noted) Hens, heavy type 6%-18; Pul lets 11V2-27; Roasters 10-26%; Rabbits 20-40 mostly 30-37; Guineas 1.20-1.33; Pigeons (per pair) 80-3.30 mostly 90-1.30. Total coops sold; 585. • Chicago (Continued from Page 2) cial 20.50-21.75, few high Dres sing Utility 22.00, Canner and Cutter 18.00-21.00. BULLS Utility and Com mercial 25.00-27.50. Try A Classified Ad If Pays! It's RED ROSE SUPER HORSE FEED Everything known to be good for horses is formulat ed into Red Rose Super Horse Feed. The essential vitamins A, D, E, Riboflavin, B complexes and others flaked corn, crushed oats, linseed meal, distillers’ grains, cane molasses, and dextrose make Red Rose Super Horse about the most palatable, best tasting feed you could offer your horses. It’s tops in equine nutrition! Musser's Mill The Buck Ammon E. Shelly •LitltZ - •*' Green Dragon The Ephrata Green Dragon market reported receipts o£ 149 head of better quality dairy cat lit F. iday, July 24, 1970, with light attendance and prices steady. Load of upstate cows (mostly flesh), $395-620, A Load of Pciina. heifers aver aged 164 each. Load of Upstate springing heifers, 440-600. Load of Canadian springers, 430-790. Load of Penna. and Canadian cows (mostly springers) 365-480. Local cows, yellow cows, 292- 400. One bull sold at 225. HAY MARKET JULY 24 Six loads of hay, three loads straw and one load alfalfa, $24.50; one load timothy, 30; few loads mixed hay, 28-34. Few loads straw, 33.50-38, one load ear corn, 41. • New Holland (Continued from Page 2) CALVES July 27, 1970 Receipts of 140 calves sold $l.OO to $2.00 lower. Choice and Prime 44-48; Good and Low Choice 40-43.50; Standard 33- 39.50; Common 22-32.50. HAY PRICES For Southeastern and South Central Pennsylvania We have one to suit your particular need. Walter Binkley & Son Lititz Brown & Rea, Inc. Atglen Elverson Supply Co. Elverson L. T. Geib Estate Manheim I. B. Graybill & Son Strasburg E. Musser Heisey & Son R. D. #2, Mt. Joy, Pa. Heistond Bros. Elizabethtown Red Rose Form Service, Inc. N. Church St., Quarryville Dovid B. Hurst Bowmansville E. P. Spotts, Inc. Honey Brook H. M. Stauffer & Sons., Inc. 4 'I W timer ' CJ --Lancaster Farming, Saturday, August 1,197 Q Weekly UEP Egg Market Prices to the Producer Tuesday, July 28 ami Thursdaj, July 30 Region Northeast Northwest Central West Southwest Midwest Southeast National Average Weekly New York Egg Mkt. From Monday, July 27th to Friday, July 31st Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. WHITE Fey. Ex, Large 44 Fey. Large 40 Fey. Mediums 30 Fey. Pullets 20 Fey. Peewees 14 BROWN Fey. Large 43 43 43 42 42 Fey. Mediums 30 30 30 Fey. Pullets 20 20 20 Fey. Peewees 14 14 14 35-36 35-36 35-36 34 34 22 22 21 j /2 21 21 Standards Checks Tone Pullets steady. Mediums and Large still in ample supply. Extra Large in good balance. Jumbos short. Copyright 1970 by Urner Barry Publications New York Eggs Receipts light with heavy pro- ding as low as 22c for good qual duction offerings on consignment ity mediums. Small lot sales of being turned down. Street trad- Large Browns noted at 41-43 c. ing activity light. Jumbos irreg- Smalls and Peewees fully ade ularly distributed, Ex Large ade- c » uate - Carton movement gener , , ~, , ally slow, occasionally fair, quate. Large and Mediums ample undertone continues nervous and and difficult to move in volume unsettled. ATTENTION GRAIN GROWERS! BROCK DUAL PURPOSE ■rj:' "rr* ?gs.i For Grain Storage and Drying - 48 MODELS 18 to 48 Foot Diameter Bins Capacity from 2200 to 40,000 Bushel Sec Your Brock Grain Bin Dealer Now Or Write For Literature Also BROCK FEED BINS Finest Quality At Best Prices rfw «v‘ . * E, M. HERR EQUIPMENT, INC. 'SvF'Sfrcel r:d .Medium 26 23 23 20 21 18 20 18 24 20 27 21 24Va 21 Large 39 >2 35',2 34 31 31 28 31 28 35 Va 32 37 32% 36 Va 32% even with sharpe price conces sions, Occasionally, buyers bid- GRAIN BINS Eft_„ '"v w . ~1, Pa 3 Small 13% 13 11 1 12 : 10 i 11V2 1% lIV2 FrL ?h 717-4G4-3331