• Ladies, Have You (Continued fiom Page 21) of cooking time and tin n fre quently to brown evenly. Olhe Barbecue Sauce (Makes about 2'i cups) Combine 1 1 cup vinegai, 'a cup dimly-packed brown sugar, 1 can (12 ounces) unsweetened pineapple juice. % cup catsup, 1 tablespoon soy sauce, 1 teaspoon piepaied mus tard and V« teaspoon salt Bung to a boil, then covei and simmci 30 minutes, stirring occasionally Stir in Ms cup chopped pimiento stuffed olives. Use as a brush on sauce on grilled chicken oi as a sauce for other grilled meats Try A Classified Ad f4o Other Protein Need When You Feed USE ONLY Vi LB. SPECIAL TANVIIAC PM HEAD PER DAY WITH GRAIN AND UOUGHAGE - GET BIGGER PROFITS FOR MORE PROFITS—MAIL COUPON i THE TANVILAC COMPANY, INC. ! 4th A Corning Aves, lox Ti, Highland | Park Station, Des Mointi 13, lowa i • Please Send Me Additional Informa- • tion about Special Tanvilac. J I have - . Caltla { NAME | ADDRESS ! - I C. 0. NOLI Bird-in-hand Ayrshire Passes 100,000 Pound Production Level Ovci 300 breedeis and friends of legisteied Ajtsline daily cat tle fiom 25 stales and Canada attended this yeai’s 951 h Nation al Ayrshiie meeting and banquet in Lancastei Awaids foi excellence in milk pioduction and constructive bleeding practices were pic sented to a number of Ayrshire bieedeis by President Dwight Knipp and David Gibson Jr, executive Secretary. Masonic Homes Farms in Eliz SPECIAL TANVILAC Feeders Say . , • "The Most Economteat Feeding Plan of AW* No trouble with ecoura «r tattle going off feed. You'll be more thaa aaMsfied with our feeding program for jou’ll get healthy atocK, quick gains at low cost Remember, there’* a FEED LOT PROVEN TANVILAC CULTURE PRODUCT FOR SVIKt FARM-FEEDING PURPOS*. LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR Phone Lane. 397-075: abethlown, leeched .1 special 100.000 Pound Coilific.dc for one of ilsoldci cows, Masonic Homes M;uy Rose She qualified for this with her lifetime milk pi eduction lecord of 103,562 pounds of 4 1 pei cent milk and 4,238 pounds of fat. In teaching this production level, she was never milked more than twice-a-day Also, C Haiold Gable & Son, owners of Conebclla Farm of Elverson. earned their 12th Con sliuctive Bieedei Award This awaid recognizes holds in which cows bied by the owner excel in milk pioduction com bined with supcuor body con foimation In 1969, 48 bleeders qualified foi this honoi On a stuctly twice-a day milk ing schedule Coi 305 days. the cows made an annual pi oduction aveiage of 14,066 pounds of milk and 565 pounds ol but' ci fat M E CMatuie Equivalent) The heid has a type classification aveiage scoic of 85 5 and 100 They Look New; They Are New! N£W BUTLER Wm ■ I -Grain BINS The new Butler grain bin—with wider body sheets, a broader corrugation and fewer parts—provides real savings and faster, easier erection. Other high performance im provements include a steeper roof for more grain storage capacity; a new floor—a stronger, clear-punched floor which installs quickly; a new step-in door with corrugated frame, located above ground; and many more. See us today for details on the new Butler bin. Farmill Construction BUTLER & Repair agri-builder Gordonville, Pa, 17529 Phone 717-768-8796 Lancaster Farming. Saturday. August 1,1970-- PENB Endorses UEP Program, Begins Egg Consumption Drive "As Hit consume) education aim of the egg industiy. wc aie happy to pul foith an all out efloit in suppoit of the "Action Now” progiam of United Egg P.oduceis" declined the PENB Executive Committee, in a policy statement issued at its St Louis meeting July 15 Even with a Luge mcasuie of success in effecting an mdustiv cutback m pioduction the last 6 months of 1970, pei capita pio duction will still lange consiclei ably above that of 1969, it was noted The Bodid elected to tie-in with Nutritional Awareness Now piogiam of the Food Council of Amcnca and use this as a pio motional theme foi eggs in en- pci cent of the hcid is bied b\ the CB \ wmiu; Recoids - the “Action Now' piogiam The Boaid will double its usual Fall etfoit with photograph* ucipc leleases to food page cdilois and aiea consumei spe cialists foi both September and Octobei In addition, 6 new stories of consumei mtei cst will be re leased to the daily papers, and foi those wishing to do special fcatuies on eggs, the Board is offeung Us file of 2.000 egg iceipes and photographs and complete coopeiation foi those who may wish to do localized stones on the egg situation Cooperation by the Plentiful Foods Division of the Consumer and Maiketing Seivice, thioush the Poultiv Divisilon will icsult in eggs being 1 'steel as a - p>oUm bin in the Septembei ‘Smait Shoppei s Guide ' Ple n 1 1 1u 1 Foods have also leteived a le quest foi addition d piomotional suppoit foi eggs in Octobei The Boaid is also piepaung a Fact Sheet on ictail idvei Using of eggs, based on lecent unpub I’shea leseaieh A lettei pointing out the advisabilitv of adveitis mg eggs as a leal ‘best buy in a using food maiket along with the advei Using Fact Sheet will be sent to egg meichandiseis of majoi ictail food maikets A ie quest foi coopeiation on this plan has been filed with the Na tional Association of Food Chains The Boaid is also exploring the possibilities of several special events that can i esult in national exposure for eggs on radio and television, as well as the printed media. The Executive Committee and management of the Board is actively soliciting further impact promotional ideas for eggs that can be carried out within bud getary limitations “Just two extra egg meals per person in this 6 months can make a terrific egg price impact But the consumer could care less about the plight of the egg in dustry She has to be constantly told and sold on nutritional awareness and the economy of eggs,” concluded Chairman Castner 2 Meat Plants Closed Two Philadelphia meat plants have been closed and charged with opeiatmg under unsanitary conditions The plants aie the Del Packing Co and Quality House Piovi sions, Inc , also known as M & M Beef Co Inspections by the State Agn cultuie Depaitment and the Phil adelphia Health Depaitment pie ceded a couit 01 dei closing down the plants Some ot the alleged violations the plants aie chaiged with in clude unsamtaiy conditions in looms wheie pioducts weie handled pioducts exposed to dust du t and insects, meat stoied in galvanized cans that appeared contaminated Call Us Now To reach the Lancaster County faim community at the least possible cost, ad vertise in Lancaster Farm ing Call us at 394-3047 or 626-2191 from Sam to 5 p m Monday through Friday The 626-2191 (ask for Lancaster Farming) number enables Manheim, Ephrata and Akron pati ons to avoid a toll call. 27