—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. August 1,1970 22 At Landisoilk Reseach Farm Crop Day August 5 Wide Variety of Data Available The Fidel and Vegetable Crop D*y at Penn Slate's Southeast ern Field Research faim near Landisville Wednesday. August ■» offers area fairncrs and gar deners an opportunity to loam more about one 01 moie crops that interest them Three or four qualified Penn State educators -vs ill be on hand, along with icseaich faim per sonnel, to answei any questions Goal ot me rese.iich faim is to develop crop vai ie:ics suitable to Southeastern Pennsylvania and find out the pa' ticulai crop practices which will lesult in the highest yields The icsulls of all this work aie available to the individual farmer if he will take the time to get it The special field day August 5 will be held in two sesions, from 1 to 4 p m and 630 p m till dark. 49 Varieties Work at the leseaich faun tins vear, for instance, includes field tests of 49 diffeient sweet com varieties, including 42 yellow hybrids and seven white hybuds John Yocum, faim superinten dent, explained that the lesearch work in developing these vai leties often takes 10 yeais and can take as long as 25 yeais It’s careful, detailed work to develop a practical new vauety that meets all the i equipments to be successful, including lesis tence to disease, stuidiness of stalk, uniformity of growth, and high yield Some of the eaily corn varie ties at the farm will be upe in the next week or so and will have completed production by the August 5 field day; this will en able visitors to see the gamut of the varieties, from those which have completed pi educ tion to those in production and coming into production Yocum also promised yield statistics will be available on the com pleted varieties. Jt* JS * ff* * Arnold Lueck, associate Lancaster County agent, checks squash being grown at Penn State’s Southeastern Field Research farm near Landisville. Lueck was at the farm recently to help plan the August 5 Crop Day. Several different combinations of hci bicides aic being used to control weeds in corn, with some proving highlv effective on tough weeds such as nutsodge. Tobacco Research It will be gelling neai harvest time for tobacco at field day and tobacco faimcis will have a chance to see the icseaich fuim’s tobacco and get up to date mfoimation The reseaich faim is the only place in Pennsylvania vvheie tobacco icseaich is done. \ ocum said Most of the tobacco grown in the state is grown in Lancaster County. The lesearch fram does woik on tobacco vaneties and most aiea faimers grow a vauety de veloped at the farm Soybean Work Seveial soybean \auelies also aie being giown. Yocum be lieves this crop, which has giown veiy lapidly nationally, may have some application local ly Officials say few farmeis in Lancastei County giow the crop, although it is icported some what more ponular in Lebanon County In paiticula’, Yocum believes that a crop of soybeans can be giown on giound aftei bailey is hai vested Unlike some other farm crops soybeans lespond well to hot mid-summer weathei and their glowing season is relatively slioit. making it pos sible to pioduce tw'o ci ops m one yeai barley and soybeans Soybeans also can be grown eaily in the season and followed with alfalfa, Yocum said. The soybean-alfalfa combina tion would tend to fit in better with many local fanning opera tions which need the alfalfa for then dairying opeiations, he noted Vanous reseaich piojects are undeiway on foiage, including (Continued on Page 24) x% f Jim Dutt, Penn State extension horti- Landisville. Dutt is one of several Pern culturalist, inspects some of the 49 varie- State extension officials who will be oi ties of sweet corn being grown at the hand August 5 to answer questions aibou Southeastern Field Research farm near numerous crops grown at the farm. WAYLO LOW - COST BUILDINGS Warehouses industrial Plants Garages Repair Shops SHENK'S FARM SERVICE Lititz, R.D. 4 ARE IDEAL FOR FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL Dairy Borns Horse Buildings Bulk Storoge Equipment Storage Phone 626-4355