Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, August 01, 1970, Image 18

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    IB'nMiT Knrminti, Snlnrtlny. August 1.1970
2,000 Attend
A hcohl rottd of enthusiastic
(lul-tclii ISikmis nnmbeiing In
, \d’H< of 2 000 attended the vat l
ons activities of ttu' 85lh Annual
of Holstein Kiiesi.m
Association of \nuiic.i hold re
iintl.v in Ilotlon. Mats
Tin- 222 ollleiallv ok fled Dele
nates fiom (iich of Iho contig
uous 48 st.itis and Fuel to Rico
io elected 11 W Ciaun. Roanoke,
Viigima :is Association Presi
iicm and \ C Thomson. Bui ling
lon. Illinois. Vice Picsidcnt
Thicc mw mcmhcis weic
* lecicd to the Boaid of Directois
foi a foui-vca: tcim icplacmg
tlncc Di.ectois who weie inelig
ible foi leeleciion nndei the \s
ociation s Pal.iws limiting the
lei in of D Cltll-. iO tWO COnsCLll
llVe fOUI ,M.U Ul Ml' 1
Nt\\ Dm... o s im.lmlt.vl Hen v
I‘olinclLi I Mi.U n W iihmj on
lleisihil'i F ■ bu.\ \l
ii’.i'k.i .11 d I \ F .inch.l.l. l!ei
t ,ck l\‘uiis\ K.mi' h.'nM.vkti
r.innt.L>\ iile In ii u i w u
PP&L Holds Workshop
About 75 pei sons attended
the PP&L Faun Leadei s Woik
shop at the PP&L Clubhouse at
Pine Gio\e Juh 23
Included weie several coag
teachers industiv lepiesenta
tives. feed companies poultiy
pioduceis Penn State officials,
ASCS Game Commission and
Heishe> Faims
Among the key atti actions
was an electuc gaiden tiactoi,
which thiee local faim imple
ment companies have ahead' 7
Dale Boweisox, ta'm lepie
sentative, spoke on “What Went
Wiong,” a leview of what can
go wiong when faimstead wir
ing devices and electiical,
equipment aie misapplied oi do
rot icceive piopei mainten
0 C Lange, faim seivices
cooidinatoi, spoke on “What a
New He coveied electnc gar
den tiactoi allelectnc poultiy
housing the supei 55 water
heater, and watei purification
Quentin H Smith, environ
mental development du ectoi,
spoke on “Powei Supply and
the Environment ”
Summer Youth Day
The NEW LIFE, a sextet of
: oung Christian collegians, will
do featuied August 3 in a Sum
mei Youth Day piogiam to begin
• d 6 pm at Mummau’s Picnic
Giove, 520 High Stieet in Man
All students at Gianthams
Messiah College 11 miles south
''est of Hainsbuig, they ap
pealed this yea at YoiPh Foi
Chi ist tallies in Hampstead
Washington D C Lebanon Lan
castei and Eue Membeis oi the
,ioup include Wanda Connei,
Roanoke Va Lainai Doui tc,
Elizabethtown Joanne Ham
mond Enola, Richaid He.sey
Heishev Caio! Sue Umbeigei,
Hainsbuig and Geiald Undei
lofllei, Palmy i a Each paitici-j
paling vouth g'oup is asked to'
piovidc its own leiieshments j
khe NEW' LIFE will have chaigej
o( a 7 p m vespei sei vice j
Then appeal ance in Lancastei |
ifount\ is being sponsoied by.
"'he Pennsylvania S.atc Sunday
School Association tluough its
Ocpailmenl oi Youth Mimstiies
elected to his second fom yeai
lei m Olhci OfHecis of the As
socmlion include Robot II
Rumler, Executive Secretary and
R B. Kes«en. Ticasmer
Highlight of the Convention
activities was the IGtli Annual
Amciican Daily Association
Princess Contest which was held
in connection with the Associa
tion’s 85th Annual Banquet at
the Statler Hilton Hotel
Jane Elizabeth Logan of Mount
Gilead, Ohio, was chosen as the
M7O-71 Amciican Daily Associa
tion Piinccss Jane, who is a
sophomoie at Ohio State Umvei
sity. bungs a Holstein dany
brckgiound to hei new position
as leiqnmg Dany Pnncess
Recommended in poultry houses. May be used on
back rubbers except where lactating dairy animals
are present.
2% Ciodrin Dairy Dusting Bag
2-25 lb. bags/case
Flies (especially Horn fly), Ticks, mites and lice on
dairy and beef cattle (including lactating animals)
Hang at head level between milk parlor and loose
housing, or in pasture as “butt” bag or back rub.
44 2187 44-2189
12-1 lb./case 6-4 Ib./case
>1.05- 3.52
Replaces Marlate in control of flies and lice, dairy
(lactating cows included) (2 heaping tablespoons/
animal) beef, horses, dogs. etc.
Dual Stock Spray
44-2131 W 44-2133 W
3-2 gal./case 30 gal. drum
’5.28- ’69 “ •
Ciodnn & Vapona Light daily application for face,
house, horn and stable Hies Bes + value livestock
H-S Fly Spray
Ready-to-use; improves coat appearance; won’t
stain clothing
Holstein Convention
"Realism" kev noted the Asoci
al ion's Annual Meeting with
Lloyd Wcscoll. Picsident of
Hunteidon Hills HolsU'ins. Rose
monl. Now Jcisev, and l)i .1 W
pou, Vice Picsidcnl. Wachovia
Bank and Tiust Co, Greenville,
speaking icspectively on "The
Realism in Holstein's Futin c”
and "Economic Realisms of the
1970's "
Convention Delegates wee
also advised in one of the fom
Open Foi urn Sessions of a change
in the Dcscnptivc Type Classifi
cation program undoi which all
animals classified for physical
chaiaclci istics bcfoie icaching
five yeais of age will be subject
to leclassification with the latest
Korlan 24E
44 2150 W
1 gal./case
4 -
76 6157 W
6 gal./case
$ 3.25
Manheim Pike and
Dilleiville Road
sum- and descilplive infoima
tion undei the lerlassification
p ogiam being consideied as of
ficial This is a majoi dtp.n line
witliin the Association's hlchl.v
icgai ded T> pc pi ogi am
Convention activities were con
cluded with an outstanding sale
of 52 animals at the Topsfield
Fangiounds at an average price
of $4.070 1!) Top selling female
was Hilfar Pride Janet 6870543
consigned by Mel Johnson of
Hillside Farms. CTanslon, Rhode
Island, and puichased by Caina
tmn Milk Farms, Cai nation,
Washington foi $20,500 Top sel
ling bull at $20.000 00 was a two
month old calf pm chased by
Douglas Nelson, N'cvvpoit. Vci-
Face flies on dairy, beef and horses. Apply w/special
automatic measurement hand sprayer or use 6”
small paint brush stroke.
Swat Fly Killer Aerosol
85 0302 W
12 - 14 oz. can /case
$ 1.!9-
Home control of flies, mosquitoes, gnats, other misc.
Vapona Pest Strip
85-0328 W
48 strips/case w/cages
5 1.95
Hanging fumigant kills flies, gnats and other flying
insects. Safe for kitchen and milk house. Lasts 2-3
months in 10 cu. ft. room.
Fly Rid Repellent Stick
76-6152 W
12 sticks/case
$ l.OO “
Repellency plus kill especially for' horses against
flies and gnats.
44-2174 W
1 gal./case
5 2.32 -
6 -
Biting flics on dairy and beef House flies in milk
Quorryvifle Store New HoHdnd
27 E 4th St. 219 S Railroad Ave
Face Fly Spray
44 2138 W
12 - 473 gm. bottle/case
*l,lB bi,e
Livestock Spray
44-2178 W
30 gai. drum
*58.00 ™
mom, R \ C.ould St Son. Mnish
field. Veimonl. and R Dale
■lotus, Silvei I.tike, Indiana.
Anothei young bull, selling for
SI 1.000 00. was a one-month old
bull calf consigned b> the Uni
versity of N’ew Hampshire, and
putehased fot set vice by an arti
ficial insemination organization
in West (lei many.
Co-Chan man of the event for
the host New England States
Holstein - Friesian Association
vote R Dewitt Mallaiy. Brad
foid, Veimont. immediate Past
Picsident of the National Asso
ciation. and Maui ice Keene,
Auburn. Maine, a member of the
Boaid of Dneclois of Holstein-
Fnesian \ssociation of America.
44 2176 W
3-2 gal./case
4.38 2 ssi
354-2 MG
'y ** 4