Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 25, 1970, Image 6
f—Lancaster Farmin, Winners m the dairy cattle judging Henry F. Keener, (rear) John W. Eshel competition at the Holstein Field Day man & Sons, Lancaster, who presented the Tuesday are, left to right: Lloyd E. Miller, awards, and Mrs. Harold D. Welk, 136 E. Elizabethtown RD3, men's division; Jesse Mam St., Strasburg, women’s division. Balmer. (front) Lititz RD4, youth division, Getting the cow in position at the during a demonstration on how to take a Holstem Field Day Tuesday for a picture picture. ___________ WHEAT WANTED! TOP PRICES PAID FOR EARLY CUT WHEAT FOR MANUFACTURING OF Snavely’s Best and Matchless Family Flour No Wolfing Fast Unloading and Drying L M. SNAVELY Lititz, RDI Ph. 626-6256 or 626-6258 Saturday. July 23.1970 .-1 i, * * I * \ ' 4 l'k\ (Continued from Page 1) division was Lloyd Millei, Eliz abethtown RD3, with 287 points Donald L Hershey, Manheim RD2, was second with 283 points Oihei top scoies weie John C Groff Quanyville RD2, with 275 points 2713 - Elam Bollmgei, Manheim RDI. 270 o with John S Yost, Kinzei, sixth with 262 points In the women's division Mrs Jane Welk, of 136 E Main St, Strasburg, taking fust with 283 3 points Others weie Mrs Richard Hess, Stiasbuig RDI, 271 3, Mrs Lois Kurtz, Elizabeth town 270 3, Mis J Robert Hess, Strasburg RDI, 258 3, Mis Ruth Claik, Quanyville RD2. 245 3 and Mrs Linda Bartech, Quairy ville RDI, 239 8 points Jay Landis, president of the county Holstein Assn, expressed dt light with the scores compiled by the youthful competitors, and joked about Balmei’s win be cause of the friendly competition between Holstein and Guernsey breeders Balmer’s scoie is a feat that hasn t been duplicated in the countj in a numbei of jeais He has been one of the coun ty s top 4-H judges howevei, and is on the 4-H judging team. Holstein Field Day Attracts 450 Persons Mr. and Mis. Curtis Akers,field day host and hostess, It's There When You Need It, Gone When You Don't. When you want insect control, and you want it fast, DIBROM is the insecticide that can give it to you. DIBROM 8 gives you fast knockdown and quick kill of more than 130 kinds of insects. Fast! Some curl up and die within minutes. Some take a little longer. But noth ing so safe works quite so fast. Just as im portant is how fast DIBROM leaves the scene when the job is done. New registrations per mit application within one day of harvest on many crops, and within two days on a number of others. Properly used, DIBROM wipes out worms: armyworms, webworms, loopers and other caterpillars. It's lethal to leafhoppers, lygus bug, leaf miners and leafrollers. Mur derous on mosquitoes. Fatal to flies. Registered for use on a wide variety of crops, including forage crops and pasture, and fly control around cattle. Short residual action allows you to time applications for minimum hazard to beneficial insects, like pollinating bees. DIBROM comes in two formulations: DIBROM 8, a liquid for easy mixing and spraying; and DIBROM 4, a dust. Both of them work fast and get out of the way. And they're compatible with a number of other insecticides. Get quick control of insects with DIBROM an insecticide that doesn't make a pest of itself. f fIDTUn _ Cherron Chemical Company, Ortho DiTision. San 'vzlvJJjy Prancisco, CaUfomia 94120, Helping the World Grow Better^). CHEVRON DESIGN, KEEPING THE WORDS —REG. U.S. PAT. OPP. ON ALE CKEKICAES CAIJ,riONS , WARNINGS AND DIRECTIONS BE -2 vlv£ TJSx** P. L. ROHRER & BRO., INC. SMOKETOWN DIBROM® 8 Phone Lane. 397-3539 v* 4 *} * i ' '♦ 1 V'- I - ) 4 4 J