Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 25, 1970, Image 5

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    Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mease of Babcock Hatchery. Inc .
Litit-i. are shown recently being honored with an all expense
paid trip they earned in the dealer incentive program ol
Allied Mills. a Chicago-based agribusiness firm.
The former Ful-O-Pcp feeds now are being marketed
by Allied Mills under the Wayne brand, effectue July 1.
For Full Market Reports
Read Lancaster
Eastern says;
The dairy fanner can afford to see milk-marketing doors close like he
can afford an extended plague of garget.
Back in the ‘Teens and Twenties, handlers dosed their deors
deliberately but with tall intent of opening them again after farmers
M seen ‘the light of reason.’
Today, many of the dairy farmers’ market outlets arc in danger of
befeg forced to close up—with very little hope of taking the lock of,
ever again. And when the number of handlers shrinks to a handful,
Monopoly moves in: Even the pretense of competition is dead.
Do you want this to happen by default? Or would you rather figfr#
Jted don’t think it won’t take courage.
Now, more than ever, it takes cooperative courage —the do-some
tfaing-about-it kind made possible by interaction in a membership of
nearly 10,000 dairy farmers of Eastern Milk Producers.
In Eastern, ‘doing something about it’ means defending the
farmer’s market for milk. It means increasing his share in over-alt
»Uk profits. It means active promotion of milk and milk products. It
means helping the farmer when he’s ‘locked in’ by quarantine or bad
weather. And much more.
It’s die foundation for cooperative courage. To participate in East
ern’s fight to keep milk-marketing doors open —and in all other
—call your local Eastern representative right now. Or write:
Kmne Road, Syracuse, New York 13214
Sec. Bull Okays Federal
Misbranding Crack Down
State \gi iciiltm c Suieta.y II Hull e\pie-sed sup
poi! lecenlh of piopos.ds of the
US Food and Ding \diiums.ia
tion to ciack down on misbi .Hid
ing oi deceptive labeling of food
pi oducts.
FD \ specifically pioposed i em
ulations declaim:; foods mis
bianded if "deceptive statements
oi vignettes as to the counliv,
stale or tei i itoi v of origin appear
on the labeling ”
Similai i emulations have been
in foice in Pennsylvania foi
moie than 50 jeais, Seeietaiv
Bull pointed out Undei the
Pennsylvania Geneial Food Law
—enacted in 1909 and amended
in 1937 —food products aie con
sideied to be misbianded “if it
be labeled oi bianded so that i,
may deceive or mislead the pui
chasei. or purpoi t to be a foieign
product, when not so.”
The FDA pioposal cites as
examples the use of flags oi out
lines of othei countnes on food
labels to falsely imply foieign
Lancaster Forming. Saturday. July 25. 1970 5
o‘igin, and the turn. "Idaho
Potatoes," for pota'oes giown in
othei slates
'Over the veais we have hail
good coopeialion horn manu
facluicis and meichants in in
foi cement of the labeling p.o-
Visions in Pennsjlvama,' Soc
ietal y Bull said "On some
i,sions, howevei, we have had
to lemovc misbianded loads
fiom sale to piotecl consume)
n.le.ests "
The FD \ pioposal he said, in
piovidmg umloim legulations
foi the entue nation, also em
phasizes Pennsylvania s leader
ship in the field ol consumer
pi election, especially as it ap
plies to food
The Way
To Make
More Money
Feed Cost!
Dairy feeds at dif
ferent prices do not
have the same pro
ductive value. You
usually get what you
pay for. Lower-priced
dairy feeds often pro
duce less milk and
make less profit.
RED ROSE DAIRY FEEDS are the feeds you should
use. These feeds (available in many protein levels) enable a
cow to produce up to her inherited capacity. In the long »un
you can make more money above feed cost with high quali
ty Red Rose Dairy Feeds. The price per ton is relatively
unimportant. What is important are the results! If you use
supplements, again Red Rose has one suited to your need.
Be determined to earn more money from your dairy
herd this season. Decide to use Red Rose Dairy Feeds. So,
why not call your dealer, now.
Walter Binkley & Son David B. Hurst
Lititz Bowmansville
Brown & Rea, Inc.
Elverson Supply Co.
Henry E. Garber
R D 1, Elizabethtown, Pa.
L. T. Geib Estate
I. B. Groybill & Son
E. Musser Hetey & Son Ammon E. Shelly
R. D. 42, Mt Joy, Pa. Lltltz
Heistond Bros.
Red Rose Form H. M. Stauffer & Sons,
Service, Inc. Inc.
X Chmch St Qium yulle Witmer
Time to Register
For Poultry Tour
Kigisli.ilion foi tin- Lancaster
(.on n: \ 1 ’on It i v \ssomjtio;i
membi s oi olbeis mlei ested in
the pouli v imlu^ti > (loin ing lo
loin I’enn St,i'.i> Umveisitvs
ponlliv f.ic illlu -> WedneMlav,
August 5 should legisler by
Tusul.iv .lull 2!i
This is neiessuv in 01 dm to
auangi him iiuiispoi t.ilion lo
Umveisilv I‘aik
Phase tegisii,ition-, should bo
ictinned to .I.iv livvm, associate
count v agent 1.183 \icadia Road,
Lancastm 17b01, along with the
■pd pm pm son bus tee
The tom will include the Uni
vc iSitv \ sloping wue lloor
house genetic laboiatoiv. ina
mue disposal svstem. nutiition
labo .uoiv, the animal indusliy
building the ph>siology lab, dis
ease lab. and pi oduets lab
Red Rose
G. R. Mitchell, Inc.
Mountville Feed Service
Musser Forms, Inc-
Chas. E. Sauder & Sons
E. P. Spotts, Inc.
Relton, Pa,
Musser's Mill
The Buck
Teire Hill
Hone> Biook