Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 25, 1970, Image 21
DHIA MONTHLY REPORT (Continued from Page 18) Milk Test Owner • Name Breed Stephen S. Stoltzfus Canary 2 Grll Ivan N. Newswanger Pearl Grll Dan S. Stoltzfus Bessie Grll Red Rose Rescaich Center Bet Lon RH Weidler Brothers Lila H. H. Haverstick Spots :1 G. Troop Jodi John B. Groff Verna RH Simeon M. Stoltzfns Edna GrH Calvin D. Beiler Liz Richard H. Hess Margie HIGH DAILY BUTTER FAT AVERAGES Dsiys % On No. Cow Days Milk Tc Name Breed Test Cows In MOk Lbs. Test Paul B. Zimmerman RH For good production next lactation, FEED PURINA DAIRY CONDITIONER As a dairyman, you know that good milk production doesn’t just happen It’s something you plan for by establishing a heid with the genetic potential for good production, then managing and feeding your cows so they’ll produce up to their bred-in ability. Many successful local dairymen also plan for good pro duction with a proven piogram of dry cow feeding They need Purina Dairy Conditioner, a research proven ration to help give dry cows body condition they need foi good production after they freshen. Purina Daay Conditioner is an extra-palatable 12% percent pi olein ration It’s foitified with vitamins A and D plus extia phosphorus to help guard against milk fever Purina Dairy Conditioner is low-cost, too, because the amounts >ou feed depend on yom cows’ condition and on the quality of the loughages you feed For example, a cow clued off in good condition being fed high-quality loughages would lequue less Dairy Conditioner than a cow in only fair condition being fed fair quality roughages Diop m soon and get your free copy of the Puuna Diy Cow Piogiam folder We’ll be glad to show >ou how Puima Dairy Conditioner can help jou piepare your diy cows for good pio duction next lactation. John J. Hess, 11, Inc. James High & Sons Ph 442 4632 Ph 354-0301 Paiadise Goidomille West Willow Formers Assn., Inc. Ph 464 3431 West Willow !ro. B. Landis Ph 394 7P12 J 912 Cieek Hill Rd , Lane ■ h d m a ajfJ il wna~& s m ailMFi # a ■ am Age Days 305 296 305 7-5 305 RH 6-4 305 RH 4-7 302 RH 305 5-9 305 6-10 305 RH 3 3 303 RH 3-1 279 29 29 6 86.5 51.7 3.9 John B. Kurtz Ph 354 9251 R D 3, Ephrata Wenger's Feed Mill Fat 14,809 14,146 16,478 14,614 16,622 14,633 42 15,335 17,736 12,373- 13,189 15,984 Fat Lbs. 2 03 Inc. Ph 367-1195 Rheems Owner ■ Name Breed Jacob M. King R&GrH J. Z. Nolt 616 mi Clarence M. Murry 616 RH Harry Zimmerman Jr. 612 RH J Rohier Witmer 611 RBrSw Ben K. Sloltzfus 610 R&GrH Christian K. 610 RH Dale G Hiestand 607 RH S. R. Shellenberger 605 R&GrH Albert E. Fry 603 RH John S Yost 602 RH 30 Roy H. & Ruth H. Book 600 RH 28 Robert F, & Joan B. Book RH Benuel S Beiler RH TRY A CLASSIFIED ADI JULY SPECIAL FREE Dump Cart or $lOO. off on purchase of any New Case Compact Tractor. KINZEft EQUIP. CO. Your Equipment Center in Lancaster County Box 23, Kinzer, Pa. Phone 442-4186 Phone 768-8916 Gun-Sealed Precast Concrete Silos with P & D Bottom Unloaders ZIMMERMAN INDUSTRIES, R. D. 1, Ephrata, Pa. 17522 Lancaster Farming. Saturday, July 25.1&7Q—21 Milk Days Age 1000 56.6 18.0 86 4 33.0 49 2 907 318 50 0 947 27.3 51 8 93 1 21.0 43 1 27.0 89 0 50 5 87 0 38.5 487 87.6 33.2 47.7 90.7 67.1 46.1 97 9 30.2 45 1 960 29.0 44 5 89 3 47.0 457 86.0 37.0 43.0 35.2 100.0 47.6 INC. Phone 717-733-7166 Commonwealth Bank Earnings Up 20 Per Cent Test Fat 1.95 1 93 1 93 The Commonwealth National Bank has reported earnings of $1.89 million for the first six months of 1970. 1 87 1 86 1.81 The new bank formed last January by consolidation of Lancaster’s Conestoga National Bank, the Harrisburg National Bank and Trust Co. and the First National Bank of York, logged a 20 per cent increase in net income before security prof its for the first six months of the year compared with the same period in 1969. 1 78 1 78 1 75 1.75 3.9 1.73 1.73 1.72 Earnings per share amounted to $2.71 not including security profits of 19 cents per share. The June 30 deposit tally of $319 1 million represents a $lO 5 million increase over the figures for the same date last year. To tal assets on June 30 were $375.1 million. 172 • Ladies, Have You (Continued fiom Page 17) should be laundered separately because some bleeding of color may be expected The use of a fabric softener, added in the final rinse, im paits a fluffiness to towels. Follow directions for recom mended amounts since too little is ineffective and too much can reduce the amount of moisture absorbed by towels Since the effects of a softener are cumu lative, skip then use after every few washes Generally speaking, towels are designated as bath sheets, bath towels, hand or face towels, and guest towels. As for color, solids start with white and run through pastelSTTHetii um tones into deep vibrant shades, right down to black. In some families, each mem ber has a color with combina tions creating a harmonizing palette of shades Then there are floral and ab stract prints and stripes These are often cooidmated with shower cm tains And, thud, there are jac quard-weave towels, a special weave m which the pattern and colors on one side are reversed on the othei It all adds up to making towel buying fun and launder ing as easy as ever. MIST BLOWER 2 models available 3 and 5 HP • Horizontal spraying dis tance 25 ft. and 35 ft • Liquid Tanks ZVz gal. and 3 gal. Lester A. Singer “Lancaster County’s Only Dealei Specializing In Sprayei Sales and Seivice” Ronks, Pa. 687-6712