Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 25, 1970, Image 20
Lancaster Farming, Saturday. July 25.1970 20 • Facts (Continued fiom Page 13) cm «hould be tilled Iwo-lluuLs to thiei I|U.H in s full Ml samples must he lull! :il tempi*) ..lines below 40 F pi 101 to testing Plastic hag s.imples .should be placid in .m insulated case with ice on lop of them Samples m glass bottles should be iiansponed in an icc and w.itei mixtuic file level should be above that of the milk in the conl.iinu Chui mug oi ’oilin'.; oil" will otcur at tempo a.uies absvc 40 F on eithei daily oi coni posit samples Keeping these poinleis in mind and c.nefullv obsdvmg propci sampling and handling techni qm.s will hdp assuie accuiate milkfal tests Use Good Management A study of 116 Noith Caiolina d.iuy laims analyzed the factois affecting i etui ns to labor and management It is interesting to study the ranking in oidei of impoi tance as they affect dollar retains 1 Size of held 2 Hired labor pei bundled weight of milk sold 3 Milk sold per cow 4 Total purchased feed and crop expense per bundled weight of milk 5 Blend price of milk 6 Livestock expense per hun diedweight of milk 7. Machinery and genei al farm expense per hundredweight of milk These seven factois explained 80% of the variation m net oper ating income The factoi that is often placed first by dairymen as a reason for low income, the blend price received for milk, is fifth. The fiist four factois are all related to the management abil ity'-of the aanyman and are di rectly under control of the dairy man. Let’s not blame the price received for milk for all of the low dollar ictuins to manage ment. Best Foot Forward What is your image as a dairy man in the eyes of the consuming public 7 Theie was a time when the ap pearance of your faim was not too important You weie isolated fiom the consumei This is not so today Consumei s by the thou sands drive through the farming areas of Pennsylvania and what they see and smell formulates their opinion to buy or not to buy milk The appeal ance and odoi of dairy farm waste (manuie) is accepted by you and your neigh bors as part of the faim, so you have learned to live with it. The city consumer who enjoys a drive thiough the countryside is upset by the appearance and aroma that you accept as normal. Good dauymen are learning the value of handling farm waste properly so that it will not be objectionable to those who dnve by the farm Those drivers are your consumers Attention Dairy Farmers All danymen should be en couraged to pay paiticular atten tion to any farm diainage from the imlkhouse, barnyaid or silos that could be taken by the public as a source of stream pollution President Nixon’s speech on pollution has turned many Americans into “eagei beaveis” looking for every possible source of pollution. Don't be surprised if a summer tourist reports you, if he sees youp farm drainage running to ward a stieam The “heat is on” to clean up oui environment and no individual 01 business is going to be ovei looked as a souice of pollution This will include dany Golden Delicious Apple Symposium Slated August 13 at Penn State Kxpeits in the field of pomol-eu»s "The Futuie for Apple ogy will seive as piogram speak- Markets.” Dr Russell E Larson, eis fo’- Iht Symposium on the dean of the Penn Slate College Pioduetion and Utilisation of the of Agriculture, speaking on "The (lolden Debeious Apple to be Futuie of Pomological Reseatch hi Id August 13 on Pennsylvania m Pennsylvania.” Don Horst, State Umvcisity campus chairman of The Pennsyl- Di C Mai shall Ritter, Penn vama Apple Marketing Ad Vl - Stale extension pomologist and Committee, who will pie a symposium eooidmatoi, points the l ° pi £ Plo^lems and out that this is the fust progiam Status of the Golden Delicious, of Us kind in the Commonwealth a,ld , Ralph Heise y- Pennsylvania Sessions will stall at 8 a m on apple grower, speaking on Char- August 13 in the J 0 Kellei nctenstics the Piocessor Wants Building and conclude following 111 tRe G°l den Delicious the evening banquet Banquet speakers wll be Paul Sponsoi of the confoience is Staik, senior vice piesident of tnc Penn State College of Agn- Staik Biotheis Nuiseiy, Louisi cultuie, in coopeiation with the ana, Missouri Pennsylvania Apple Maiketmg Penri state college of Agncul- Advisoiy Boaid tuie faculty membeis also pie- Heading the list of speakers senting topics aie B. Wayne aie State Secretary of Agncul- Kelly, Extension faim manage ture Leland H Bull who will dis- ment specialist, Dr Donald H 1% ' \ \i\^, \\j V 3; \fc _• •' f /""“- S 4 Electric heating cable is invisible. You don't see it or hear it . . . only gentle warmth tells you it’s there. Basically it’s wire . . . usually hidden in the ceilings of your home. The wire’s connected to thermostats that let you "dial” the comfort level you prefer in every room. Incidentally, ceiling cable rarely requires maintenance because the thermostat is the only thing in the whole system that has a moving part. There’s no furnace ... no flame ... no dirt 1 ./ y What electric healing cable - and what can do lor it Poorbough to Resign As Extension Official Harry J. Pooibaugh, professor of agriculture Extension and as sociate dncctor of Then Penn sylvania Slate University Co operative Extension Service, will iclnc July 31 with 39 years of service. Named associate dnector in 1964, he has been in charge of piogram cooidination and devel opment and has had administia t*\e duties in connection with the overall Extension Seivice pio gram. Pooibaugh was appointed to the Penn State staff in 1931 as assistant county agncultuial agent and assigned to Jeffeison Petersen, Extension plant path ologist, and Di C M Riltei, Di Cyril B. Smith, Dr Loien D Tukey, Dr. Chestei W Hitz, George M Gieene, 11, and Geiald D Kuhn, all of the Depaitment of Horticulture L.fc'U < *s. ( Sr , ] • I ' VSwmVM « a. V S •I * i’M ... no pipes ... no ducts ... no fuel tanks ... no wasted space ... no chimneys. It is clean, comfortable and carefree. If you’re thinking of modernizing, be sure to think of installing flameless electric heating cable, or one of the four other types of electric heat... warm air, hot water, baseboard or heat pump. For more information and a free estimate of operating costs, call PP&L or your PP&L Recommended Electric Home Heating Dealer, listed in the Yellow pages under “Heating.” I * si * * ’ r * a \ - ' J is you I" PP&L™ CTRlcrf^ Harry J. Poorbaugh County, seivmg theie eight yeais In 1939 he was piomoted to county agent and seived twelve yeais in Schuylkill Coun ty and five yeais in Ene County. In 1956 he was named assistant daector and supei vised Exten sion progiams in 16 southwestern counties