'J l.Hiu , HsU‘r Farming. Snturdny. July 25.1970 At Lancaster Yards Auction Only Weekly Review Jul> 23. mo Jiil> 22. 1970 CATTLE 1267 Compui cd with Monday. Slaughter Steel s mostly steady. except Good grade, 50 lowei. Cows steady, Dulls 50 73 lowei SLAUGHTER STEERS High-Choice unci I’nrne 1100- 1375 lbs 31 75 32 25 Choice 975- 1375 lbs 30 25 31 60 high Good und lov( Choice 28 50 30 25. Good 27 00 29 50 COWS Utility unci lugh (licssing Cultei 23 00 24 00, Cul tei 22 25 23 50 Cannei and low- Cultei 20 25 22 00 BULLS Choice 27 75 28 75. Good 26 00 28 00 Utility und Commei cud 26 50 28 50 CAIA ES 139 steady VE \LERS Choice 47 00 49 00 Good 42 00 46 00 Stand uid 39 00-43 00 Utility 36 00- 40 00 Cull 90 120 lbs 30 00 34 00 65 85 lbs 26 00 31 00 HOGS 419 Banows and Gilts mostly 25 lowei BARROWS AND GILTS US 1 215 220 lbs 26 25 26 50 US 1 2 200 240 los 25.25 26 00 US 2 3 210 240 lbs 25 00 25 25 SOWS US 2 3 300 600 lbs 16 00 17 00 SHEEP 59 Mosth Utihtv 65 90 lbs 23 00 24 50 New York Eggs Puces lowei on medium, baiely steady on large Undei tone weak and unsettled Re ceipts light due to dealei ic sluctive policies in foice until some improvement noted Of feungs of. mediums continuing longest and most burdensome position and occasionally offei ed down to 26c (In used eases) in elfoit to cleai Laige ample with e\tia laige in slightly bet tei balance and cuuentlv sell ing at 46 49c Laige biowns cleaied late yesteiday at 44- 45 ] 2C Smalls ample Demand foi bulk eggs slow with a wait and see attitude pi ev ailing while caiton oideis weie of a just fan slightly disappointing natui c HAY PRICES Foi Southeastern and South Central Penns\hama Juh 20 1970 ‘ All ha\ No 2 and bettei puces paid b\ dealeis at the f«im puce pel ton H,n and stiaw mostly sleadv some timoth\ and mixed ha\ inoung out ot bain Alfaita 28 00 35 00 T.motln ha\ 18 00-26 00 Mixed ba\ 30 00-35 00 St' aw 20 00-28 00 Mulch 8 00-15 00 Repoited by Bui can of Maikets Pa Dept of Agiicultuie. Try A Classified It Pays Robert K. Rohrer Bulldozing - Grading Potz Sales & Service Barn Cleaners - Silo Unloaders - Cattle Feeders Quarrj ville, R. D. 1 Densel 548-2559 MARKET NEWS REPORT CATTLE 947 Compaicd lo last Tucsda>, Slaughter Steers fully steady. Cows 75 1 00 lowei: CATTLE 2900 Compai cd Rails 50 75 lowei to last weeks close. Slaughter Steois mostly steady, except SLAUGHTER STEERS Few Good >;iadc 50 lower. Cows 100 Pnme 950-1300 lbs. 32 00-32 60. lowci. Bulls 100 150 lower high-Choicc and Pnme 9751300 Supply included an estimated lbs 31 75-32 00: Choice 930-1375 65 pci cent Slaughtei Steers. 20 lbs 30 50 32 00. high-Good and peicent Cows and Bulls, with low-Choice 29 25-30 50, Good the balance mainly Fcedci 2700 29.50, Stcei s SLAUGHTER STEERS diessmg Cuttoi 22 50-24 00, few High Choice and Prime 1100 2150. Cuttei 20 50-23 00, Canner 1375 lbs 31 75 32 25, Choice 975- , . f i Q -- 01 - n 1 nn- it nA Ci roi /*A 1 Ti Cl 10W*C.UltCl 19 TO «■ 1 51) 13io lbs 30 25 3160, lugh-Good and low-Choice 28 50 30 25. Good 27 00 29 50 Vcaleis COWS Utility and high diessmg Cuttei 23 00 24 00. Cut tei 22 25 23 75. Cannei and low Cuttei 20 25 22 25 C\LVES 573—Vealus steady — Choice 49 00- 51 50 Good 43 00 47 50, Standaid G B d L 26oV29M C m 7 | 7 f 292 d Ite afoossS tUZSZ&JS*' and lte 25 “ 32 00 CALVES 450 - Vealeis _ HOGS SSS-Eauws and Gilts Choice 100 lowei Standard and 0 v e Good 200 lowei Utility and Cull steady. Choice Calves 225 280 lbs 2 00 lowei VEALERS Choice 47 GO -49 00. Choice Calves 225-280 lbs 43 00 46 00. Good 42 00-46 00. Standai d 39 00-43 00, Utility 36 - 00 40 00. Cull 90 120 lbs 30 00 34 00 65 85 lbs 26 00-31 00 HOGS 1350 Bairows and Gilts 75-1 00 lowei CLOSING SALES, BAR ROWS AND GILTS US 1 215 220 lbs 26 25-26 50 US 1-2 200- 240 lbs 25 25-26 00 US 2-3 210- 240 lbs 25 00-25 25 SOWS Steady US 2-3 300- 600 lbs 16 00-17 00 SHEEP 300 Spung Lambs steady SPRING LAMBS Choice 80 95 lbs 29 50-30 00 Good 75- 90 lbs 27 00 29 00 Utility 65-90 lbs 23 00 24 50 -These puces aie made up of the aveiage puces quoted by six Eai Coin paiticipating local feed and giain Shelled Com concerns It should be noted. Oats l.owevei, that not tveiy dealei Bailey 93 108 handles each commodity All Wheat 145 162 puces die pei bushel, except foi Bid is the puce the dealei eai com which is pei ton will buy fiom the faimei de- The aveiage local giain puces Ineied to the mill Offered is quoted Thuisday, July 23, 1970 the puce the dealei will sell foi aie as follows at his mill AUCTIONS makes the difference in marketing livestock! New Holland makes the difference in auctions! MONDAY 10.30 A.M - FAT HOGS and SHOATS 2.30 P.M. - FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL - THURSDAY at 12 30 P.M. NEW HOLLAND'SALES STABLES, INC. Abiam W. Diffenbach, Manager ( Phone (717) 354-2194 Local Grain Prices HORSE SALE - MONDAY at 10 00 A.M. DAIRY SALE - WEDNESDAY at 12:30 P.M. New Holland, Penna Vintage Auction July 21, 1970 COWS utility and high- BULLS Choice 28 00-30 00. Good 26 25-28 00 Utility and Commeicial 26 50-30 00 BORROWS AND GILTS—US 1- 195-240 lbs 26 00-26 35 US 2- 190-245 lbs 25 00-26 10 Spung Lambs SHEEP 82 steady. SPRING LAMBS Choice 50- 90 lbs 29 50-30 50, Good 60-80 lbs 26 50-27 00 SLAUGHTER STEERS On Wednesday, load Pnme 1206 lbs 32 60, dozen loads same giade 1175-1325 lbs Yield Giade 3 and 4 32 50 Mixed High Choice and Pnme 1100-1375 lbs 31 75-32,25, load 1125 lbs 32.50 Choice 950-1350 lbs Yield Grade 2 to 4 31 00-32 25 Mixed Good and Choice 30 50-31 25 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS On Wednesday, six loads High Choice and Pnme 900-1025 lbs Yield Giade 3 and 4 3150 Choice 900 1000 lbs Yield Giade 2 to 4 30 00 31 25, Choice 775-900 lbs 29 25 30 25 Mixed Good and Choice 750 950 lbs 28 50-30 00 BULLS Utility and Com meicial 26 00-29 00 Bid Offered $39 00 1 58 New Holland Auction Jul> 23. 1970 CATTLE 1134 Compaicd to last Thursday high-Choiec and Pinnc Slaughtei Steel s steady, other Choice steady to 25 highei, Good steady to 50 lowei; Cows 50 75 lowei, Bulls steady Sup ply included 15 peicent Cows and 10 peicent Bulls. SLAUGHTER STEERS Small lot Prime 1075-1275 lbs 32 25-32 50. lugh-Choice and Pnme 1150-1300 lbs 31 60 32 10, Choice 950-1325 lbs 30 25-31 75. high-Good and low-Choicc 28.75- 30 25; Good 27 00-29 50, Standaid and low Good 26 00-27 50 COWS—Utility and high-dicss ing Cutter 22 50-24 00, Cuttei 21 50-23 00, Canner and low- Cuttei 20 00-21 75 BULLS Choice 27 50-29 75, few 30 25-31 50, Good 26 00-28 50 Utility and Commeicial 26 75- 29 75 CALVES 436 Vealeis 100- 3 00 highei VEALERS Choice 47 GO -49 00 Good 43 00 47 00. Standaid 41 00-43 00 Utility 35 00-41 00, Cull 70-115 lbs 27 00-32 00 FUTURES (Closing bids as of Thursday, July 23,1970) August September October November December Januaiy ’7l February March April May Tiend Cattle aie minus, off modeiately, Hogs are off model ate to unchanged, Potatoes aie otf modeiately and Eggs aie down All aie above season’s low Markets provided by Commodity Dept, Reynolds lc Company $44 33 1 72 Cattle Hogs Sheep Week to date 449,000 1,022,000 150,000 Same penod last week 459,000 1,030,000 148.000 Same penod last yeai 445,000 1,042,000 141,000' Estimated daily livestock slaughter under Federal Inspection. VINTAGE SALES STABLES, Inc. PARADISE, PENNA. BULLS, STEERS, BUTCHER COWS, HOGS, LAMBS AND VEAL CALVES SOLD ON COMMISSION SALE EVERY TUESDAY 12 NOON FAT HOGS AND FEEDER PIG SALE EVERY SATURDAY AT 9:00 A.M. For Marketing Information Phone Area Code 717-442-4181 Box 100 Paiadise, Pa. 10 mi East of Lancaster on Rt 30 Kenneth E. Horshey, Sales Manager Chicago Chicago Cottle t*aoc 31.20 24.12 29.65 20.72 29.15 20.12 29.20 19.72 19.65 2.95 a-asked b bid n-nominal Federally Inspected Livestock Slaughter (Foi week starting July 20, 1970) CALVES RETURNED TO FARM Bulk 90115 lbs. 39.00* 43 00 SHEEP I—Supply too small to supply pnce trend HORSES July 20. 1970 Receipts of 283 horses sold lower Riding horses 125-320; Driving Horses 90-240; Pony Mares 20-45, Geldings 15-30; Killers 8-9 COWS July 20, 1970 Receipts of 131 cows, 3 bulls and 4 heifers sold stronger. Fresh cows, Holstein 450 975; Guernseys 200 250: Other bieeds 300 400: Bulls 310-375; Heifers 290 395. HOGS July 20, 1970 Receipts of 1,276 hogs Retail 26 27 50 Heavyweights 21 50- 25 50. Wholesale 2,3, 4 25 50 26; Sows 16 50 18, Boars 16 50-17 50. CALVES July 30, 1970 Receipts of 131 calves Choice and Prime 44 51 50, Good and Low Choice 38 43 50, Standard 32-37 50 Common 22-31 50. TRADING New Yoik Maine Clncago Potatoes Fresh Eggs 2.44 38.23 2.75 3.51 V3B 38.90 39 36.75-85 36.85-90 35.80-70 .4* -