—Lanac.Htcr Farming. Saturday. July 25.1970 18 39 lom 4-H Guests Visit Lancaster County Some of the lowa 4-H guests in Lancaster County re cently are. from left: Cheryl Baldwin. Mevill. Iowa: Roger Schmidt. Kmopley. lowa, ana Rich Wales, Akron, lowa. Tim Breneisen, (right) Lancaster 4-H left: Susan Dennler, Mevill, Iowa; Martha County Council treasurer, greets some Hahn, LeMars. Iowa; Ardie Roehr, exten members of the lowa 4-H delegation in sion 4-H and youth leader, LeMars, lowa, Lancaster County recently. They are. from and Rich Wales, Akron, lowa Try A Classified Ad It Pays! On July 8. 38 lowa 4IIV s, their Extension 4 II ami Youth Loadei. \i cljci* Roehi. and Mr & Mrs Stanley \ndei son from lowa aimed .it the F.nm and Home CcnU'i on \icadia Road \fler they had eaten then pic nic dmnei at the center with theii 4 H family host, they left foi four days of Laneaslei living Some events weie planned foi then - enjoyment and education of the aica. lepoiled Miss .lean D Lucas, assistant extension home economist fhuisday. July 9 the Extcn sion office planned a bus tom of Lancastei County stopping to visit the Wax Museum, Landis Donmanil Hew Van Dale “1230 Series 11“ Silo Unloader Customer- Certified to outperform, outlast any make its size. You’re in command. Push the the new Van Dale “1230 Sene! Unloader go into action—give y i output, feed more head—with' booster or added electricity. Our say so? No, our customers testify the “1230 Series 11" is better three ways: 1. handles nr vdlev Museum, and tin Old families *ho weie able to share y‘ ( ll • v lih them Hems they felt of . . i i * 1,,, mii n* 1 1 gieat interest In this aiea As they ohsei ved the i ten nan mlttnal land of Lancaster, they 0() \j on ,(.,y, .Inly 13. they arise weie infotmed about the Countv %(|J ( , lo a y.ui and \misli living by Mis Rhelda > 0 Royer and Mis Pauline SlolUfus Finlay night. July 10. Ihi v an I thou- Kill Its Ml'U- im Ill’ll liy Counly Council to John Kuit/s barn for n squnic tl.mcc Thcic The resignation of James M. were about 100 in allcmlancc and Ken. Warwick High Scliool vo eiciyone had a fun OKed m-nmg ;l g teacher. Lititz. was accepted The lemnindcr of then visit this week by the Waiwick was spent with their 41! host School Board leaner PerfbimiiiGß KERR RESIGNS