Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 25, 1970, Image 16

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    lf» I-nncmtiT Farming. Saturday. July 25. 1970
Versatile Ice Cream Can Meet All Occasions
By Mr*. Richard C, Spcnrr
Ice nearo, llu over, in and
tinder ban av many ujm
. s there arc delicious di earns I!
also has moic food value than
most popular deceits
"if is high in milk fat and milk
solids. Fruits, nuts and Unvoting
ate often added to make this an
iven more tantalizing dessert
Most any flavor you can imagine
—and a few you probably never
thought of—is available
However, vanilla is still an
overwhelming favorite and then
you can add your own topping.
If you add egg yolks to frozen
custard you have French ice
ci earn: the taste is diffeient and
the price is higher Don’t confuse
Fretoch ice cream with the frozen
custard that’s sold at roadside
snack stands Most of these soft
serve frozen foods are ice milks
Ice milks are made the same
vay as ice ci earns but contain
less total milk solids and moie
sugar By the way, ice milks aie
iiOt a dietei’s delight They con
lain nearly as many calones as
ice cieam
Another fiozen desseit high in
sugai is sheibet It has a t.ut
flavor chaiactenstic of whatevei
f uit and fuiit acid is added
Sheibet is a low fat low milk
fiozen food, but again calone
content is much the same
Versatile ice cieam is delicious
over baked apples 01 peais. 01
funt crisps and fruit pies Its
tuso a tasty topping foi hot gin
geibiead, spice cake and stiavv
beuy shoitcake Foi a bit of
novelty, make a leal bieakffist
lieat with ice cieam ovei waffles
■Oi on leady-to-eat eeieal
Use ice cieam in an ice cieam
pie with alternate layeis of fuiit,
whipped cieam and ice cieam
The must can be plain or, foi a
fancy paity pie, tiy ciushed
graham crackeis 01 cookies Ice
cieam cake lolls aie anothei
tasty ‘ in’ desseit, not to mention
ice cieam eclaiis
If you want to make youi own
Garber Oil Co.
Texoco Heating Oil
Burner Sales & Service
Ph. 653-1821
HPhiiliii liß'Mi'iii I i
Self Service IgL '
2750 Columbia Ave. 1
Lane. Co.’s Largest Sis
Shoe Store {« i
All Ist Quality Eg 1
Super Low Prices s 3| 1
Save Rm
743 S BROV, ST
Hours Mon t'.'iu 'at ;• i "
Sunday 9 to a
ice cream sandwiches, spicad
softened ice cieam between two
large oatmeal, molasses, or sugar
cookies Freeze until firm Serve
as refreshment® for happy chil
Another easy child-plenser is
ice cream clowns; put a cone
upside-down over a scoop of ice
cream Use fruit pieces, raisins
or small candies to make the
clown's face
Of course, ice cream can be
served under any number of
fruit toppings, fresh or frozen.
Choose fiesh ripe strawberries,
laspberries, or bananas and
crush Spoon over a scoop of
your favorite ice cieam for a
delicious sundae For an elegant
parfait, arrange alternating lay
ers of ciushed fruit, whipped
t earn and ice cream in tall slim
You can add extra spaik to ice
cieam with tempting sauces Try
lolling a scoop of ice cieam in
salted peanuts and topping with
chocolate sauce
Tasty fiozen dauy desseits
should be stoied piopeily If
you plan to sene ice cieam with
in one to foui houis aftei you
buv it pul the unopened cai ton
duccllv in the ice cube aiea of
tin lefngeiatoi and set foi cold
est tcmpeiauue
.Foi stoiage up to thiee weeks,
the fieezei of youi lefngeiatoi
will be sufficient Howevei, al
ii avs covei ice cieam with plas
tic map 01 foil aftei you open
the box This piotects the ice
cieam horn absoibmg icfugeia
toi odois and also pi events a
tough, leathery, discoloied film
caused by evapoiation
Don’t allow ice cieam to par
tially melt and ichaiden Ice
crystals will mciease in size
which results in a couise, icy
pi oduct
Ice cieam can contribute peicnnially populai Biownie a
woithwhile amounts of protein, la Mode, this sensational fudgey
calcium, and nboflavm to help pie is fancy enough to seive at
balance summei meals If you a paity oi company dinnei
Need . . .
Buy Now and Save!
More and more farmers are buying from us for
better value and all around satisfaction
Delivered any quantity
Phone Area Code 717 687-7631
Esbenshade Turkey Farm
“Ameiica’s Oldest”
Start raising
the Easy
No moie caiivmg paiis of waim watei or hand mixing leplaoei Just fill the honpei of the NURS ETTE with
milk leplacei and the NURS-ETTE will mix milk leplacer
„nd waim watei and keep it warm until calf muses the mix
(appiox 14 oz )
Thou it will mix a fiesh batch of water and replacer.
For more information contact
Ph. 717-548-24<52
Peach Bottom. R D 1. Pa 173f>3
believe in making every food
count, then ice cream is a natural
for desseit And. ice cieam will
delight every member of your
family, serve it often
If you've never made an ice
cieam bombe befoie, now's the
time to fry your hand at this
spectaculai, yet easy desseit A
bombe may look elaborate and
difficult, but it’s simply a matter
of spooning two or more flavors
of ice cream into a large mold,
freezing, then unmolding and
garnishing it It’s easy, and the
lesults aie exciting'
H cup (*,2 stick) butter
>4 cup sugar
cup graham cracker crumbs
(10 crackers)
•••’> cup flaked coconut
‘,4 cup chopped, dry roasted
2 pints vanilla ice cream,
2 pints chocolate ice cream,
Ci earn butter until light and
fluffy, giadually add sugar, then
gi adually add crumbs Blend in
coconut and peanuts Pi ess onto
bottom and sides of 7 cup but
teied mold Spiead vanilla ice
ci earn as evenly as possible with
back ol spoon 01 spatula on
ciumb lavei to make a shell
lining about 1-inch thick Place
m fieezei to haiden ice cieam
(If ice cieam becomes too soft
to woik, set mold in fieezer to
lehaiden) Spoon chocolate ice
cieam into centei to fill mold
Freeze Unmold by dipping into
waim water and turn out on
chi Jed plate Makes 10-12 seiv
mgs Seive with chocolate sauce
if desned
While it’s a variation of the
more and better Calves
Chocolate, vanilla and orange 1 can <8 l a ounces)
make a harmonious combination pineapple, drained
ot flavors, icf resiling at an> sum- cup vanilla lee cream
mer meal. Best of all. Fudge Heat puffed wheat in shallow
Biowme Pie is easy to do, always baking pan in preheated moder
an important factor in summei ate oven (350 degrees) about 10
meal planning minutes Cool Spoon alternate
layers of puffed wheat, pineapple
and ice cream into parfait glasses
and serve to 2 people
1 j cup (1 stick) butter
1 cup sugar
2 egg yolks
2 squares (1 ounce each) un .... * ,
sweetened chocolate, melted Four packets instant oatmeal
and cooled with maple and brown sugar,
1 teaspoon vanilla uncooked
cup sifted regular all-pur* *« cup butter or margarine,
pose flour inelt s <l . , . .. .
2 egg whites 1 CU P flaked or shredded coco
‘■a cup chopped pecans BUt .
1 pint orange sherbet 3 pints vanilla ice cream
1 pint vanilla ice cream
In mixing bowl cream buttei.
giadually add sugai and beat
until light and fluffy Add egg
yolks, one at a tune, beating well
after each addition Blend in
chocolate and vanilla, gradually
add flour Beat egg whites until
soft peaks form, giadually fold
into battei along with pecans
Spiead evenly in a butteied fl
inch pie plate, bake in a pre
heated 325 degiee oven 30 35
minutes Remove to wne rack
to cool completely Just befoie
seiving spoon altei noting petals
of sheibet and ice c.oam o\ei
pie Makes 8-10 seiung-
1% cups puffed wheat
Combine oatmeal, butter and
coconut Place in shallow baking
pan Bake in preheated moderate
oven (350 degiees) 10 to 12
minutes, Stirling occasionally.
Cool: toss lightly with fork to
foim crumbs Using an ice ciearn
scoop, form four round balls
fiom each pint of ice cieam As
each ball is foimed, roll it m
the crumb mixtuie and coat even
ly Place on a cookie sheet that
has been chilled in the freezer
about 10 minutes Cover with
aluminum foil and fieeze over
night oi until firm Garnish each
snowball with a maraschino
cheny 12 seivmgs
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