H I,amn*'U , r Farming. Saturday, July 2.'). 1970 USDA Meat Sanitation Enforcement Stepped Up Simulations I>\ the Gcnei.il Accounting Office to slicnglhen '•nfoi cement of meat inspection tune been adopted some of them ne.nl> a >eai .mo the U S Depailmenl of Agucultiue icpoited leeenth The GAO iecommendatioiis ,ne in a icpoit on sanitation in meat plants undei mandatoiv GARDEN SPOT 411 The Gaiden Spot 4H Club Mill hold a fashion show tilled The Age of Aquai ms at 7 30 p m Juh 27 in the New Holland Fne Hail The event is lice of chaige and open to the pubhc Chau men aie Jan Hunsickei C.nol Huss Debbie Redcay and Kav Shcaflei Baib H.ills was apnomtcd chan man of a commiCc. 1 to olan a picnic Assisting hoi aie Man Hale and Cind> Oi'nm I>\ I in hi Sichinaa Kookie Kooks Hie Pc in Manoi Kookic Kook-. iu I thei lou i’i mochm on tednesc’ac Jin> 15 in die home conoanc; icon oi lac Pc nil iManoi Jumoi Hi eh School Suhira.ii es and =oup was the iopic ol ;ne fi st \cai gals and the second 'em g iK made bis aiiis SIGN OF THE OEST OUV JJTI ROUND SOM> Tn i HOG FEEDERS vr—' ’ %Zy DOES NOT RUST... DOES NOT BREAK... TOUGH... SANITARY! For the first time in history—a hog feeder with a stainless steel trough—the most practical trough ever put on a hog feeder. PLUS other completely new features that mean extra years of service, important feed savings and less work. Have a look at the new PROFI-MATlC—check it fiom top to bottom—compare it feature for feature. You'll agree—here's the world’s BEST BUY in hog feeders. WE SELL, SERVICE AND INSTALL mu E. M. HERR EQUIPMENT, INC. SSsSjss R. D. 1, Willow Street 717-4G4-3321 Fedeial inspection, and in non- Fedeialh inspected meat plants icceiMiig optional Fedeial Rind ing sen ice. USDA officials said mlcnsne sunejs icccntly show that the plants sniveled by GAO now have acceptable sanitation if then ai e still pi educing meal foi sale GAO limited its study pn manly to selected plants with past sanitation pioblems Theie foie, it was not designed to be icpiescntative of the meat in dusti> as a whole The GAO icpoit suggested le emphasizing sanitation icgu lations to all emplovees respon sible foi cailying out. supei vising oi adnumsteiing meat inspection piogiams establish mg specific ciitena foi suspend mg inspection and giading sei vices and including a stale ment of action taken in all ic poits of deficiencies in samta lion USDA’s Consumci and Mai ketmg Sen ice said ic emphasis ol the lequiiemenl toi stnct en foi cement oi sanitation stand aids was stalled in Mac 1%9 Alectings weie held with held inspection and supenison stalls and with indusliv Be Try A Classified Ad Pmi-Msiw J, ) STAINLESS STEEL TfOUl . . . £—SJ .j i *** Featuring STAINLESS STEEL TROUGH If Pays! t r * * VMti «m£ ginning with .Fime. 1%9. thoie was a shaip incicase in the numbei of actions taken In USDA to hold up opciations in plants in unsanitaiv conditions When a plant cannot o. does not couect scnous deficiencies piomptly. the entne plant is shut down by suspending oi withdiawing inspection While theie were no foimal suspen sions before June 1969. there vveie 23 such foimal suspen sions fioin June 1969 to Maich 1970 Temporaly withholding of in spection fiom entne plants oi individual opeiations within plants until unsanitaiy condi MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR THE SIRE POWER SALE JULY 28, 1970 (12 NOON) READING, PA., FAIRGROUNDS SELLING; 63 Reg. Holstcins (35 cows and 28 heifers mam fresh) Selections ha\ e been made by A Doty Remsburg and Norman Hill from a 5 Uate area Feu sales ha\e olfered such high production But. THAT’S NOT ALL' Manj VG or potential VG cows (or higher) will sell and AT PRICES YOU CAN AFFORD' THIS SALE FEATURES over 20 v ery select dtrs ol Whirlhill KINKPIN, 5 GALAXY, 3 bj SUPERB, and 2 by LUCKY including one from Heatheistone of a VGB7 dam. Also a KING IVAN from Kmgstead out of a VGB9, 20,000 lb dam In all, over 15 actn e SIRE POWER sires are represented by dtrs They’re bred just right to help build your milk base * Sale Managed Bv . For Catalogs Write R. AUSTIN BACKUS, INC. SIRE POWER Mexico, New York R D.i?, Tiinkhaunock, Pa. 18637 WAYLO LOW-COST BUILDINGS Warehouses Industrial Plants Garages Repair Shops SHENK'S FARM SERVICE Lititz, R.D. 4 tions aic collected by the plant also showed a miiiked incicase m the past yeai Plants in which such actions weic taken avei aged 99 a month dm mg the first five months of 1969, but climb ed to 342 a month dm mg the following 10 months Deadlines given to plant management foi collection of basic facility and equipment de ficiencies ti ipled dm mg the past yeai. foi m an avei age of 22 plants a month dining the fust five months in 1969 to 68 pei month in the next 10 months Seventy-nine meat and poultiy plants have withdrawn from Fedeial inspection, most oi ARE IDEAL FOR FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL them closing down, because they wcie unble or unwilling lo meet sanitary reqiniemcnts. C&MS officials said that al though maikcd prog less has been made dining the past year, they will continue to dnect then cftoits to making fuither needed impiovements USDA will also continue to emphasize to plant manageis then respon sibility foi pioducing whole some food These actions will be aimed at making stiongei an aheady effective piogiam to assure con sumeis they will get clean, wholesome meat, officials said. Dairy Barns IHorse Buildings Bulk Storage Equipment Storage Plionc 626-4355