Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 25, 1970, Image 11
CALL 394-3047 or 626-2191 Farm Equipment Farm Equipment Farm Equipment THOUSANDS: Dismantling Cat. D-2 thru D-8; AC HD-5 thru 21; TD-6 thru 24: Oliver Model E thru OCI2. Gen erators, steering clutches, trans missions, final drives, chains, rollers, winches. New & used undercarriages for all makes: EXAMPLES: Cat D 2 & 933 30 links less shoes $170.90 S. F Roller (old style) 45.90 Cat D 4 & 955 31 links less shoes $236.90 S. F Roller (life time) 63.90 Cat D 6, 955 & 977 40 links less shoes $383.00 S F Roller (life time) 71.90 AC HD 5 & 6 33 links less shoes, $251.90 S F Rollei (heavy duty) 59.90 T. D 6 32 links less shoes $184.90 S. F Rollei (life time) 52.90 T. D 9 33 Links less shoes $245.90 S F Rollei (life time) 59.90 Case 100 37 links less shoes $351.90 S F Roller (life time) 63.90 John Deeie 420 - 2010 35 links less shoes- S F Rollei Olivei OC 3,4 and OC 6 30 links less shoes $206.90 (all prices t.o b ) Engines & Power Units Crawler D-2, 4,6, 7,8; TDM Loader HDS on Rubber Backhoe & Loader INT 240, Oliver, White. GOOD USED TRACKS AND ROLLERS TRACK PRESS WORK If Not Listed, Ask For It! WANT ED; Used equip., parts, engines, etc. Ben Lombardo Equip. Co. R.D.#6, Sinking Spring, Reading, Pa. 19608 Phone: (215) 678-1941/1092 or 944-7171. NEW IDEA SALES & SERVICE CASE 25% OFF Case 770 “Field Day Demo.” Used Equipment AC WD 45D w/plow & loader Case 430, 830, 930, 1030 Case 480 Utility w/loader JD Paiallel Bai lake AC 56F Flail Chopper only 20 acres. Backhoes New Idea Uni Harvesters Gehl Recutter NH 66 Balei w/Motoi A. L. HERR & BRO. 312 Park Ave, Quairyville, Pa FORAGE HARVESTERS 1 and 2 low Fox, JD, Foid, NH, McD, AC, CORN PICKERS 1 PR, McD, NI, Case, Olivei, Fold 1 and 2 low, Silo Fillei, Blow eis Foiage Wagons, High Mois tme Com Mills, Gram Boxes, Feed Gunder Mixers, Metal Com Cribs, Giain Dulls, Potato Dig gers, Elevators and Disc Hai rows Laige selection of ti ac tors in stock CLYDE E KEENER Intel section of Rt 72 and 230 Phone 717-569-9861 For Sale ~ Eighteen Brower infia-ied broodeis m excellent condition. Call 367-7354 LANCASTER SILOS Starline Labor Savers Feed Lot Planning Sales & Service by J. SAMUEL SHERER 1 Mt. Joy R 2 1 Phone 717-653-5207 ' or 717-653-5208 Used Case 800 combine ready to go Used Case 509 icady to go Discounts as high as 30% on new windroweis Used tiactois—Case 931 Diesel, Case 931 Diesel—sold; JD 820 Diesel: Case 731 gas—sold: Case 631 gas, Case 541 gas, Case 311 gas, MH 333—501 d KINZER EQUIP. CO. Kinzeis, Pa. Ph: 442-4186 Lane Customeis Plr 768-8916 Foi Sale Case combine #6OO, inn 4 seasons, 10 ft cut with pick-up reel Abiam R Hen, ph 717-529-2434 $227.90 61.90 Poultry & Supplies SHAVE* np LAYERS Greider Leghorn Farms, Inc. Phone 653-1855 MOUNT JOY R. 1, PA. ATTENTION We have heavy breed layer contracts avail able. Excellent income opportunity. 2,000 to 6,000 size flocks available. No capital re quired, we pay all supplies. Call or write. Indian River Poultry Farms 2501 Oregon Pike, Lancaster, Pa. Phone 569-0456 // MV .Am. mm . VMV. AAtA.4 V / > v - - Introducing... THE B-305 Q: There is no doubt that the B-300 is the industry ■■ leader in egg production. Will the B-305 do as well? 1 f A- We have every reason to believe that the B-305 will be another industry leader in egg production. This year’s USDA Random Sample Summary Report has certainly helped strengthen this belief. Babcock Hatchery, Inc. i Box 285, Lititz, Pa. Phone 626-8561 ' Where in the World is Babcock’ ... |' . Wherever eggs are produced at a profit' , I " i I. ni—rni imi AC Model G Manure Loader com- plete w/pump AC Dl4 Tractor Wheel Horse 5 hp riding Tractor & Mower. Electric Stait AC Model SOT grass mower MM 335 Tractor w/side Mtd Mower AC Blower w/B-125 Power Unit AC 780 Haivester ROY H. BUCK, INC. Ephiata, Pa Ph - 859-2441 Electromechanical Service Phase Converters—Electric Mo tors—Power Tools—Generators. ELECTROMEC Rt 222 Ephrata, Pa. 717-733-7911 NH 975 Combine Intel national 403 Combine Farmall 340 Tiactor MF 510 Diesel Combine AC Haybme Faimall 504 M M WEAVER & SONS Leola, Pa Ph 656-7702 Farmall 300 Ti actoi NH 975 Combine International 403 Combine Faimall 340 Ti actoi MF 510 Diesel Combine AC Haybine Faimall 504 M M WEAVER & SONS Leola, Pa Ph 656-7702 Poultry & Supplies 2000 Wanen Sex Sal 20 wks. July 10 2000 Kimber Leghorn 20 wks. July 21 Moyei’s Chicks, Inc Quakeitown, Pa Ph 215-536-3155 Lancaster Farming. Saturday, July 25. 197 Q— II Farm Equipment Fot Sale: Demonstrator—Badger manure spieader, foiage wagons, and blowers. Also new wagons and blowei on hand Ph 392- 3668. Poultry & Supplies Poultry & Supplies HAVING EXCESSIVE LEUKOSIS MORTALITY? TRY ANTHONY WHITE LECHORNS YOU’LL BE PLEASED WITH THEIR PERFORMANCE GEO. M. ANTHONY & SONS POULTRY FARM, INC. Strausstown, Pa. 19559 Tel. 215-488-6211 LONGENECKER'S HATCHERY Box 317 f Elizabethtown, Pa. 17022 I*\ Phone (717) 367-1545 Day old and started pullets • J. J. WARREN SEX-SAL DAY OLD AND STARTED PULLETS LEUKOSIS RESISTANT—GIVE THEM A TRY! • WHITE MOUNTAIN CROSS BROILER CHICKS BROILER CHICKS WITH TOP PERFORMANCE Raising Baby Chicks and Started Pullets on Your Farm Where Leukosis is a Problem? WE RECOMMEND YOU ORDER MUSSER'S M 327 CHICKS Started and Matured Pullets and Yearling Hens WHY? Because our breeding and our resist* ance program on our farm has given us three distinct controls over coccidiosis and leuko* sis. FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION CALL COLLECT MUSSER LEGHORN FARMS Box 116, Mount Jov, Pa. Phone 653-4911 1916 54 Years 1970 / > / * Farm Equipment New Ford and Allis Chalmers Disc Harrows New & Used Rotary Cutters. ALLEN H MATZ, INC. New Holland Ph. 354-2214