Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 25, 1970, Image 10
10—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. July 25.1970 Mail Box Marker For Sale: “L" Case tractor, on steel. good condition Jonas S. Zook. 1 mile north of Witmer. 2nd faim on light after crossing R.R track For Sale Purebred Suffolk sheep ram—s4o: goldfish, for ’njnnnaq otMni ‘puod .to iood 3-o"—soc ea. Ph. 665-5770. Wanted: Cast iron kettle furnace front and top. single. Amos Z. Weaver. New Holland RDI. Box 792. For Sale: Registered Holstein bulls, dams have records to 20,- 000 milk and 8.000 fat. Stephen R. Click, Leola RDI. at Millport. For Sale: Sweet corn, wholesale or by dozen. Also tobacco laths, and a 7” 100 foot endless gandy belt. Elmer Fisher, Christiana RDI. at Nine Points. For Sale: Celery plants. Penn crist or Pascal, large and small lots. Phone 626-5003. For Sale: JD 38 harvester with 38" corn head, a 30" corn head and pick-up attachment; Massey- Harns self-propelled com pick er Earl G. Martin, ph. 733-4516. For Sale: 2,000 tomato baskets, Ph. Columbia 684-8690. SELL ★ YOUR % BUTCHER wjr*' .} HOGS yZ* fijlf DIRECT ARMOUR CO. READING, PA. We will be glad to look at your hogs & bid you. CALL AL SHAFFER AT (215) 376-3941. Evenings (215) 779-3847 MILLER'S Sales and Service Wavier of finance available now on new and used tractors, new and used John Deere 45, 55, 95, and 105 combines, and other farm equipment until March 1, 1971. REDUCED PRICES NEW EQUIPMENT WAS JD 3 swath fluffer $ 325 JD 10 side mtd. mower .... 650 JD 50 side mtd. mower .... 720 JD 24T Baler - SOLD 2350 JD 507 Gyromowers^7 1 /2 ft. pull type - 5 - Lely Gemini Tedder JD F 325-3-16" hydraulic reset JD 1020 RUD ... JD 2520 G JD 2520 DPS - SOLD _ USED EQUIPMENT JD 45 HiLo Combine JD 4020 D PS JD 720 D JD 620 - SOLD . MILLER'S SALES & SERVICE, INC. Highway 851 Stewartstown, Pa. Yoik County’s Progressive Dealer John Deere Dahlinan Potato Brillion & Biadv Harvesters & Lely Livestock For Sale—Purebred Yorkshire boars, bred gilts and open gilts Carcass championship bloodlines Willow Glen Farm, R.D. 1, Straa burg, Pa. Ph. AC 717-786-2362. Wanted to Buy—Red and White Holstein Heifer Calves. Karl Herr. Kirkwood RDI, Phone 529- 2367. Instructionol DRIVERS ARE NEEDED Train now to drive semi-truck through facilities of class-one carriers; local or over the road. For application and personal in terview. call 315-458-2769, or write United Systems, Inc.. Safe ty Dept., c/o Interstate Terminal Bldg.. 15 Dippold Street, Syra cuse. New York, 13211. Sale Register vania Yorkshire Co-operative Association, Inc. sponsors 2 Quality Pork Events. For catalog write or call Wellington A. Hies ter. Sr.. RD3 Fleetwood, Pa. 19522 Ph. 215-944-8579 or Reno H. Thomas, Beavertown, Pa. Phone 717-658-6719. FRI. AUG. 14—6:30 P.M. 3 bed room concrete block bungalo with frame attached laundr>, bath and garage with - 12x21 frame barn, 9x13 pony shed. Located 3 miles Northwest of Terre Hill on E. Pieffer Hill Road in Brecknock Twp. on Rt. 897 at Fivepointville. Turn West on Fivepointville Road to E. Pieffer Hill Road. Terms by John E Peteis WED. AUG. 19—9 A M Mai tin’s Sale Barn. Blue Ball, Pa. Full line of farm equipment This will be the last sale for 1970 \\ e sell on commission. Teims by Paul Z Martin Ph 717-354-6671. MON. AUG. 24—Shalco Cpllpssal Vacation Sale, Mir at are, Tsebras s.&. ____ 717. 783. 1125 5019. 6863. . 8792 2995 5495 2295 2095 We arc a rapidly expanding in surance company, in need of personnel for field sales. We have positions open in South east er n Pennsylvania. We specialize in the rural fire mar ket and personal lines. Salary commensuratt with experience, opportunity for commissions and car furnished. If you are dilli gent. have enthusiasm and want to work for an organization where you are recognized and ap preciated, this is the sales posi tion for you. Reply to: Mr. Arnon Greif, c/o Agway Insurance Co., P.O. Box 2323, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17105 Phone: 717-652-2783 Wanted Milker for 40 cow Guernsey herd. Pleasant work ing conditions. Top wages, € day week, paid vacation. Prefer married man. Provide 3 bedroom house in excellent condition with utilities Would like exper ienced person but willing to train. References required. Write Coventry Farm. Box 348. Prince ton, New Jersey. 08540 or call 609-921-2292. Wanted: Hired man for dairy farm, some experience neces sary. Send letter to Box 20, c/o LANCASTER FARMING. P. 0. Box 266, Lititz, Pa. 17543. Wanted Dairy farmer, North ern Baltimore Coimty. E. S. Russell, Whitehall, Maryland. 21161. Phone 301-357-5285. Dairy Equipment 285 gal. Girton self contained, ready to plug in. Good condi tion. 200 gal. Girton bulk tank 300 gal Esco, good condition Ph Intercourse 768-8228 CLARK ELECTRIC Rl, Kinzeis, Pa. All beef and daily farmers in Chester and Lancaster Counties can purchase Carnation Farms Semen dnect from Joseph P Tiainor, Honey Biook, Pa 19344, or phone 215 273-3847 oi 273- 3817 444 acie Daily farm appicm matelv 12 miles West of Hunt ingdon. Pa On Rt 22. 4 houses, laige bain, etc Pi iced to sell at SlOO.OOO Phone 814-669-4078. NOW $ 275. Walter Stively, Jr. 495. 550. 1795. Mechanical Repairing 695. 695. . Quarryville, Pa. Phone 786-2252 or 786-3755 995. 3995. 5495. 6995. PRINCE OF WALES MEMEN TO Have china mugs ixom England in commemoration of the Prince’s Investiture. $8 etih, Also Moon Landing Mugs from England $6 ea W L Zimmer man & Sons, Ph. 768-3131, Inter course, Pa 2795. 4995. 1995. 1895. WOOD SHAVINGS. Ideal for work-ways and bedding. $l2 per ton. Can be delivered in bulk loads of 10-12 tons. Less expen sive than straw or tanbark. Con tact Bob Geist at Leola Supply Co. Inc. Ph. 717-656-6811. For Sale MUSHROOM SOIL for your lawn and garden. GAP NEWPORT MUSHROOM FARMS. INC Ph. Avondale 215-268 8808 Lancaster 394-2611 For Sale Dned Wood Shav ings Store now for winter, use wflile available. Phone 215-267- 4726. -ri. - Help Wanted —SALESMAN— Real Estate Miscellaneous of All Kinds 242 W State St Form Equipmont USED BELT TYPE TRACTORS IH W 9, Super W 9 Diesel, 660 Diesel, with 85 h.p. AC Dl9’s over 70 h.p. Case 930 • 85 h.p. Also AC power Units Will Trade RAYMOND B. LEAMAN 2051 Butter Road. Lancaster Phone 394-2917 tary mower for Cub tractor. Bal er Twine $5.85 per bale. Large selection of tractors. CLYDE E. KEENER Intersection of Rt. 72 and 230 Phone 717-569-9861 HYDRAULIC OIL Good Quality—Good Prices Haverstick Bros. 2111 Stone Mill Road Lancaster, Pa. Phone 392-5722 BADGER self propelled * cattle feeder for 90 ft. bunk. New Priced to sell. LANDIS BROS.. INC. " Manheim Pike, Lane. Phone 393-3906. Wanted—Steel Wheels for Mc- Cormick WD6 Diesel Tractor. Eli M. Beiler, Centre Hall Rt, #J. Pa. 16828. Fickes Silos and Badger Feedutg Epuipment. GRUMELLI FARM SERVICE- Quarryville Ph. 786-3630 For Sale; wood forage wagon, like new. Also good barn lum ber, already to haul away. Phone 215-933-8758. ’ - RTinpower-Tractor Driven Alter nators Demonstrated. Installed & Serviced by ELBCTRQME££— Ephrata. Pa. Rt. 222 717-733-7011 Haybines Hesston and Case; Mowers rotary, flail, and sickle; choppers, crimpers and crushers, balers, elevators, rakes, forage wagons and combines, ro- NH 66 PTO Baler IHC 816 Hay Conditioner 300 Farmall Tractor 350 Forage Harvester COPE & WEAVER CO New Providence 786-7351 Used Oliver 880 Diesel FARMERSVILLE EQUIP Inc Ephrata RD2 354-9221 Farm Equipment Tractors from 50-95. h.p. International & Oliver 1 row pickers New Idea 2 row trailer picker, narrow row, AC motors with reductions For the Amish—box choppers with long feed tables or new recutter blowers Also trailer load of gravity box es and wagon chassis. At least compare prices before you buy. Raymond B. Leaman 2051 Butter Road. Lancaster Phone 394-2917 Used Tractors and Equipment JD63O Dl7O AC 706 International 450 T JD w/cultivators , 420 W JD w/cultivators Dl4 AC w/loader JD 38 Harvester JD #6 Harvester NH 818 Harvester #lO and 50 JD side mtd. Mowers. „ 20% Down, No Finance Charge til March 1, 1971. WENGER IMP. INC. The Buck, Pa. Ph: 2844141 TRACTORS Case'3oo' Case 400 Case 430 Case.V.A.C. D.B. Hay Rake Cafee Rake Model 281 J.D. Hay Conditioner 550. Case Windrower N.I. Hay Crusher WALTER BINKLEY & SON R.D.#4, Lititz, Pa. Ph: 626-2344 For Sale—New Lil Colt Camper Cabs for all size pick-up trucks $135.00 and up. Farmall 400 with late model cornpicker New Idea model 319 cornpicker —good condition Late model John Deere thrash ing machine —like new All tvpes of farm machinery. ELWOOD FLOWERS Manheim RD2, Pa. Phone 6534839 .. _ ,