Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 18, 1970, Image 9

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    To Allow Time for Good Roots Before Winter, Smith Says:
Plant Alfalfa in Early August
Red Rose
Walter Binkley & Son E. Musser Heisey & Son Musser Farms, Inc.
Lititz R. D. if 2, Mt Joj , Pa. Columbia
Brown & Rea, Inc.
Elverson Supply Co.
Henry E. Garber
R. D 1, Elizabethtown, Pa.
L. T. Geib Estate
I. B. Graybiil & Son
Strasbui g
! For .1 number of yeais eaily
August bus been a popul.ll lime
to establish new stands of alfal
i fa in Southeastern Pennsylvan
, la Moie recently many gioweis
| have been successful with an
jeaily spnng seeding without
any nurse ciop.
j The pm pose of this article is
] to stiess some cf the recom
i mended piactices to piepaic for
i this August seeding, if it is to
be made this summer.
The giound should be plowed
or disced several times duung
the month pieceding the seed
mg opeiation This will kill
weeds and get the soil fii m be
foie the seeding is made.
Whethei the giound is plow
ed or disced seveial times
makes little diffeience because
the end result should be the
same If weeds aie a pioblem,
it might be best to plow and
then woik eveiy week to 10
A complete soil test will de
termine the amount of lime and
feitilizei that is needed, these
elements should be worked into
the topsoil during the soil pre
the best you know
Red Rose Dairy Feeds
are the feeds you need! They provide all the nutrients cows
need for maintenance and put more milk in the pail
Take Red Rose 14 Test-Cow Feed, for example. This
course-textured all purpose feed can be fed to your milk-
ing cows, dry cows, calves and bulls. You can feed it all
seasons but it's especially helpful to keep appetites from
lagging during warm weather.
Other Red Rose Dairy Feeds are available in many protein
levels. Select the one that suits your particular need and
feed with a satisfaction you have never known before!
Heistond Bros.
Red Rose Farm
Service, Inc.
N. Church St., Quarryville
David B. Hurst
G. R. Mitchell, Inc.
Refton, Pa,
Mountville Feed Service
It} Max Smith
Lancaster County Agent
and Red Rose Supplements .
paring process It is especially
impoitant to incoipoiale the
lime into the soil whole it will
do the most good.
Ccitificd seed of the piefer
icd variety should be used, ino
culation with the piopcr bac
teria is vciy impoitant pnor to
There are many good vane
ties and groweis are urged to
study the habits of each, the
maturity times, so that all of
the alfalfa ciop does not ma
tin e at the same time This
staggenng of matinity will per
nut the cutting of most of the
ciop at the pioper time.
Weed conliol is essential
when seeding without a muse
crop Eptam may be used to
spiay over the field pusi pnoi
to planting if no grass is to be
seeded with the alfalfa; this
chemical must be worked into
the soil immediately (10 to 15
minutes) after application Do
not use Eptam to conti ol weeds
if timothy or oichaid grass aie
to be mixed with the alfalfa
The other method of weed
conti ol is to spiay the field with
2,4 D-B several weeks aftei seed
ing when the small weeds are 1
to 2 inches tall (not more), this
Musser's Mill
The Buck
Ohos. E. Souder & Sons
Terre Hill
Ammon E. Shelly
E. P. Spotts, Inc.
Honev Brook
H. M. Stauffer & Sons,
Lancaster Fai ming. Saturday. July 18. 1 *>7o 0 may be used with
glass legume mistuies
The seeding opci.idon should
be with the seeding
method wheie the seeds .n e
diopped on top of the mound
behind the dull and ovei a
band of complete (5 10 5) fer
tih/ei Some machines h.ue a
pi ess wheel to pi ess the seeds
and soil compacth togelhei for
quick germination, if (his is not
available, then ioiling 01 culti
paekmg in the same dn ection as
the dulling will help gel good
gci munition
The seeding late letommcnd
ed at this time is 20 pounds pee
acie, which is heaviei than
lecommended in the eaily six
The time of seeding depends
largely upon the weathei condi
tions duung the month of Au
gust, because we ai e intei esled
m quick gei munition and maxi
mum giowth before fieezmg
weathei The pi ime time would
be the fust 10 days of the
month to permit the develop
ment of strong plants with good
loots before wintei
Alfalfa is one of our most
Outstanding forage uops It has
a place on most livestock tai ms
and especially with danymen
Weaver Drivers
Win Safety Cash
Victor F Weaver, Inc, New
Holland, recently presented 45
of it’s tiuck duveis with safe
d"ivrng awaids totaling $7,862,
announced Luke B Sauder,
Supei visor of Fleet Safety and
Duver Training
Two men. Jay Stoltzfus and
Lee Weavei, leceived special
lecognition foi then five consec
utive years of accident fiee dnv
xng Stoltzfus has driven a total
of 225,000 accident fiee miles,
while Weavei has accumulated
325,000 miles ovei the five year
Seventeen duveis, with a com
pany lecoid of one to foui yeais,
received Recognition of Gieat
Accomplishment for then safe
dnvmg record
The highest safe dnvmg awaid
accumtilated amounted to $3Bl
with an avei age pei di ivei awai d
of $174 72 Howevei, if all 48
Weaver duveis would have op
erated accident fiee foi the year,
an additional $5,000 could have
been collected
Bovine TB Discovered
Discoveiy of bovine tuber cu
losis in a Union County dauy
held was lepoited this week by
the Pennsylvania Depai tment
of Agriculture
The entue held of 109 ani
mals will be destioyed and the
owner Dallas Walter, Lewis
burg, RD3 will be indemni
fied for the loss undei a joint
Federal-State progiam. State
Aguculture Secietary Leland
H Bull said.
“This case emphasizes the
need for constant vigilance and
suiveillance to keep this disease
under contiol,” Secietaiy Bull
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