Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 18, 1970, Image 8

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    t— Lancaster Farming. Saturdn.i. July 18. 1970
Arnold Lueck. associate Lancaster County agent, exa
mines one of 49 varieties of sweet corn grown at the Penn
State Research farm near Landisville. The varieties mature
at different dates and some will be in the peak of production
when local farmers and gardeners stop by August 5 for the
field day, according to Lueck.
Research Farm Sets
Field Day August 5
Corn, forage ciops, soybeans, been invited to attend Three 01
tobacco and home gaiden crops foui Penn State specialists will
will be among the ke\ attractions be on hand to answer any ques
at the Field and Vegetable Ciop tions and provide infoimation
Day Next month at the Penn Two sessions will be held
State’s Southeastern Field Re- August 5 fiom 1 to 4 pm and
search farm neai Landisville 6 30pm till daik
Farmeis and gaideneis intei- John\okum urged all fanners
ested m observing these crops to take advantage of leseaich
and in learning moie about v/oik done on the farm He noted
them, including some of the that tobacco will be just ahead
latest leseaich on management of haivest, some vaneties of
practices and \aneties, have sweetcom will be upe and infor
mation will be available on other
varieties and musk melons will
be well along Valuable informa
tion on many othei ciops will
also be available foi the asking,
he said
• New Holland
(Continued fi om Page 2)
Holstein 425-775 Guei nse\ s
175-250; Other bi eeds 275 350
Bulls 210 280, Heiiers 305 395
July 13, 1970
Receipts of 1436 hogs sold
steady Retail 27-28 Heavy
weights 23-26 50, Wholesale 2,
3,4 s 26 50 27, Sows 16 50 18 25
Boars 16 50-18 25
July 13, 1970
Receipts of 104 cahes sold
steady Choice and Prime 47 53
Good and Low Choice 43 46 50,
Standard 35-42 50, Common 25
34 50.
July 13, 1970
Sex loads of new hay sold as
follows Timothy 36 50 Clover
31 00 Mixed 30-40
Try A
It Pays
Farm Calendar
Sunday, July 19
National Farm Safety Week
July 1925
12 30 p m Faim Women So
ciety 3, annual family pic
nic, Walters Park, near
Tuesday, July 21
10 30 a m -3pm Holstein
Association Field Day, Cur
tis Akers Farm, Quanvville
Bpm Farm and Home Foun
dation Board of Dnectors,
Farm and Home Center
Thursday, July 23
9am Manheim Young
Farmers summer picnic,
New Holland Park
10 a m - 2 15 p m State Live
stock Field Day, Penn State
Umv ersity
4pm PP&L's Fai m Leadei s
Workshop Pine Grove
Saturday, July 25
4-H County Round-up
Atlantic Breeders Schedules
Gala Day at Lancaster Aug, 5
The 1970 "Atlantic on Par
ade • day August 5 at Lancaster
headquarters of the Atlantic
Breeders Cooperative offers
lours, exhibits, delicious barbe
qued chicken dinnci. atti active
facilities, latest information,
contests, games, and prizes for
■> and thou families.
o new highly-piovcn
sues will be unveiled
nans are now selling
j for the noon meal,
additional cliaige foi
» plan to travel to Lan
an organized bus trip
intei ested dairyman
lotify his Technician
\e a tup auanged
is to headquaiteis are
m the back of each
iad construction which
ie cancellation of last
ent is now complete,
ide alteiations of the
ve’s giounds are also
irns, laboratoiy, and
nties will be open all
toms, starting at 10
i exhibits and demon
ic explain many daily
is A large tent will be
>r comfort during the
-speakers-writ be-ffer
)bins, president of At
loard of Directors and
of Sinking Springs
Farm in York County, and Dr
By Dennis Landis
Penn Willow 4-H
The Penn Willow 4-H Com
munity Club took a trip to Long
wood Gardens and the Wonder
land Wax Museum in the place
of the regular meeting Thnty
eight members and leaders were
The Candidates foi the queen
contest were chosen as follows
Pam Martin, Junior Division, and
Bev Mamn, Senior Division
By Kim Hess
Merri-Maids 4-H
The fourth meeting of the
Lampeter-Strasburg Mem-Maids
Club was held July 13. at Martin
Meylm Junior High School
Theie weie 38 girls piesent with
six leaders
Queen candidates weie elected
as follows Senior Division,
Cindy Hess, and Jumoi Division,
Marilyn Landis
A demonstration was given by
Julia Metzler, Jane Metzler and
Bridget Pierce on a bee design
The next meeting will be held
on July 20 July 27 was chosen
as the date for roundup and a
fashion show for the motheis
will be held August 4
By Christine Erb
Elizabethtown-Donegal 4-H
The Elizabethtown-Donegal 4-
H Community Club was united
to the Lampeter Park by the
Garden Spot Community Club on
July 14
There were 25 Elizabethtown-
Donegal 4-H members piesent
and three leaders
Scott Livengood gave a demon
stration on dogs Refieshments
and a baseball game vveie en
joyed by everyone.
Christine Erb was elected to
represent the club at the Posture
Queen Contest
The next meeting will be held
at the home of Willis Hackman
Theie wrll be a 10 point program
on how to glow 2 200 pounds of
tobacco per acie The baseball
game will stait at 7 30 and the
meeting will stai t at 8 30.
L W Specht. Penn Stale exten
sion dairy specialist
Sinking Spiings is the na
tion’s highest pioducing HlR
tested herd with 50 cows or
more for the past two years
(1969 ave 21,0 HM —800 F. 65
iec ), and Stcbbins will discuss
their breeding, feeding, and
management piogram
Dr Specht will explain the
nnpoitance of sampling young
sues and the value of icsulting
A I pi oven bulls.
Several bleeders of current
stud sues will be stationed at
various locations throughout
the bains to discuss their bleed
ing piogiams which developed
these outstanding bulls This
will give breedeis an oppoitum
ty to ask questions and get per
sonal tips on using these bulls
most effectively
The Breedeis and their bulls
aie Robeit Bell, Tennessee,
15H131 Samson; John Bucka
lew, Pennsylvania, 15H103 Ivan
hoe Star, A J Celestine, Penn
sylvania, 15G103 Atlas, Donald
ORTHO Phosphamidon is a great wav to control pests
on apples, citrus, cotton, walnuts and vegetables
Phosphamidon 8 spray is a .liquid organic insecticide
that kills a wide range of insects on contact
Phosphamidon is also a systemic Quickly absorbed in
to plant tissue, it moves throughout
the plant paits for continuing pro
tection against major sucking insects
and certain chewing insects
It turns plants and trees into
tiaps for aphids, thnps, leafhoppers,
fleabeetles, leaf mmeis, husk flies,
and codling moths
Because the protection works in
side the plant; it resists being washed
away by ram or wateung it lasts
Phosphanndon simplifies the
whole job of insect control by doing
a double-action job against many
crop enemies You save on labor,
bookkeeping and inventory costs by
using only one material to do the pro
tective job ordinarily requiring as
many as three.
and T iV^fnV a l h I L of , cl °P damage with Phosphamidon,
higher ton o??Hpv “?! ects i Y i oull P robabl >’ have a much
ni B nei top giade yield at least there’s plentlv of hannv
groweis who ve had that experience * PPy
bines w°e ? h^ d r. S waters eluble, easy to mix, and com
in nlant t es Because it’s rapidly absorbed
hours nt t SSU6S 11 s P° sslble to enter treated areas after 24
agamKrS anCe doeS an insect have when tb e crops turn
(ORTHO) ChMiilcal Company, Ortho Division. San
GROW :DEB * c ' r TOirS BE
FORE usl? S ' V ' ° rp - °* CUXIMUI
Martin. Kansas. 15H136 Triune;
Robert McKown. New Vork,
1511100 Mookown, George Pretr,
Kansas. 15H135 Idol; Chester
Walters, Virginia, 15G105 Hal
yard: Haiold Whittier & Tony
Kilinskas, Massachusetts, 15H
-114 Jack, 15H123 Rocket, 15H
-134 Elfac, 15H137 Julian.
Contests will be held with
ceitificates for free first ser
vices as pnzes, and games will
be conducted for children dur
ing the afternoon program.
Current information on all
Atlantic sues will be available.
Bleed associations and the
Penn State extension service
aie planning to have exhibits.
Persons attending by, travel
ing on Pa. Route 230 should
exit at Flory’s Mill Road and
follow ABC signs
Traveling U S Route 30 and
exit at Rohreistown Road, dii\e
north VA miles (cross Old Har
lisburg Pike), watch for ABC
Theie will be plenty of free
parking space on the grounds.
Phone Lone. 397-3539