Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 18, 1970, Image 6

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    6 I-nncaMer Farming. Saturday. July 18.1970
Quarantine on European Chafers
Strengthened to Prevent Spread
The Fedeial quai. .mule iesu
tations de-isr.ed to picunl the spiead of Emope.m
chafe is ■ be.ns ievi«ed :1k
tinted States Dipaitmcn: of
As icultuu upoi ;■>
Except foi changes lela’ins to
soil wmp’cs the levied qun
intine was slated to go into effect
upon publication in the Fedeial
Resisti.! scheduled fo” June 27
1970 The chafei is icpoited in
The amended European chafei
quaiantine will stiengthon safe
guards against the aitificial
spiead of these destructi\e plant
pests and at the same time sim
plify shipping lequuements from
some qua.antined aieas. plant
piotection officials of USD Vs
Agncultuial Reseaich Seivice
explain These objectives aie
accomplished in the levised quai
antme by a change in the defini
tion of ’suppressive' aiea and
the lelease of ceilain ai tides
moving fiom stippiessne aieas
fiom quaiantine lequuements
The new definition requues
that all legulated establishments
be tieated and the entue infested
aiea be scheduled foi e adication
Society 6
Society of Faim Women 6
met at the home of Mrs Joseph
Greiner, Mount Joy RD2 Mis
Milton Eberly, president, was in
charge of the session
Mrs Wayne Sweigait led
the devotions A flute duet was
presented by Susan Obeiholtzer
and Gloria Longeneckei
The Society voted to give 524
to the Mental Health County
pi eject and $25 to the Amencan
Red Ci oss foi contents used in
Ditty Bags
Faim Women 6 sponsoied
Miss Holly Lebei, Elizabeth
town, as a contestant in the
Jaycees Miss Elizabethtown
“School Days,' a piogiam of
home talent, was the enteitam
ment foi the afternoon meeting
with each membei taking pait
Miss Maigaiet Haines was in
The next meeting will be a
coveied dish picnic at the Mil
ton Giove Spoilsman Club at
6 30 pm Aug I
Society 14
Society of Faim Women 14
held then familj picnic at the
William F Tinnev Memoual
Pavilion at Stiasbuig iecentl>
Aftei the buffet meal Waltei
Hi man Jt of the new Life Bo\’s
Ranch, Hailejsville entei tamed
the gioup \v, t h an hom long
slide piesentation of the woik of
the bo>s between the ages of 13
and 17 yeais Sixtv two bojs aie
now at the home Two of the
faojs gave then testimonv of the
good influence of the home and
then exceptance of Chust as
then Savioui
Hostesses weie Mis Chust
Landis Mi s Leon Thomas Mi s
Chailes Muna\ and Edith
The Vugusl 12 meeting will be
o' the home ol Mi- Samuel
Ljnch vhe n Loojl rr l'> n
Gia/tj v-. ii I ‘-o 1 hi
tieatment to qualify foi design.!-
tion as a suppiessive aica Under
the pievious Euiopean chafei
quaiamine, an aiea was desig
nated "suppiessive" if a proa ram
of eiad.cation was an objective
Unde i the levised quai amine,
icstiictioiia on shipments from
suppiessive aie..s will apply only
to bulk soil and used mechanized
soil moving equipment Pievious-
Iv icstiict.ons on outgoing ship
ments fiom suppiessne areas
v.cie the same as fiom generally
infested aieas
ResMctions on shipments fiom
geneiallv infested aieas will con
tinue unchanged undei the new
quarantine, and applv to the fol
lowing legulated items soil,
plants with roots glass sod, plant
ciowns and loots foi propaga
tion. used mechanized soil-mov
ing equipment, and tiue bulbs,
coims ihizomes. and tubeis of
ornamental plants
The revised quaiantine also
piovides that effective July 1,
1970. soil samples of .m> sire
fiom hums infe-ted b> Euiopean
chafeis can mou 1 mtci state onl>
to appioud l.iboi atoms foi pro
cessing. te«tmg O’ anah«is
After July 1. no ceitificatc 01
peimit will be lequned to ac
company (he soil samples
Pei sons wishing to mo\e icgu-
Ir.fed items fiom aieas infested
by Euiope.m chafeis should fust
contact a Fedeial or State plant
pi election inspeeloi o: counts
agncultuial agent foi infonna
tion on how to meet i equip
ments foi eliminating the pest
hazaid I
The chafei is a majoi pest of,
lawns, pastuies, and small giains j
Piobably bi ought to this countij I
during the twenties, infestations|
to date have been confined toi
areas in Massachusetts, Rhode
Island. Connecticut. New Yoi k, I
New Jeraej, Pennsylvania, and I
Ohio If peimitted to spiead
unchecked, the chafei could be
come established acioss the <
counti > !
Dairymen's Assn. Urges Retail Milk Price Hike
At n hearing of the Pennsyl
vania Milk Marketing Board in
Lancaster Tuesday, the Lancas
ter County Dairymen's Assn
sought an mcieasc in the lelail
puce of milk
An mcieasc of one half cent
or moie was icquesled to bung
the piesent 34 cent pel quait
puce in Lancaster Countv in
lino with puces in Harusbuig
and Yoi k County of 345 cents
Local cafry fiims also con
tended that piofit mat gins of 11
county fnms is onlv 132 pei
cent net befoi e taxes and 8 per
cent aftci state and fedeial
$7.00 Per Square Foot- Pius Freight
Gram Storage or Stor-N-Dry Bins.
Kan-Sun Continuous Flow Grain Dryer.
Farmill Construction & Repair
Gordomille. Pa. 17529 Phone 717-768-8796
tuxes. well below the two to
tin co per cent the Milk Market*
in” Board considers “a fair re*
linn on resale milk activities."
Increased material and labor
costs weie cited as the reason
lor (he low profit margins and
need foi a pi ice increase
mrnrtam? s*