2ft- Lnncastor Farming. Saturday. July 18.1970 Only 50% of Americans Have Good Diets, USDA How well fid .no Ahum icons? A notional suivcy by the U S Pop,n I incut of \gi icultui c nidi c.ilos th.it only half of the 15 000 families studied had diets i.ded ••■jood " \houl one in five fam ilies oi 21 pii cent had diets jaled "pool Calcium. M’.amm \, and vita min C wi’ie the nutnents most often loimd below lecommended dietaiy iillowanccs accoiding to Di Daniel \ Swope of Hu Ami celtuial Rescaich Semce, USD \ Di Swope lepoilid the findini's at a lecent College of Agmul tui e seminal at Penns\ h aiua Slate UniM’isity • Tlu 1 sui\e\ suquests lli.it mi muon can bo impioved thiough urn cased ute of milk and dan > pioducts vegetables, and funts This is especially tine foi meet ing the iccommended allowantes foi calcium, vitamin A. and vita nun C, Di Swope staled He said diets lated “good had nutueiits meeting fully, 01 ex cceding, iccommended dietaiv allowances set by the Food and Autntion Boa id of the National Reaseaich Council Diets i.nted pool ’ pi o\ ided less than tvvo thuds of the iccommended d’etaiy allowance foi one 01 moie of seven nutuents studied A suney made 10 yeais ea'liei indicated that 60 pei cent of the families had " good” diets—com paied with 50 pei cent foi the most iccent study Di Swope is chief of the Food Consumption Bianch of the Agncultuial Re seaich Seivice, USDA Speaking befoie a seminal in the depaitment of agncultuial economics and imal sociology at Penn State, he said adequate income, alone, does not guaian tec good diets Among house holds With incomes of 510,000 ard ovei nine pei cent had pool diets This suggests the e may be a need to explain nutntion educa tion e{foils at all income levels Oi pei haps theie is simply a lack of motivation to select the most nutntious foods,” Di Swope obseived Diets of females, geneially wtie not as good as those of males Adolescent gills and wo men fiom ages 9 thiough 54 aveiaged below the lecom mended allowances loi calcium, non, and thiamine Olclci men and women, especially those aged 75 and above, weie low in c.ilcium, nboflavin and vitamin A Infants and childien undei age six weie below the iccom mended levels foi non Males in the suivey consumed moie milk geneially than did females This i eduction in milk consumption was obsei ved among gills aged 9 to 11 and continued steadily downwaid thiough the 35 to 54 age gioup of women This was linked with diets being at least 20 pei cent below the iccommended allow ances foi calcium The findings undei scoie the reed foi educating people about the food sou ices of calcium, pnn cipally milk and milk pioducts The need to include these in the ci et is evident he aflnmed Foi both males and females, the use of bevei ages olhei than milk and imccs mostly soft d'inks and codec inueased alrei ages 9 to 11 Especially for gals these bevuages seemed to of! set the use ol milk A pnnciple goal of pei iodic LSD A suiveys of food consump tion is to develop and distubute infoimalion to assist in impiov ing diets All regions of the con tinental United States have been included in the suiveys. 1/ 1 s HORNCO FEEDS The Growing Choke of Business Fan THE END RESUL ARE WHAT COUN MORE Milk - Better Herd Health - Less Breeding Pro The reasons more Lancaster County Dairymen are fe HORNCO UNI-PEL FEED than ever before! D. E. Horn & Co., Inc. York, p a ph FEEDS Why not check with your who changed to Uni-Pel. He'll what Uni-Pel did for him. \ v > neig tell