20 l.ancoMfr Forming. Saturday. July 18.1970 Stall Barn Management Factors It. spite of Hie innv.i'v m five s’.ill housing. the corneiUion.il nt.ill h.nn continues to be f.i -\oikl by Pennsylvania dairymen who opei.ite family sired f.nms. aceoidmg to IVnn State dany officials Thoiefoie. investigations con ceinod with the best method of using bedding and rubber mats in stalls have been continued at the Dany Pioduclion Center Over the past 10.veais. bedding lequiiemcnts have been reduced to one-half, or less. b> the instal lation of commeicial mbbei mats However, other factors in volved in managing today’s dairy cattle can reduce, or even eli minate, the advantage of savings in bedding when health and san itation pioblems are increased Seveial of these management factois weie investigated in studies conducted during the past tluee years under vvintei housing conditions Obseivations in recent studies indicate that management prac tices hold the key to stall bain Sundaes, a Good Way To Go With Ice Cream Amencans invented the sun dae And Yankee ingenuity is still at vvoik devising luscious ways to top icecieam Thiee tempting examples aie Pi aline Sauce —uch as the famed Southern candy, fluffy Marsh mallow Sauce, and that old smoothie, peanut buttei in a saucy new guise Stir one up next time you serve ice ci earn Praline Sauce: In a 1-quait saucepan melt 14 cup ( Vz stick) buttei add % cup bi oken pecans and saute until lightly toasted Add 14 cup fhmly packed light biown sugai and 2 tablespoons light coin syiup, cook ovei medi um heat, Stirling constantly, until mixtuie boils and sugai is melted Giadually add Vz cup evapoiated milk Remove fiom heat, blend in Vz teaspoon vanilla Yield l v 4 cups Marshmallow Sauce; In IV2- quait saucepan combine Vz cup sugai, 14 cup water and 14 cup light coin syrup Bung to boil, 1 educe heat and simmei 5 min utes Remove fiom heat, add 1 cup mimatuie maishmallows and stn until melted In small mixing bowl beat 2 egg whites until soft peaks foim Continue to beat while giadually adding hot syiup Covei and chill If sauce sepai ates, mix until smooth Yield 2 Vz cups For Maishmallow Mint Sauce Aftei adding syiup to egg whites, blend in 14 teaspoon peppeimmt extiact and a few diops of gieen food coloung to tint pale gieen Peanut Butter Ice Cream Sauce: In 1 quait saucepan com bine 1 cup sugai Vz cup water and cup light coin syiup, bi mg to boil and cook ovei low heat until 220 F on candy thei mometei Remove fiom heat or candy thei mometei Place 14 cool without staling to 100 F Call Us Now Our main number heie at Lancaster Fanning is 394 3047, but Akion, Ephrata and Manheim advertiseis and subscnbers can avoid a toll call by calling us at 626-2191 and asking for Lancaster Fanning bedding economics, lather tinniest with the larger bleeds. Hoi the amount of bedding piovided stem and Brown Swiss e. eh day Incidence of visible hock in ;E\perimcnt Conducted jury was negligible where medi- Lactating cows housed in 160 um particle sawdust was used in individual stalls weie checked combination with good stall man weekly over a 10-week study agement conditions period for visible hock injuries. Coarse sawdust particles, hard- Five biccds of dairy cattle were wood chips, and hardwood shav observed under various stall and mgs exhibited a tendency to roll bedding management conditions, on smooth surfaces during nor- Seveial haidwood products mal up and down movements of chips, shavings, coarse and me- cows. This rolling effect caused dium particle sawdust were abrasive action to hock areas used for bedding. Appioximately When the cows were lying down, one-half of the stalls were equip- coarse hardwood shavings and ped with commeicial rubber chips often caused skin punc mats. tuies due to the high ridged The degree of hock injury was aieas of iubber mats, most noticeable under the follow- Moisture from leaking water ing conditions: (1) when large bowls and urine accumulation of amounts of bedding were applied cattle housed in improperly ad to rubber mats; (2) where un- justed stalls also helped to ag even distiibution of bedding giavate hock inflammations, caused accumulations to occur in Bedding economy studies were the forward portions of stalls; conducted dm ing two winter (3) when even small quantities seasons to compare gut of hardwood chips or shavings { el . g ra t es versus open gutters in were used; and (4) where wet vvo cow S (- a ]j barns bedding conditions existed Se- stalls were equipped with verity of hock injury was great- rubber mats . Daily bedding applications ranged from 1.6 pounds pei cow in gutter grate equipped groups to 23 4 pounds per cow m open gutter groups Up to 44.5 per cent of the sawdust was applied dn ectly to open gutters for man agement purposes in the latter groups cup peanutbutter in small mixing Adjust Water Bowl bowl, giadually add syiup while Seveial interesting, and simi beatmg at medium speed If lai, patterns of obseivation weie sauce is refngeiated, warm to disclosed during the two-yeai room temperatuie before seiv- study ing Yield IVz cups Cleanliness of cows in all HUSKY HAULERS \ tri?*. 7j^~ Built big, • • .built tough. . . .that's why farmers who own the big and brawny forage boxes from Avco New Idea call them "Husky Haulers". Choose from two great models all wood standard box or steel reinforced deluxe box. Whichever you choose, you get the same top quality variable speed belt drive transmission, bed conveyor and cross con veyor that unload box in 3 to 12 minutes as desired. Two or three beater mechanism available. See the husky ones today at Longenecker Chas. J. McComsejr Farm Supply & Sons Rheems Hickory Hill, Pa. A. L. Herr & Bro, A. B. C. Groff, Inc. Quarryville New Holland Landis Bros., Inc. Lancaster Einzer Equip. Co. Roy H.Buch, Inc. Kinzer Ephrata, R.D. #2 Graybill Machines, Inc. Lititz, R. D. 2 groups was related to two man agement factors—adjustment of stall facilities to individual cows and adjustment of water bowls to pi event leakage and spillage problems, lather than to the amounts of bedding applied daily per cow. Staining of cows was also a problem in low bedding groups where manuie accumulations ex isted on grates. Gutter Grates—Fewer Problems During the first year eight cows were treated for hock in jury, three contracted foot rot pioblems, and three cows sus tained severe udder injuries from jumping gutteis when en tering stalls in the open gutter barn. During the second year’s study twelve cows developed hock in jures, three cases of foot rot were Heated, and four udder in juries resulted from jumping have a monthly income? I /f With the Pioneer system, hogs con provide you with on income of $6OO per month. See us. Pioneei Gets The Job Done Whv Not Give Us A Tiy? CALL YOUR PIONEER MAN: S ELMER M. SHREINER Txading as Good's Feed Mill Specializing in DAIRY & HOG FEEDS New Providence, Pa. •metier* Phone 786-2500 Gun-Sealed Precast Concrete Silos with P & D Bottom Unloaders. ZIMMERMAN INDUSTRIES, INC. R. D. 1, Ephrata, Pa. 17522 Phone 717-733-7166 open gutters in these same un limited bedding groups In comparison, no udder in juries were reported and no new cases of foot rot developed over the two year study period in the low or restricted bedding groups where stalls were equipped with glitter grates. Hock injury treatments were reported for three cows during the first year and four cows during the second year. These latter cases of hock in jury were directly attributed to wet stall conditions where mois ture accumulations were a con stant management problem. These findings were reported earlier this year by A E Brand ing. Research Assistant in Dairy Science; W H. Cloninger, As sociate Professor of Dairy Pro duction; and H. D. Bartlett. Pro fessor of Agricultural Engineer ing.