—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. July 18.1970 22 Guest Farm Operator on the Go (Continued fiom Page 17) was named foi both of lici giaml motheus She loves to lead imd even tries to lead while doing sonic of hci woik aiound the house She is a ie.il help to he: mothei She is in fust yiai 4 H sewing. being a membei of the Mount Joy 4 H Si wing Club She enjoys it veiy much She 100 n inteiesled in .uniques She has collections of papei weights and beaded handbags and evening bags She has taken piano lessons for two veais She plays while the family galheis aiound the piano and sings Eddie has a vegetable gulden He glows vegetables and sells them to his mo.bet He helps with the pigs and has seven of his own Dwight also helps feed the pigs Yvonne is the daughter of Martin and Baibara Hauck She was born on a faim near Roths ville but the family moved to a small farm neai York about 20 years ago. She attended Lan caster Mennonite School one year where she met hei husband She graduated from William Penn High School in York For two years after marriage, she and Wayne lived in Maine It was there that she started at tending flea markets and became interested in antiques. Three years later she started buying antiques as a hobby. She says it’s still strictly a hobby. She caters to primitives and furniture, although she' does have some china and glassware, lots of crocks and what have you. She usefd to attend and sell anti ques at many flea markets but now attends just one big one at New Oxford. Adams County, in June. It is widely advertised and people come to it from far and near. Mrs, Miller has turned her house basement into an antique shop where all kinds of interest ing pieces may be found at rea sonable prices For the most part “pickers” buy for them Her 100 year old home is also furnished with lovely pieces of antique furniture. In hei basement Yvonne also handles ovei a dozen colors of burlap yard goods She does this because it is difficult to find it in stoies She also uses huilap herself in making many house hold articles like apions, table cloths, place mats and for picture backing People seeking a quiet, leisure ly vacation out in the wide open spaces find The Gieen \cies Guest Farm an ideal spot, and urban people get a firsthand ran I SHOES I Self Service 2750 Columbia Ave. Lancaster Lane. Co.’s Largest Shoe Store All Ist Quality Super Low Prices Garber Oil Co. Texoco Heating Oil Burner Sales & Service MOUNT JOY. PA. Ph. 653-1821 Knowledge of faim life and agn business there They leant what ■ eal togetherness is whin they see the whole family eoopciatmg in the many pleasant but aiduous tasks of the (arm Millets pi ovule four oi five bicycles, a pony with a saddle, anothei pony and c.nt and a splash pool foi then guests Bi cvelcs aic not populai with the guests because thev have them m the city They enjoy much moie the ponies and the long hikes between the (wo coveied bi idges Milleis can sleep 16 guests in then big 12 room house They also havi a finished loom on the thud flooi and thev have one sirte of a bedi oom and a kitchen ette with a studio couch, table and chairs for the family who v, ishes to piepaie their own meals But Mrs Miller piovides bieak fast and dinnei foi most of her guests This is an experience m good eating with plenty of good meat, fresh eggs, milk and vege tables She always works in a few Pennsylvania Dutch famous dishes She never fails to serve her own shoo-fly pie once during their stay. Her electric percola tor is always brewing and acces sible to the guests which makes them feel right at home. Millers have a very rustic kit chen which they finished them selves last winter. Formerly it was their old out-kitchen which had two built-in iron kettles and a cement floor They tore out the kettles, making a very large open fireplace with a mantle above. They have a crane built in the side to hold a large iron kettle. Next to the fireplace they have Yvonne serves coffee for guests in her rustic kitchen Her zinnias and fern lend a friendly atmosphere to the interesting arrangement of antiques and home-canned fruits and mixed vegetables. I HOLLAND STONE Ready-Mixed CONCRETE New Holland Concrete Products New Holland, Pa. Mrs. Wayne (Yvonne) Miller points to the background, the old iron kettle hangs some guests names who return each year from the crane in the big open fireplace in to spend their vacation at Green Acres. In the kitchen. an “outhouse” as they call it Above their range and refi igera tor they have a wood shingled roof They covered the front of the refrigerator with red burlap and used the same between the rafters of the open beam ceihng. They used old barn weather boarding for side walls and an old country store counter and set of drawers for the cupboards All of the drawers and other trim were painted led The per CONCRETE BLOCK METAL WINDOWS 354-2114 forated metal front of the old store sugar and flour bins was used as a front for the automatic dishwasher. They used red fig ured wallpaper for part of the walls. Old used bricks were put on the floor which Mrs. Miller says she likes very much. They have a long plank table and a shorter one in this large kitchen and dining room to ac commodate their guests. Mrs Miller completed the decor with burlap curtains, which she made, and displays many of her antique dishes, candle molds, wall plaques, iron kettles, griddles, etc on the mantle and the shelf above hei sink The Millers ope'i ate "the busi ness themselves except when especially busy when Miss Julia Garber, daughter of Mr and Mi s James Garber, assists They aie legisteied with the Lancaster County Tourist Buieau which is operated by the Lancaster Cham ber of Commerce. Guests, some of which are famous people, have come from Australia, England, Norway, Hol land and the states of New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Ver na on t, Maryland, Minnesota, (Continued on Page 23) SAVE AT BOB’S Save Rite market 743 S BROAD ST. LITITZ, PENNA. Hours: Mon. thru Sat. 9 to 9 Sunday 9 to 5