Penn Stale Study Informs Southeastern Pa. Farmers Food Stamps Have Local Impact , USD A Reports About $225,000 Mill have bun rdded to the Lanca»lei County economy by July 1 in the fonn of food purchasing power as a result of the Fedeial Food Stamp Program July 1 marks the fin; year of opciajon in the counts The USDA Food and Nuliilion Service also reported about 5170.. Purina Dairy Conditioner Special can prepare cows for good production at low cost John J. Hess. 11, Inc. Ph 442 4632 Paradise West Willow Farmers Assn., Inc. Ph 464-3431 West Willow 000 will base gone to C’ln slei 1 minis and $75 000 to Lebanon County in the same pei iod \ccoiding to the USDA. losv income families in Lancaster County have paid about $425,000 for food stamp coupons valued at $630,000 since the Progiam started in July. 1969 The diflfei If you’re not among the many good local dairymen who have started mixing Punna Dairy Conditioner Special with jour own giam to build a research proved dry cow i ation, it can pay you to check into this low-cost way of feeding diy cows. Puiina Dany Conditioner is a 16 percent piotem i ation, foitified with extra Vita mins A and D plus phosphorus to help guaid against milk fevei. To help you save on div cow feeding, Puiina Reseaich recommends \aiying feeding le\els, depending on cow condi tion and the quality of \oui loughages Foi example, if a cow is in good condi tion and youi loughages aie of excellent quality, jou would feed less Puiina diy cow i ation than if the cow yeie in only fan condition and if the loughages weie of only fair quality. •R»I. Trademark—Ralston Purina Ca. domes High & Sons Ph: 3540301 Gordonville iiue of 5223.000 ropiescnls the in food sales that has dnecMy benefilted county food met chants About 1.850 peisons participate in the Program each month Cuncntiy tneie me 155 food iclailcrs and one wholesalei in Lancaster county authorized by USD A to accept coupons Many of these grocers have increased their sales substantially in meat and dany products as well as in pioducc items since the progiam started. Low income families in Chester County have paid about $330,000 for food stamp coupons valued at $500,000 since the Pro gram started in July, 1969 The diffeience of $170,000 represents the incicase in food sales that has dnectly benefitted county Home Fashion Change Shopping Habits Many new tiends in meichan dismg home furnishings aie developing into the accepted way of doing business, says Miss Elizabeth Langsdale, home fur nishings specialist at the Um veisity of Maiyland In fact, in some cities, these merchandising tiends have al leady become established busi ness pioceduies, she adds Home fashion centeis sell everything fiom major equip ment to curtains Instead of going to five oi six diffeient stoies, people can go to one of these new centeis and pm chase everything needed to furnish a home Merchandisei s pi edict that befoie long the depaitmeih stoie, as we now Know u, ma\ Ira. B. Landis Ph- 394-7912 1912 Creek Hill Rd., Lane. food mediants About 1.80(1 poisons p.ntuipate in the Pio giam each month Theic aie now 48 food iclaileis in tin county aiithon/ed by USDA to accept coupons Low income families in Leba non County have paid about $140,000 foi food stamp coupons \alucd at $215,000 since the I’io giam stalled in duly, 1969 The difference of $75,000 icpiesenis the mciease in food sales that has directly benefitled county food merchants, \bout 770 pc sons paitiupalc in the Piogiam each month. Currently theie are 57 food ictaileis in the county autho i i?ed by USDA to accept coupons Undei the program which is admimsteied jointly bv the no longei exist. Miss Langsdale adds Instead, there will be cen ters foi eveiythmg fiom spoil ing goods to clothing Theie is also a trend towaid moie aimchair or at-home hav ing Moie and moie stores aie issuing catalogs and offenng to send salesmen with samples to homes and some companies aie lesearching closed cucuit tele vision buying, says Miss Langs dale More manufactuieis and wholesale! s aie now selling directly to the public No job beis, ictaileis or other middle men aie mvohed Anolhei new tiend taking place is the consolidation of manulactunng companies, Miss Langdale explains Many com- Using Punna Check-R-Mix* foimulas we can build you a low-cost dry cow ration, 1 combining Puuna Dairy Conditioner with your grain Or, if you’re feeding low-protein roughages, it may pay you to feed Dany Conditioner “stiaight” just as it comes fiom the bag. Moi e and more successful area dan ymen aie proving that good diy cow feeding pajs off in exlia cow condition and extia milk pioduction in the next lacta tion Foi example, 100 to 200 pounds of additional body weight at freshening can pay off in 1,000 to 2,000 pounds of extra milk duung the lactation. Di op in soon and get \our fiee copy o* the Puuna Di\ Cow Piogiam folder. Well be glad to point out how Pmina Dany Conditioner Special can help pie pale your diy cows foi good pioduction at low cost. John B. Kurtz Ph; 354-9251 R. D. 3, Ephrata Wenger's Feed Mill Inc. Piv 367-1195 Rheems L{inc«tsitT Knrmintf. SiiUirdny. July 18. I!)70 I SI) \ s I-’ood and Niitntion Sei \.ce and the I’t niisyh.mia I)i pailmetil of I’ublie Welfau, (I gillie low income families n \C'l the money thev would noimalh nsc to buy food each month in coupons that base a gieatci monetaiy \alue These coupons may then be spent lik cash at atilhoi i/ed food maikeP Coupons can only be used to pin chase domestically piodueed food pioducts and some speeifi. impoited foods Food meichants ledecm the coupons at face value a> local banks Although the local welfaie dc pjitment is icsponsiblc foi cei tifying lecipients, low income families not icceivmg public a - sistance may also be eligible to icceive food stamp coupons Centers panics aie buying others which have been making ielated pic ducts These consolidated com panies may open their own home furnishings centeis, she adds A depaitment stoic in one city has developed a new mei chandismg technique Two com plete houses have been elected light in the stoie The houses aie completely furnished, each in a diffeient style, and each has a lawn with trees and flow eis Shoppeis can tour the houses to get a complete look at home furnishings, explains Miss Langsdale Shopping may not be a hectic, cheacled choie much longei Ii may be an exciting expenence oi as easy as piessing a button. •-SEE IT AT... i Haverstick Bros. 2111 Stone Mill Rd. Lancaster, Pa. 17603 Ph. (717) 892-5722 m Try A Classified It Pays I* PROTECT YOUR FARM WITH A PINCOR PTO TRACTOR DRIVEN ALTERNATOR A 50,000 watts surge capacity • 16,000 watts continuous duty • Slow speed—l Boo RPM operation • Cool lunning triple chain drive transmission • Heavy duty motor starting • Close voltage regulation • Meets NEMA codes • Heavy duty construction • Induction hardened input shaft • Rain proof construction • Completely wired control box 9 Three phase available iwteoM 21
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