■JO LuncnnUT Farming. Saturday. July 18.1970 Wine Grapes Possible Here C'lim.i'u londition. in -i\r .il loiahtie. m soiilln er.tia' .m.l . ou’.luM'U’in Penn-vlv.uii.i v in Di Haesele: finds th t fun <;ioweis of Pennsvhan.a .re tak ing a close look at then potent tl foi pioducing wine girpes Ho irepaiecl the statcwi’e .ata vs.s as pail of his s r u lu- ol wue ■l.apes His office .s los.iUd .. the Eue Countv Field Re =eveil L.iboiaton at Ncth Eas a d.- vision of Penn SU.te • It is evident fiom out anal, sis Try A Classified Ad It Pays! Call Us Now To serve the Lancaster County farm community bet ter, we maintain two phone numbers Our main number is 394-3047. But our subsei ib ers and advertisers can also reach us through 626-2191 (ask for Lancaster Fanning) and avoid a toll call from the Akion, Ephiata and Man heim exchanges that iheie an a ia* m son'll (ii.li.d ami -oulhe s(e it P>’in si l\ .ini.i w huh should hi him sti g. ted moie ihoioughlv m ieini> O' suitabihii loi mowing wme giape- Hi IlaeseUi states Intoie-l m pioduung wine giapis has giown with tin pas sage in stati legislating of a bill pel nutting sale of table w ne at the wineiv The bill peimits the sale of table wine at the wineiv piovidid annual wine pi eduction b> a given wineiv does not e\- cced 30.000 gallons pei vein Wineues ate now loerted in Eue and Chestci counties Copies of Piogiess Repot I 303 U'gaidiiig climaLc Lictois foi wine giapes a:c aia'lible fiom countC offices of the Coopeiatne Extension Seiucc oi fiom the \gi iculau.il Mailing Room, 110 Seixice Building Uimcisitx IMik Pa 16802 In gene al the giealcst fac'ois to be o\ ei come «eem to be wmte’ mime and disease Southern Penns\l\ana ma\ tune moie difficuKc in the«e lespects th.m does the Lake Ene aiea The southern coum es iecei\e moie lainfall have lughei me n monthh tempeiatuies and ca* 1 expect tempeiatuies of minus 5 degiees oi lowci moie hequenl ly than the shoies ot Lake E le Piogiess Repoit 303 indicates that sites foi wine giape pioduc tion should have pi election fiom cold pi mailing wmtei winds Theie should be good an dian age and well diamed soils Tem peiatuies should seldom leach minus 5 degiees Faienheit oi lowei The southcential and south eastern aieas of the state aie supeuor to the Lake Eue shoies with lespect to “growing-degree days” This is a teim used to desenbe heat units All the lo cations desenbed ha\e an ade quate numbei ot giow mg-degiee da>s to pioduce wine giapes Strength, Performance, Dependability. You've got'em all with VAN DALE’S NEW TRAVELING DUNK FEEDER. Van Dale’s SCF-1400 is the traveling r “ "J feeder to put you on the track to fast- /'AICD Al I er, more profitable operations. Auto- J |f| # J matically, it delivers up to 40 tons of j ■ silage per hour to bunks on a single | I chain, continuous “shuttle” service. | VvCliUlli I Feeder trough chain is No. 67 pm- I tie (12,500 lb. strength) and drive J chain is C-550 steel (average top j strength of 10,000 lbs.). Interlocking, | snap-together galvanized metal com- j ponents reduce erection time as | much as 50%. Suspended or floor- I mounted, rails are mounted with Van J Dale's exclusive clip-on brackets to j provide extra-rigid support. Unit | adapts to any feeding need in-barn { or out-of-doors. FREE SAMPLE COPIES Copies of LANCASTER FARMING are not always easy to find they are not sold on newsstands and perhaps some of your friends may not be acquainted with our weekly service. Well be glad to send, without charge, several copies of LAN CASTER FARMING to your friends or business associates. Just write their names and addresses below (You'll be doing both them and us a favor 1 ) Sti eet Adch ess & R B, City State and Zip Code (You are not limited to two names. Use separate sheet for additional names.) Your .Name Address □ CHECK here if you prefer to send a Year’s (52 issues) GIFT subscription for $2 each ($3 each outside of Lancaster County) to your friends listed above. If so $ enclosed, or □ Bill me later. Please mail this form to: P. 0. BOX 266 LANCASTER FARMING R. D. 1, Drumore Center QnarryviUe, Pa. Phone 548-2116 VAN DALE J Stieet Ackhess & R D City, State and Zip Code LITITZ, PENNA <7 *'