l.iiiu’iisUt Farming. Saturday. July 18.1970 2 At Lancaster Yards Auction Only Weekly Review Jttl> 15. 1970 July 15. 1970 CATTLE 1241 Computed to Monday. Slmmhter Sloe is steady. Cows .steady. Bulls steady to 50 lower SL \UGIITER STEERS Few lots, mainly high-Choice. few Pi ime. 1075-1323 lbs 31.50 32 00. Choice 950-1300 lbs 30 25-31 50. Inch-Good and low-Choice 28 85- 00 23 Good 27 50 29 75 COWS Utility and high cuessing Cuttci 24 25 25.50, Cut tei 23 50 24 75 Cannei and low- Ciutei 21 75-23 25 BULLS Choice 28 75 30 00. Good 27 00 29 00 Utility and Conimci cial 27 75 30 00 C \LVES 115— Choice Vealeis 200 highei Good 100 highei cthei "lacks sleach, except Choice 225 280 lbs 1003 00 I'ighci VE \LERS Choice 49 00- Sl 00 few 52 00-52 50. Choice 225 280 lbs 45 00 48 00 Good 44 00-48 00 Standard 41 00 45 00. LtihU 36 00 41 00 Cull 90-120 los 30 00 34 00 65 85 lbs 26 00- 31 00 HOGS 336—8d.10ws and Gilts Lillv 50 louei BARROWS \ND GILTS—US 1 small lot 215 220 lbs 27 10 US 1-2 200-240 lbs 26 25 26 60 US 2 3 210-240 lbs 25 75 26 25 US 2 190 200 lbs 25 75-26 00 SOWS US 2-3 300 600 lb; 16 00 17 00 SHEEP 21 -ceadv SPRING LAMBS Good 75- S 0 lbs 27 00-29 00 Spnng Lambs New York Eggs Puces on laige unchanged to lowei on mediums and smalls Receipts light to model ite fiom neaiby and Southern points, light from New England Demand fan on laige and extia laige Intelest m mediums and smalls light and moving best whei e pi ices wei e discounted Olfeungs ot laige whites weie cbout in balance but dealing slowei with less than fancy quality geneially selling at 43 44 I 'C Supplies of mediums noie than adequate foi local i eeds, smalls ample and otfeied to bieakeis foi cleaiance Stieet sales mostly at 49 50c on extia laige and 45 46 ''2 on laige and 45 46 1/ 2C on laige biowns Gal lon egg activity slow to fan with best inteiest foi baiely adequate supplies of extia laige and foi mediums wheie featui ed NEWA SURER * /La star ' 7 /^p* ALFALFA iHIHi h'k'k-k ★ Piomoi is the new high-yield : Italia that has laimeis talking nom one end of Pennsvhama to the olhei Makes splendid fields undei good management t md high teitihty fast le ,iov/th disease icsistant Smvues haid winteis Has leal ‘■Limmci peisistance See yoiu local Hodman Seed Man toi de tails !A. H. HOFFMAN SEEDS, Inc. I Landisville (Lancaster County), Pa. ' ALFALFA . CLOVER . OATS • PASTURE FORAGE CROPS . fUNK’S C HTIRID CORN MARKET NEWS REPORT CATTLE 2800 Compared to last weeks close, Slaughlci Stecis steady to 25 higher, the advance om some sales Monday, Cows steady. Bulls steady to 50 lowci Supply included an estimated 65 pci cent Slaughtci Steel s. 20 pei cent Cows and Bulls, with the balance mainly Fcedei Stceis SLAUGHTER STEERS—BuIk high-Choice, few Pume, 1075- 1325 lbs 3150 32 00, Choice 950- 1300 lbs 30 25 31 50. high-C.ood and low-Choice 28 85-30 25, Good 27 50-29 75 COWS Utility and high diessmg Cutter 24 25 25 50, Cut tei 23 50-24 75, Cannei and low- Cuttei 21 75 23 25 BULLS Choice 28 75 30 00. Good 27 00 29 00. Utility and Commeicial 27 75-30 00 CALVES 400 Good and Choice Veale s 100 highei othei giades steady except Choice Cahes 225-280 lbs 1 00 highu VEA.LERS Choice 47 00- (Continued on Pace 31 These puces aie made up of the aveiage puces quoted by six Eai Coin paiticipatmg local feed and giam Shelled Corn conceins It should be noted, Oats howevei, that not eveiy dealei Bailey handles each commodity All New Wheat puces aie pel bushel, except foi eai coin which is pei lon Bid is the puce the dealei will The aveiage local giam puces buy fiom the fame; dehveied to quoted Thuisday, July 16, 1970, the mill Offeied is the puce the a> e as follows dealei will sell foi at his mill AUCTIONS makes the difference in VINTAGE SALES STABLES, Inc. marketing livestock! _ 3 PARADISE, PENNA. Npw makes the difference BULLS, STEERS, BUTCHER COWS, new nUlJdna mokes the difference HOGS, LAMBS AND V EAL CALVES in aucrions. SOLD 0N COMMISSION MONDAY 10 30 A M. FAT HOGS and SHOATS SALE EVERY TUESDAY 12 NOON 2 30 P.M. FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL wnn QTT oA T p MONT.av at hi fin a m FAT HOGS AND FEEDER PIG SALE HORSE SALE MONDAY at 10.00 A.M. EVERY SATURDAY AT 9:Oft A.M. DAIRY SALE - WEDNESDAY at 12; 30 P.M. FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL - THURSDAY For Marketing Information at 12:30 P.M. Phone Area Code 717-442-4181 * NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. Paradise,Pa. New Holland, Penna. -F 10 mi. East of Lancaster on Rt 30 Abram W. Diffenbach, Manager Phone (717) 354-2194 .. ■ 1 Kenneth E. Hershey, Sales Manager - - - . -_> - ‘ n , a Local Grain Prices Vintage Auction July 14. 1970 CATTLE 1106 Compaied to last Tuesday, Slaughlei Steers steady to 50 highei. Cows mostly steady, some sales 25 lowci. Bulls fully steady SLAUGHTER STEERS Pume 950-1300 lbs 32 35-33 25. high-Choice and Pume 975-1300 lbs 31 75-32 60. Choice 950-1375 lbs 30 50-32 25, high-Good and low-Choice 29 25 30 50. Good 27 00-29 50 COWS Utility and high diessing Cullei 23 50 25 00. few 25 50-25 60. Cutter 21 50 24 00 Cannei and low-Cuttci 20 50 22 00 BULLS Choice 28 50-30 75. few 31 25-32 50. Good 27 00-28 75 Utility and Commucial 27 35- 30 75 CALVES 608 Utility to Choice VealeiS 1 00-2 00 lowei. Cull mainly steady VEALERS Choice 49 00- Sl 00. Good 43 004 7 50. Standa’d 40 00-43 50. Utility 36 00-41 00 Cull 90 120 lbs 31 00-36 00, 65 85 lbs 25 00-32 00 (Continued on Page 3) Bid Ofteied $3B 33 $43 33 1 57 1 71 74 88 92 106 1 44 1 59 New Holland Auction July 16. 1970 CATTLE 1227 Compared to last Thursday. Slaughlei Steers mainly steady. Cows 25 to mostly 100 lower with Uti lity and Cutter off most; Bulls 75-1 25 lower Supplv included 18 pei cent Cows and 13 percent Bulls SLAUGHTER STEERS High-Choice and Prime 1200 1300 lbs 31 50 32 00. Choice 950 1325 30 00-31 75. high Good and low-Choice 29 25-30 60, Good 27 50 29 75 COWS Utility and high diessmg Cuttei 23 00-24 50. Cut tei 22 00-23 75. Cannei and low- Cuttei 20 50 22 50 BULLS Choice 27 50-29 75. Good 26 00 28 50 Utility and Commei cial 26 75 29 75 CALVES 447 Vealers 2 00- 3 00 lower, except Cull steady VEALERS Choice 45 00 HAY PRICES For Southeastern and South Central Pennsylvania July 13, 1970 All hay No 2 and better, puces paid by dealeis at the faim, price pei ton New hay & stiaw mostly steady, second cutting of alfalfa coming on the market Alfalfa (new) 25 00-35 00 Timothy hay (new) 18 00-25 00 Mixed hay (new) 22 00-28 00 Stiaw (new) 18 00-28 00 Mulch 8 00-12 00 Reported by Bureau of Markets Pa Sept, of Agriculture. FUTURES (Closing bids as of Thursday, July 16. 1970) July August September October November December January ’7l February Maich Api il May a-asked b-bid n-nominal Tiend Cattle aie stiongei, Hogs are steady, Potatoes are steady and Eggs aie weakei Mailcets provided J>y Commodity Dept., Reynolds fc Company 47 00, Good 30.00-46 00. Stand ard 38 00-43 00. Utility 33.00-39.- 00. Cull 70-115 lbs 26.0031.00. SHEEP 12 Supply too small to provide price tiend. Receipts of 335 horses sold steady Riding Horses 90-370; Driving Horses 95-275: Pony Mates 15 40. geldings 10-30; Woik Hoises (single) 125165; Killcis 8 9 Receipts of 113 cows, 8 bulls and 7 heifers sold steady Fresh (Continued on Page 8) Chicago Cattle Weekly Review C-VTTLE—Compaied with last weeks close Slaughter Steers mostly stoaclv, Slaughtei Heifers 25-50 lowei Cows 75-1 00 lower, Bull> steadj Receipts consisted of 77 per cent Slaughtei Steei s, 20 percent Heifeis with the balance mainly Cows Oveiall finish of Slaughter Steei s not as atti active as last week with 20 pel cent Prime and 70 pei cent Choice This compares with 26 percent Pume and 62 pei cent Choice last week and 22 pei cent Pnme and 66 percent Choice last yeai Average cost and weight of Slaughtei Steers, estimated at 31 55, highest in 12 weeks, and 1185 lbs compared with 3110 and 1171 lbs last week, and 3184 and 1161 lbs. (Continued on Page 3) TRADING Chicago Chicago Cattle Hogs 26.07 24.25 31.75 29.87 20.50 29.37 20.00 29.45 19.60 29.57 19.65 3.01 HORSES July 13. 1970 COWS July 15. 1970 Neiv York Maine Ch J caafo Potatoes Fresh Eggs 36.65 39.98 37.0# 2.47 38.75 37.19 36.25 2.79 3.57 >-aa9B