Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 18, 1970, Image 18

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    JwmrpMrr K
(ircular Irrigation
The I'SI>A lepoits that faim
mg in riirles lo lake advantage
of the center pivot in nation
system in quite common in the
(iieal Plains Each cndc is gen
ci.illy about 130 acies
The machines, which cany
the nngation pipe in a cucle
like a .spoke in a wheel, icpoit
edly wotk well on shallow
smily soils with high water in
take and aie good foi faimeis
who have no access to suiface
watei but who do have good
mound watei The system
woiks well on tough ten am
and is adaptable lo sloping
One system can be moyed
liom field to field
Cost of a 140 acie system
iuns.fiom 517.000 to 525 000 foi
a self pi opelled s\stem, includ
ing well pump and motoi and
pipes Despite the high cost
the svstems aie lepoited giow
ing. hugely because of the sa\-
ings in laboi and othei costs in
compaiison with other systems
Pei haps the system isn t suit
eel foi Southeastern Pennsyl
vama which is noted foi icla
lively small fanning units and
good giowing climate but it
does show how technology is
making it possible foi some
aieas, which don’t ha\e the
basic assets of natuie, to com
pete in agncultuie
Reading Fair
Open July 17
The gigantic Reading Fan
the tan with ‘familj-aiitv
began Fuda.v night, Julj 17, and
Picsidem Lmdv Vicaii has ai
unged an attiactue hee entei
tainment package
The Fan v ill conclude on Sat
in dav, Julv 25 and, toi the hist
time, two nights of modified
-lock cai i icmg have been in
cluded in the no chaige menu
The moclifieds stalled Fnday
Julv 17, and will letuin on Fu
dav Juh 24 In past veais theic
was an txlia chugt foi the
moclifieds bv that has been chop
ped this veai
The list ol liee events includes
an appeaiance bv vocalist Buddj
Gieco witn the S,an Ktn'cn
O.cheMia and that s fiist-iate
* i lei lamment in anv book Oi at
c in Jan
\lso in the fiee categoiv will
be the Buck Owens Show with
Susan Rave and the Buckeioos
tvv o altei noons of hai ness i acing
the Joie Chitwood \uto Tin ill
Shov>' the Mias Reading Fan
fk.gcant combined vvutn a lock
• evival the Pennsjlvama Dutch
Classic motoicvcle laces, VRDC
midget auto lacta and The
Biooklvn Budge and Maltha
Reeves and the Vandellas
\nd thcie will be a special ap
ical ance ol the Cowtovvn Rodeo
Tins will be a legulai ioclco and
cot a wild We c t show
Pichminaiv judging in the
Mis-, Reading Fan Pageant was
icld on Jul' 14 with the finals
'uK 30
‘nt mintt. Snltiidny. July 18.1970
Across the
Editor’s Desk
The ovei whelming impoi
lance of the nngatlon systems
to some fanners in the Gicat
Plains is shown by this fact -
The Univcisity of Nebraska ex
periments got 178 bushels of
corn and nearly 1.000 pounds
of glass per acre, when the cen
ter pivot irrigatot was used
Test fields that were not ini
gated yielded no grain
Fiom the June Poultiy Tnb
une Weaiy of fighting the un-
cel tamties of tobacco faming,
some Lancaster County. Pennsyl- Ag.icultuial
Vijnia Amish fjimeis aie shifting r ,. , A ® „
then cash-c. op emphasis to eggs Chemicals Association has
K 00 launched a consumei communi
New housing in the Amish cations p'ogiam to infoim the
a'ea will account foi about Ameucan public about ‘the con
100 000 layeis acco.dmg to one tubut.ons of agnciiltina! chemi
obseivei cals ( 0 OUI society, and the deep
He adds that expansion would <,nd abiding commitment of om
be considciablv gieatei “wv.o ii.dustiy and the agiiculluial
not the noimallv consci\un\c community to safe use ol oiu
Amish conccincd wuh the high pioducts in the public inte est
Tobacco to Eggs
Manufacturers of
inleiesl i.ill's on conMiiKiior.
capital "
A typical \mish cage house
holds 6.000 to 7.000 laveis Ml
choics arc peifoimed inanr.illv
with some exceptions whcie gcn
cratois ate used to piovide
walci. and sometimes lights
Density is somewhat less than
in conventional buildings since
most Amish cage houses aie ven
tilated only by windows and slots
—no fans Again, some excep
Ag Chemicals Program
Grain Ele\ ator, Feed Warehouse & Flour Mill, Fleetwood, Pa
Birdsboro • Fleetwood
582-2741 944-7654
~pr (Area Code 215)
50 ft. Dial Scale
50 ft. Truck Dump
1000 bu. Dumping Pit
Sinking Spring
v 678-4567