But Tourists Find Good, Relaxed, Rural Lining Guest Farm Operator on the Go By Mrv Charlrt McSparran F arm Feature Writer ytar and farrow 40 sows The . . . „ pi«s iaie predominately while. TV.es a brochuie floating being three-way crosses of Yoik aioirnd Lancaster County our- shllc . Du.oc and Hampshne isls ccnleis and alii actions which reads “The Gieen Acies Millers formerly giew 30 acies Gut-.; Faim" and "The Countiv of tobacco but this >eai will Home Antique Shop". Mount «iow 16 acies as thc.v uie en- Jo\ RDI laiging the swine and guest * , . faim cntcipnses Mis Millet These aie only part-time, cxti a j le j ps p i ant harvest and stnp curricular hobby jobs of Mis thc t obacco Wajnt (Yvonne) Mil.ei who „„ , lives on Pinkeilon Road, south- Th p v Rlo ' v 99 aci f s f of jp ol ! 1 vest of Mount Joy, leached bj ,s P ut ««i the silo foi feed duv.ng west from Lancaslei on *, n S the si / cis Hc buys coin fo. loute 230 and just befoie enter- 1 iem and ‘•■ommc.cial feed fo. mg Mount Joy. turning left on hogs Longtntckei Road They giow some hay and have „ . . , . a two acie nut giove which Mis He full-time job is being a jj eni y (Baibaia) Millei planted vei.v efficient faimci s wife and ]t th bave walnuts homemakei foi her husband and pecans> ches tnuts. almonds, shell four children Othei pa. - 'me £ arks and but , crnuts jobs include being a pait-time . florists helper for Ruhl’s in Even the child.en aie inteiest- Mount Joy, interior decoratoi, 111 “ and ambitious fiume faimeis pape.-hangei, pamtei and furm- and b el P ™ lh the fai “ P hoies tine lefinishei foi then home, and bave then own piojccts seamstiess, farm hand and mei- The thiee oldest children go chant Mr. and Mis Miller have in fifth S‘ ade ’ E ddie * n fomth owned and lived on this 160 acre and Dwight in thud Quentin is faim for the past 10 years and one and a > eais °ld They puoi to that Wayne’s patents, have chickens, ponies, dogs. Mi and Mis Heniy Millei, sheep and labbits which aie a owned and hved theie foi 30 delight to the Sweats chil yeais Wayne was bom and dien who visit theie They also laised there His patents now live have a half acie of tobacco foi i.i Landisville and Wayne’s 93 themselves this yeai year old grandmothei lives with Baibara, who is 10 yeais old, them '{Continued on Page 22) Group leaders at the tenth Summer Youth Institute of the Pennsylvania Association of Farmer Cooperatives at Bloomsburg State College July 12-16 discuss responsibilities with Daryl K. Heasley, right, extension rural sociologist at Penn State University, program chairman. From left are. Jeffrey Risser, Leola RDI, and Clark Stauffer, Ephrata RDI. The institute delegates, sponsored by the Lancaster Council of Farmer Cooperatives, were chosen to participate in conference activities on a competitive basis They are among 200 youths from 46 Commonwealth counties and parts of New York State and New Jersey at tending the educational convention sponsored by P A F C and the Penn State College of Agriculture SECOND SECTION Milleis (Ini,ih 150 sleet s a to Elm Tree School Baibara is Mrs. Miller, her hands on an old ground is an unusual piece. In the fore spinnmg wheel, stands among some of ground are a little preserve or lard crock, the antiques in her basement Antique a candle mold and a pie board on top of Shop. The hanging pie safe in the back- the old spool cabinet. USDA Recommends Against 18-Cent Order 2 Class II Milk Price Drop The U S Department of Ag ncultuie has lecommended against any change m the Class II (manufacturing) milk price in six northeastern Federal milk markets The six markets are Massa chusetts - Rhode Island - New Hampshire, New York - New Jersey, Washington, D C, Dela ware Valley, Connecticut, and Upper Chesapeake Bay The decision is based on testi mony presented at a public hearing in New Yoik, New York, Apul 6 14 The principal pioposal, made by the four major coopera tives in the New York - New Jersey (Oidei 2) maiket, would Remove Old Flowers Remove flowei heads of lilacs, eail>-flowenng ihododendions, peonies, and similar plants im mediately after their blooming periods, suggest extension flori culturists at The Pennsylvania State Umveisity Atglen Farmer T akes Two Suffolk Titles Joseph P Wentz of Atglen won two bieed giand champion titles in the 22nd annual Key stone Stud Ram and Ewe Show in the Faim Show building, Hanisbuig Fuday, July 10 Wentz’ Suffolk ram lamb born Nov 8, 1969 was fust in that division and his ewe lamb born Nov 18, 1969 captmed the other grand championship Wentz’ only other entry, a yearling ewe, was third m its division. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Brubak Lancaster Farming. Saturday. July 18. 1970—^ have reduced the Older 2 Class should be submitted to the II price level by 18 cents, eh- Hearing Clerk, Room 112-A, mmated the present authorized U S Department of Agncul maximum 10-cent per hundred- tuie, Washington, D C 20250. weight bulk tank service Copies of the decision are charge, and announced the class available from the market ad and blend prices as fo b fai m ministi ators of the six markets, prices. oi from the Dauy Division, Another proposal made by cooperatives in the othei noith eastern markets would have ad justed the Class II price level under the other five noith eastern ordeis to the extent of any adjustment to the Oidei 2 Class II pi ice level Other pi oposals considei ed at the heaung also were denied These included a proposal to i educe the Ordei 2 Class I pi ice level applicable to milk sold in the State of New Jersey and a pioposal to classify cieam as a Class II product rather than Class I as presently provided The recommended decision was slated to appear in the July 10 Federal Register, and ex ceptions or comments may be filed up to July 25 Two copies ei, 2418 Hanisbuig Pike, Lan castei took a second with a Hampshire yeaihng ewe An other Brubaker yeaihng ewe was fourth in class, a yeaihng ram was fourth and a ewe lamb was fifth Robeit R. Buch of Ephrata was third with a Hampshue ram and fifth with a yeaihng ewe Mr and Mrs Robeit D Hen portant factor in effective house of Nix Besser Farm, Naivon fly control programs, according RD2, was fourth in the Dorset to extension entomologists at The yearling ewe competition. Pennsylvania State University, Consumei and Marketing Ser vice, U S Department of Agri culture, Washington, DC, 20250 Schwartz Is Assistant Chester County Agent John H Schwaitz has been ap pointed assistant county agri cultuial agent in Chestei County, Penn Slate extension seivice has announced A native of Adams County, Schwartz piepaied foi college at Gettjsbmg Aiea High School and eained his bacheloi of sci ence degiee fiom Penn State in 1970, maioung in agricultural education In college, Schwartz was a membei ot the FFA Chapter, Campus 4-H Club, Agricultural Student Council, and crops judg ing team He is a member of Gamma Sigma Delta, agricul tuial honoi society, Delta Theta Sigma social fi eternity, and Alpha Tau Mpha, agricultural education honoi aiy fiaternity He is woiking in the Southeast Extension Region supeivised by Marion R Deppen, assistant di lectoi In Chestei County he is associated with County Agent Robert A Poweis and Glenn A. Shuk, associate county agent, with offices in the Courthouse, West Chestei Control Flies Sanitation is still the most im* 17