Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 18, 1970, Image 14
—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. July 18.1970 14 Foi Sjk'—Siamese kittens, hllei ti ..rul. Sl5 00 each Also ponv silver dapple, bioke to i ide Call 872-7369 Foi S tie Peking ducklings Also diC'sed ducks in packs of 11) loi voui fieezer. 45c pci pound Phone 717 733-8770 Fo Sale Chihuahua puppies 6 weeks old -Uso 2 females, 1 yeai old Phone 717-733 6074 Foi Sale—Eight foot double duty meat case with eompiessor. also 40 ft windmill towel John M Stoltzfus, Narvon RD2, Pa Box 154, neai White Horse. For Sale Two slatted floor buildings suitable to feed hogs 12’x24’ $75 00 each: 2 Smedley hog feeders 12 hole $95.00 each; 2-range shelters $lO. each; 1-ten ton platform scales $75 00. Phone 464-3188 For Sale—JD #l2 chopper; JD tank manure spreader; sealed storage silo, Farmec bunk feed er; 2 Jamesway silo unloaders. Phone 717-394-8184 For Sale Chihuahua pups, 7 weeks old Daniel K. King,RD3 Quarryville, Pa. P. B. GUERNSEY MILKING HERD AND BRED HEIFER DISPERSAL (Forest Preston, 11, Oxford, Pa., Owner) At the Ass’n. Sales Pavilion, 6 mi. E. of Lancaster Thursday, July 23, 1970 12:30 NOON! 37 HEAD —l7 Registered and 15 Grade Cows —• 2 Registered and 3 Grade Bred Heifers. T.8.-fc Bangs Cert. ** •«- 100% Taco. 20 fresh or dne the last half of this year. AU are sired by bolls from ABC-or axe in service to such bolls. The herd Is yomtg-and of pleasing type and in very good physical condition. Kr. Preston is forced to sell on his doctor’s advice. There are some very good potential foondation cattle to be had at this sale, probably at very reasonable prices. K« records are listed. There will probably he some additional consignments. SALE MANAGED XV: PENNA. GUERNSEY BREEDERS’ ASS’*. p.O, BOX 458 MKP MILL, BA. 1701 X Sole Register WED. JULY 22—10 A M. Public Auction of New & Used Farm and Industrial Equipment at Emipsville, Pa. Phone 717 764- 6412. TIIURS JULY 23—12 30 Noon P B. Guei nsey Milking Herd and Bied Heifer! (Forest Pieston 11, Oxfoio, Pa Owner) At the Ass’n Sales Pavilion, 6 nn E of Lancaster Mail Box Market Foi Sale Pullets 100 “Kim -Iki . stalled laying' Must sell due to owneis health Phone 215 932 3425. Foi Sale—Used Patz silage un loadei and 18" Patz bain cleaner chain like new, D 2 belt pulley 575 00 D 2 and D 4 PTO available. \aion Zimmeiman, East Earl, Pa 17518, Phone 445 6409. Foi Sale—Pony cait, good con dition Phone 464 2427. For Sale—Case combine model 600, run four seasons, 10 ft cut with pickup reel Abram R. Herr, Phone 717-529-2434 For Sale International 350 Harvester with corn head, used only two seasons, Phone 872- 2953 or 872-2579. Try A Classified It Pays Sal* Register FRI. JULY 24 12:30 O’tlock Rockwell's Dairy Cattle Auction located at the farm, 3 miles west of Troy, Pa. Bradford, Co. 72 Head Selected Holstein Cattle. D. 0. Rockwell, Troy, Pa . owner. FRI. AUG. 14—6 30 PM. 3 bed room concrete block bungalo with f:ame attached laundry, bath and garage with 12x21 frame bam, 9x13 pony shed Located 3 miles Noithwcst of Tene Hill on E Pieffer Hill Road in Biecknock Twp on Rt. 897 at Fnepomtville Turn West on Fnepomtville Road to E. PiefTei Hill Road. Tcims by John E Peteis WED AUG. 19—9 AM. Mai tin’s Sale Barn, Blue Ball, Pa. Full line of farm equipment This will be the last sale foi 1970 We sell on commission. Teims by Paul Z Martin Ph 717-354 6671. MON. AUG. 24—Shalco Collpssal Vacation Sale, Miratare, Nebras Ka. FRI. NOV. 6—Colossal BuV Event, Sugar Loaf Farms, Scaun ton, Virginia. Livestock For Sale—Purebred Yorkshire boars, bred gilts and open gilts. Carcass championship bloodlines Willow Glen Farm, R.D. 1, Stras burg, Pa. Ph. AC 717-786-2562. Wanted to Buy—Red and White Holstein Heifer Calves. Karl Herr, Kirkwood RDI, Phone 529- 2367. Real Estate 444 acre Dairy farm approxi mately 12 miles West of Hunt ingdon, Pa. On Rt. 22, 4 houses, large barn, etc Priced to sell at $lOO,OOO. Phone 814-669-4078. Buildings and Supplies YOUR BEST BARN BlJY! .. . for quality and economy Is . . . THE CECO CLEARS?AN PACKET BUILDING covered with weathertight corrugated steel CECOROLL with galvaniz ed or baked-on vinyl colors. Write or phone for full informa tion and the name of the dealer m your area. GROCE DISTRIBUTORS, INC. 210 Sassafras Street Selinsgrove, Penna. 17870 (717) 374-8157 Dairy Equipment 285 gal. Girton self contained, ready to plug in Good condi tion. 200 gal. Girton bulk tank 300 gal Esco, good condition Ph Intercourse 768-8228 CLARK ELECTRIC Rl, Kinzers, Pa. Instructional DRIVERS ARE NEEDED Train now to drive semi-truck through facilities of class-one earners; local or over the road. For application and personal in terview, call 315-458-2769, or write United Systems, Inc., Safe ty Dept., c/o Interstate Terminal Bldg., 15 Dippold Street, Syra cuse, New York, 13211. SELL * f =a^_ BUTCHER . J DIRECT TO ARMOUR CO. READING, PA. We will be glad to look at your hogs & bid you. - * CALL AL SHAFFER AT 4 (215) 376-2941. | pvcnings ; Miscelloneout WOOD SHAVINGS. Ideal for work-ways and bedding. $l2 per ton. Can be delivered In bulk loads of 10-12 tom. Less expen sive than straw or tanbark. Con tact Bob Geist at Lcola Supply Co. Inc. Ph. 717-856-6811. For Sale MUSHROOM SOIL for your lawn and garden. GAP NEWPORT MUSHROOM FARMS, INC Ph. Avondale 215-268-8808 Lancaster 394-2611 For Sale Dried Wood Shav ings Store now for winter, use while available Phone 215 267- 6726. Help Wanted Wanted Dany fanner, North ern Baltimore County. E S Russell, Whitehall, Maiyland, 21161. Phone 301-357-5285 HELP WANTED SWEET CORN PROCESSING CORN PICKER OPERATORS Picker operators must be experienced at operating farm equipment and mechanically inclined. TRUCK DRIVERS Experienced at operating straight truck with 2 speed axle. Applicants must be 18 years old or older. Work' approximately Aug. 1 to Sept. 15. Call 898-2206 Between 9 A.M. and 5 P.M. JOHN F. COPE CO., INC. ’ R. D. #l, Manheim, Pa. MILLER'S Sales and Service Wavier of finance available now on new and used tractors, new and used John Deere 45, 55, 95, and 105 combines. REDUCED PRICES NEW EQUIPMENT WAS NOW JD 3 swath fluffer —. — $ 325. $ 275. JD 10 side mtd. mower 650. 495. JD 50 side mtd. mower 720. 550, JD 24T Baler 2350. 1795. JD 507 Gyromower 7 1 /2 ft. pull type 717. 695. Lely Gemini Tedder 783. 695. JD F 325-3-16" hydraulic reset 1125. 995. JD 1020 RUD 5019. 3995. JD 2520 G 6863. 5495. JD 25DPS 8792. 6995. USED EQUIPMENT JD 45 HiLo Combine I 2995. 2795. JD 4020 D PS -1-::---::- 5495. * 4995. JD 720 D _i 2295. ' 1 1995. JD 620 1 2095. 1895. MILLER’S SALES S SERVICE, INC Highway 851 Stewartstown, Pa. MEHM York County’s Progressive Dealer John Deere s Dahlman Potato (U . -‘Brillion , & Vti ;~i „.V/' ” HarveS f C . rS . .’>« .4 W Mitcelfbneous PRINCE OF WALES MEMEN TO Have china mugs from England in commemoration of the Prince’s Investiture. $B. each, Also Moon Landing Mugs from England $6. ca. W. L Zimmer man & Sons, Ph. 768-3131, Inter course, Pa. Notice For excavating, dealing fence rows, ponds, giadmg Call 215- 445-6409. Help Wanted Expel icnccd'j man or herds man for modem dany farm. House with utilities, vacation plus good wages Applj o. Wiite Valley View Dairy Faim Noithampton RD2, Box 196, Pa. 18067 Phone 215 262-5976