Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 11, 1970, Image 7

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    Senior Extension Club
The Lancaster County Senior
Extension Club will tour Long
wood Garden* and see the foun
tain display Sunday afternoon.
July 18.
The group will meet at lam- Bight gills will repiesenl Lnn the legional contest which begins PennsyKama Winners in tin
caster Shopping Centei. Litit/ caster County at ho legional-t-H at 930 a m Wulnesdav. .July 15. u gion will be eligible to enlei
«nd Oregon Pikes, at 130 pm Demon.slialien Day next week in at the Owen .1 Kobe Is High the stale contest at Penn SI..U
or at Gap Diner, intei.section of Chostci County School. Chester County in August
Route 41 and 30. at 2p m The gills, competing in junior Competition Wednesday will be Winning (op local honois in
The group is for young adults and senioi divisions, eainet! blue among 250 4-H'ois lopiesenling the junioi division weie Judv
18 to 35 years of age. nbbons and the light to entci the 13 counties in Southeastern H’swr. of Leola RDI, daughlii of
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Eight Girls Win Chance A t Regional 4-H Contests
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Asb for Fred Kerliu or Harold Kinsey
Farm S\ stems Salesman
Lancaster Farming. Saturday. July 11.1!)70 -
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Post Olhce
Mi and Mis Mien Rissor, for
her dc'monstiation “Ilei Us
.S| let s ol Life "
Chei.Nl I’alsohoi ko, foi lid tab*
b'l pioieot, and hoi sisloi. for
her Miuan violets piesenlation.
Both .in.' (l.ui"li!i'i s of Mi and
Mis Wallei I’alsthmke LiUU
In the sinioi division, a It am
ol Nanev Yiingmgei, daughtei ol
Mi and Mis Richaid Yuiigiiui i,
Manelta RDI and Cnulv Hess,
tl »■ nli lelol Mi and Mis Ruhaid
Hess, Suaslnnu RDI, won a bine
übbon loi thou buttock < oiisii
\.,tion piesenlation
Cnulv Sini.h daughlei of Mi.
and Mis Giant Smith. Eph ata
RD2, won a plan at the
foi hei bund making p.i-stnta
non. and Diboiah Giegoiv,
daughlei of M’ and Mis Robut
Giegoij Lint/ RD2, won foi her
potato salad demonsliation.
In public speaking, Xanty
Bailey, daughtei ol Mi and Mis.
Haiold Bailey, of Milletsville
RDI, won with hei speech on
"4-H —Why and Wheie”
• Livestock Day
(Continued fiom Page 1)
competition, giading demoli
sh ation and competition of
calves and yeai lings, type com
parison of bulls and females,
lesults of Rockview leseaich,
and caicass evaluation at the
meat laboiatoiy.
At the Sheep Center, discus
sion will include conti asts and
compai isons of type changes in
medium wool mutton tjpe
sheep, discussion and display of
grades and uses of wool, com
parison of ciytorchids involving
rams and wetheis for meat pio
duction, feed efficiency and
late rate of gain, and caicass
evaluation at the meats labora
At the Hoise Bain, a type
demonstiation will be held,
along with judging of halter
hoises with audience participa
tion, demonstiation of reining
and western riding, shoeing
with demonstiation and discus
sion and visit of the hoiseshoe
mg class
Lunch will be held at noon
at the meats laboiatoiy.
At 1 pm, Geoige Connor,
pi esident of the Pennsylvania
Livestock & Allied
Association will conduct a
business meeting
At 1 30 p m , David H Sti oud,
president of the National Live
stock & Meat Boaid, Chicago,
111, will give the keynote ad
dress on "Past, Piesent and
Future of the Livestock and
Meat Industiy ’
At 215 pm. the movie
“Pude and Poise will be
shown of highlight’s of Penn
State’s undefeated 1969 foot
ball season
A special afternoon piogiam
for high school students will
also be held, including
1 pm, Di BE Baumgai dt,
piofessoi of animal nulntion,
will speak on “Animal Industiy
and Science ’ and at 1 30 pm,
G R Kean, piofessoi of ani
mal science, will talk on "Ani
mal Industiy and Pi eduction ”
Theie will be a discussion at 2
pm, followed by the football
mov le at 2 15 p m
Wheat Referendum Set
A mail-iefeiendum on 1971-
ciop wheat marketing quotas
has been set for July 27-31, ac
cording to U S Secietary oC
Agiicultiue Clifioid M Har
By law. in the absence, of
new legislation, the 1971 wheat
crop comes under the piovi
sions ot the Agricultural Ad
justment Act of 1938 This act
lequnes that a marketing
quota lefeiendum applicable
to the 1971 ciop be conducted