Please Type or Print: Name Last A eld i ess Telephone Code ( Contestant for: (uiele one) ('ontour Small Plow Level Land (2 A 3 bottoms) Larne Plow Level Land (4 bottoms and laigei ) Optional Invitational Contest (specify) Equipment: Plow • Make Circle appiopnate items Type Bottoms Width (inches) Mounted 2 5 8 12 16 20 Semi-Mount 3 6 14 16 Trailing 4 7 Tractor - Make Fuel Used - I ceitify that I am a bona fide Lamer, farm woman, legu larly employed faun woiker. or faim jouth 16 \eais of age or oldei Fill out and mail this entrj foim to Gus Bnchlei, secietaij, Lancastei (. Soil and Water Con sei\ation Distuct, \oag depaitment, Penn Manor High School, Millersville, Pa 17551 Fust Initial Model Model Diesel L P Gasoline CERTIFICATION Signature Aw Zip Code Date LANCASTER CO. SOIL & WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT Plowing Contest AT THE EUGENE EBERLY FARM New Holluml Persons who wish lo enlei the contest fill out this application and mail it as instructed at the bottom on 01 hefoic •Inly 21. 1970 4 Sheepmen Included In Ram and Ewe Sale Lancaster County was slated to be lepiesentcd bv foui sheep men at the 22nd annual Keystone Stud Ram and Ewe Sale Friday and today (Saluiday) Max Smith, county assent, tcimed the sale a “good sou ice ct breeding animals” since "some of the best flocks in the East ’ will be lepiesentcd The local entnes included Mr and Mis Clyde Biubakc 2418 Hanisbuig Pike, with six sheep. H J Showaltei, 109 Fulton St. -\kron, with six animals, and Robeit R Buch, Ephiata with two All thiee aie enteiing Hampshites The fouith county entiy, Mi and Mis Robeit D JULY 28 Heir, of Nan on HI)2. will have iv o Dorset-, in the contest Joseph P Wentz. Atglen aiea, will entei thicc SufTolks Milton K Moittan. of 191(1 New Holland Pike, well known Lan caster County sheepman, attain selves as sales managei Judge will be Wauen C Squnes. of Chestemlle. Ohio, and the auilioneu will be Col Hobait Fai thing of Findaly, Ohio The fust annual Ki\*tone Wcthei Lamb Sale also will be held Weights on the sheep will lange fiom 35 pounds to 65 pounds, ideal weights foi 4 H and FFA lamb pi ejects Chan man of the wetheis sale is Robeit D Hen, Xaivon RD2 l.tiiie.i 'U-f Kamiitm. Sal in dnv. July 11. I!)70 1 Co. Whcot Allotment Drops 10,000 Acres I. UK .I'll I ( (111 111 V h,U I I'll l\l 1 . wheal .illolim nl of .1.1 It')- ,im . («i 1071 This »(iiii|i,ii es Willi ,i ) iillolnu nl of 18, uni s m 107 c. Hu ,illo:mt'iil Inen u ilio (oiniu in 1070. .iccoi din it hi \iiss Doio.ln Y Noel. local \yi • Stabilization .uni C'oi ■ si Mahon SoiMir (Inetloi I T n:11 1008. each f.nm iccened (!. i f. ii in .illolmcnt .is hisloi .uio.i,!o cath sear n 1008 only those f.nms 111. t planted at least 75 per cent oi Iho allotment in the eui.enl, o, one of the two piecedinjt yeais lete.Md the allotmenl as hi'tor, ii edit Those that did not t at hast 75 pei cent of the alio - n'uit in one of these thice yean, itceneel the cut lent jeai planted at leant as tied it F.umeis .ne sent c.uds e.ici >l.ll foi icpoitmg the plank <1 acieage If aflei <1 u nnndei notice the caids .ne not uUn ned, ihi planted aciease is ucoidcd as zeio on the fain ucoid caul Regulations icqune that any f’ m with zeio wheat histoiy n 1968, 1969 and 1970 will leceiv, a “zeio” allotment notice in 1971 They will also leceive a letter advising them of the oppoi tunity to appeal If they can piove to the satisfaction of the Count; ASC Committee the acieage of wheat giown in 1970, the alloi ment will be lecomputed on the same basis as fauns that le poited acieage At piesent, 2,178 faims will be diopped eithei because wheat has not been giown oi the acu age has not been xepoited The 1971 Allotment on these faims totals 7900 acies Faims that giew 75 per cent of the allotment in either 1968, 1969 oi 1970 will receive a veiy small reduction fiom last yeais aho'ment, (97 7 per cent of the 1.970 allotment) PP&L Slates Workshop PP&L will hold a Faim Lead eis’ Woikshop at the PP&L Clubhouse at Pine Giove begin ning at 4 pm July 23 Dale Boweisox, faim leprc sentative, will speak on “What Went Wrong,” a leview of what can go wiong when farmstead wmng devices and elect neal equipment ai e misapplied o 4 do not icceive pioper mainten ance. O C Lange, farm sei vices cooidinatoi, will speak on “What’s New ” He will cover electuc gaiden ti actor, all electuc poultiy housing, the super 55 water heater, and watei puuficalion Quentin H Smith, envnor mental development dnector, will speak on ‘Powei Supply and the Envnonnient ” • Chicago (Continued fiom Page 2) 32 00 32 50 Mixed High Choice and Pi une 1100-1375 lbs 3150- 32 00 Choice 950-1375 lbs. Yield Giade 2 to 4 30 50 3175, few loads 1375-1450 lbs 30 00- 30 25, Mixed Good and Choice 29 75 30 50. SLAUGHTER HEIFERS On Wednesday, High Choice and Pi ime 950-1050 lbs Yield Grade 3 and 4 30 75 31 25, one load at 3150 Monday. Choice 850-1050 lb Yield Grade 2 to 4 20 00 30 50, few loads 750 875 lbs 29 00 29 25 Mixed Good and Choice 750 950 lbs 28 50-29 25 Try A Classified It Pays ■’’sjr