Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 11, 1970, Image 4

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    1 l.ancnxtor Fannin);. Saturday. July 11. IOTO
On Swine Production Rise
Tin’ latest USD \ reports on hog and pig
supplies and tiends ("co page 1«D indicate
that tho egg market mav not bo the onh
minor soctm of agncultute m danger «l it
After several seats of relativelv stable
supplies and good prices, the hog market
appears headed toward a big expansion
winch can oul.v result in lower prices and a
piofit squeeze for farmers.
Note the trend.
Breeding stock on June 1 is up 16 per
cent from a year ago. according to the
USDA. while market stock is up nine per
What usually happens in the swine in
dustry during expansions in production, we
are told, is that hogs going into breeding
are kept off the market; as a result, the
adverse market effects of the expansion
come se\ eral months after the expansion.
When there’s a substantial increase in
the breeder stock, however, there’s a far
greater increase in the market hog figures
a tew months later, since sows normallj
have two litters a jear of eight to 10 pigs
each. Thus, a 16 per cent increase in the
breeding stock represents a tremendous in
crease in market hogs late this jear.
So far. we haven't seen much informa
tion to confirm the USDA projections But
the reports we do receive increasingly point
to a production increase in the swine in
Likely impact of the increased produc
tion also is uncertain, although the logical
expectation is that it will cause prices to
drop sharply.
The U.S meat market, it should be
noted, has not reacted in the past jear or
President’s Safety Reminder
The efficiency of American agricul
ture and the quality of life for agricultural
workers is threatened today by the continu
ed high rate of farm accidents. Many thou
sands of farm residents lose their lives or
are seriously injured in accidents every
year. Both the human and the financial
costs of these accidents are intolerable
A quaiter century of experience in or
ganizing for rural safety has shown that
most farm accidents could be pre\ ented
through sensible piactices and protectue
deuces. Safely intoimation and mechani
cal safeguaids aie leadily aiaiiaole and
their consistent use should be actueh cn
Long houis spent on farm machinen
during the summei months gieatly in
crease the possibility of disabling accidents,
according to Thomas H Williams, extension
agricultural engmeei at the Unneisity 01
Most of the warning and aduce Wil
liams gives is self-eudent for farmers who
have been in the business any length of
time. But then, most accidents do mvohe
toohsh mistakes and we need to remind
ourselves of this fact to avoid slipping into
careless habits that eventually end up in
injuries or worse
Williams also gnes the following ad
Lancastei County's Own Farm Weekly
P. 0 Box 266 - Lititz, Pa 17343
Office 22 E Mam St, Lititz, Pa 17543
Phone Lancastei 394-3047 or Lititz 626 2191
Robeit G Campbell. Ad\ei Using Director
Zane Wilson, Managing Editor
■ Subset iption puce S 2 pei yeai in Lancaster
■ County, S 3 elsewheie
Established \o\ ember 4.1955
Published e\ety Satin day by Lancaster
Fdirnmg Lititz Pa
Second CL=s Postage paid at Lititz Pa
Member of Newspapei Fatm Editois Assn
Pa Nevvspapei Publishot s Association and
National Newspapei Association
Be Summer Cool
two exactly as the farm experts have pre
dicted. Beet prices have slaved high longer
than manj expected.
But beef prices may hav c gone as high
as they did foi as long as they did largely
because of inflation. Indications now are
mounting that the rate ol inflation is slow
ing down and can’t be counted on to help
meat prices in the future
With broiler production expanding at
about eight per cent annually in recent
months and with beef production continu
ing to expand, it would appear that any
substantial increase in swine production
could have major adverse effect on the
overall meat market for farmers.
In the next several weeks and months,
hog producers should keep a close watch
on the swine market trends and plan and
act accordingly.
Farmers in general, particularly those
involved with broiler and beef operations,
also should stay alert to indirect effects of
changes in the swine production le\el.
Overall, the evidence is mounting that
the unusually good times experienced by
many meat producing farmers during the
past year or two may be drawing to a close
At this point, it’s far from a discour
aging situation. But it’s not the time for a
farmer to get careless and allow sloppy
management to make him uilncrable to
changes in the market
Now's the time to take imentory. do
some figuring on production costs Now’s
the time tor each farmer to determine ex
actly where he stands, so he will know ex
actly where he’s going if the market situa
tion changes.
Now, therefore, I, Richard Nixon. Pre
sident of the United States of America, do
hereby designate the week of July 19, 1970
as National Farm Safety Week I urge all
farm families, and every person and group
allied with agriculture, to make every ef
fort permanently to reduce the number of
accidents which occur at work, in homes, at
recreation, and on the roadways.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto set
my hand this tenth day of March, in the
y ear of our Lord nineteen hundred seventy.
and of the Independence of the United
States of America the one hundred ninety -
Most accidents are the result of small
mistakes, small mistakes that turn to
traged\ These include too much speed,
a slight erroi in judgment, a lost or broken
shield, an impiopcily adjusted hitch
When operating machinery in the field,
watch lor open ditch banks and hidden
rocks and stumps, he advises And avoid
climbing steep banks Always hitch loads
to the di avvbar, never to the tractor axle
Know what to expect from your equip
ment A tractor pulling a heavy load may
handle quite differently than the same
tractor without a load.
About one-third of all fatal tractor ac
cidents occur on highways. If you operate
a tractor on the highway, keep as far right
as satety permits. Use warning flags that
are clearly visible during daylight hours
and be sure that machinery is properly lit
after dusk -
For added safety, use slow moving
vehicle emblems to w r arn traffic that you
are operating a vehicle at less than 25
miles an hour, says Williams.
Never operate machinery when you are
extremely tired, worried or in a hurry, he
adds This is when most accidents occur
Keep children awaj from farm machinery,
and never allow extra riders
We repeat Most accidents occur when
farmers, tor one reason or another, get
careless Plav it cool during the hot summer
and be safe!
Richard Nixoii
To Clean That Sprayer
\ny spiaying job is not com
pleled until that spiayci has
been adequately cleaned Clean
ing is one of the most important
maintenance items that insuiea
Sule and piopci opeiation of the
equipment. Sprayeis not well
cleaned may con ode 01 the mate
nals left may cake and cause
double at the next spraying
The gieatest dangei is the resi
due in the spiayer such as 2,4-D
that may mjuie the next crop
sprayed Detergents may be used
to remove some mateuals while
sponger cleansers such as am
monia may be needed to lemove
heibicides Be ca’eful that a
contaminated spiayei will not
inju.e the next ciop sprayed
To Seed Cover Crops
Wmtei giain fields fiom which
the giam has been hai vested and
no glass legume mixtuie has
been seeded, and the land is to
la\ idle until 1971 could be
Lesson for July 12,1970
Background Senator** Genesis 1 through 2;
Isaiah 40 12, 21 21, 1 Corinthians S 4 6,
Hebrews 1 1-4.
Devotional Reading* Jeremiah 32 16 25.
Asked to name the “oldest
college rivalry in the United
States,” a contestant on a tele
vision quiz show with tongue-in
cheek answered, “Science versus
Unfortunately there is all too
ch truth in
it statement. In
> minds of many
ople, whether
i or off college
impuses, science
id religion are
■econcilable en
lies who, when
iy are not do-
mg battle, exist
Rev. Althouse by simply ignor
ing the existance of each other.
Some of God’s best
friends ...”
This picture, however, is sim
ply not accurate. Many scientists
are also practicing Christians or
subscribers to some meaningful
religious faith. They see no nec
essary conflict between these two
perspectives of life. In fact, many
of these, because of what they
know of science, are even more
deeply committed to a faith.
Many Christians—and others—
have been deeply influenced and
helped by the work of a Jesuit
priest who was by profession a
brilliant biologist. Pierre Teil
hard de Chardin, not only found
no inherent contradiction be
tween his faith and his science,
but, in fact, found that each
spoke to the other. His scientific
beliefs enhanced his faith and
his faith enriched his science.
The more his science revealed
about the world, the more Teil
hard was awed at the thought of
the God who had created such a
world. Many of us today share
his wonder as we learn of the
marvels in the world about us;
the intricacy of the “genetic
code,” the power in ti c laser
beam, the wonders of the Uay
atom. etc.
By Max Smith
Lancaster County Agent
seeded down to a cover crop that
will improve soil stiucture in the
future Gieen manuie crops such
as lyegiass, field bromegrass, or
any of the winter giains may be
seeded fiom August to late Sep
tember and seive as good soil
buildeis to hold water and or
ganic matter Ground left open
during the winter is subject to
both soil, water, and wind ero
To Mow Pastures
Many permanent pastures are
soon ready for their second clip
ping of the season Good man
agement suggests regular mow
ing eveiy 4 to 6 weeks during
the glazing season Weeds will
be pi evented fiom maturing and
the foiage glasses will respond
with new, moie palatable
giowth Excess old glass growth
will diy and the livestock will
consume this diy material read
ily Don’t look at a weedy paslure
all summei
The ancient Psalmist had cried:
When I look at thy heavens;
the work of thy fingers,
the moon, and the stars whidl
thou has established;
What is man that thou art
mindful of him ...
Today we are no less awed
when we consider the universe.
The telescope at Mt. Palomar
enables men to photograph plan
ets over one billion light years
away. What this means in miles
is equivalent to 186,000 (miles
per second) times 60 seconds
times 60 minutes times 24 hours
times 365 days times 1,000,000,000
years. We haven’t the slightest
idea how many stars or planets
there are. We can well under
stand a certain astronomer who,
when he was asked how he could
believe in God, replied, “I keep
enlarging my idea of God.” Many
of us today are finding that
science continues to force us to
enlarge our idea of God'
Very good!
As Teilhard contemplated the
world he seemed to find it tell
ing him that in its five to ten
thousand million years of exist
ance, even from its very begin
ning, it followed a “unidirectional
trend/' it evidenced a purpose
toward which it is moving. Not
that he was alone in that con
clusion. Dr, Kirkley Mather of
Harvard has said, “We live in x
universe, not of chance or cap
rice, but of law and order,” and
Albert Einstein, hardly a religion
ist in the ordinary sence of the
term, also observed: “Certain it
is that a conviction akin to re
ligious feeling, of the rationality
or intelligibility of the world lies
behind all scientific work of X
higher order.” *
“And God saw everything that
he had made, and behold, it was
very good” (Genesis 1:31). Teil
hard teaches nuclear age man to
look at the world which God has
made and recognize with him
that it is “very good” because it
bears the stamp of the Greater of
the Cosmos.
(Based on outlines eopyrifhltd by A#
Division of Christian Education, National
Council of tho Churches of Christ in tha
U.S. A. Released by Community Pros*
Attend The
Church of
Your Choice
A ’
(Psalms 8;3,4a)