2 I-iinctistiT Fnrining. Siiitirdtiy. July 11.1D70 At Lancaster Yards Auction Only July «. 1970 CATTLE 1184 Compand to Mondav. Slaughtei Steeu un even. high Choice and Piime Heady to 25 I ovum Good to lovv- Choice fullv stead.'. Cows steady to stiong Bulls mostly stoadv SLAUGHTER SIEERS High- Choice and Pumc 1075 1300 lbs 31 35 32 50 Choice 950 1350 lbs 30 10 31 75 high Good and low- Choice 28 85 30 25 Good 27 50- 20 75 SI. \UGHTER HEIFERS Choice 750 950 lb' 28 00 29 75 ( ood 27 00 2S 00 COWS Utility and high ticssiug Cu tci 24 25 25 50 Cul tci 23 50 24 75 Cannei and low- Cut'c i 21 75 25 25 BUIS Cnoice 28 75 30 00 Good 27 00 29 00 I til.tv and '"'pnmu. icul 28 25 30 50 lew .‘ 10032 00 Unite head 32 60 3° 10 C VIA ES 16!) Votilois sle.uh tj weak some Cho*ce 225 280 lis 200 3 00 lowei VEVLERS Choice 48 00- 50 00. few 50 50 51 50 Choice 225 280 lbs 45 00- 48 00 Good 44 00-48 00 Standaicl 42 00-4000 Utiht> 36 00-42 00 Cull 90 120 lib 30 00-34 00, 65 85 lbs 26 00- 51 00 CALVES RETURNED TO F-VRIVI 90-120 lbs HoLtem Heifeis 46 50-53 50 HOGS 286 —Bauows and Gilts s eak to mostly 25 lowei BARROWS AND GILTS—One lot US 1 225 lbs 28 00 US 1-2 200-240 lbs 27 00-27 25 US 2 3 210-240 lbs 26 50-26 85 US 2 190>-200 lbs 26 25-26 50 US 3 4 250 255 lbs 25 60-23 75 SHEEP 18—Couple lots Spiing Lambs fully steady. Chicago Cattle Weekly Review CATTLE Compdied with last Fi iday slaughtei steei s un even with a\eiage Good to Pi ime mostly steady, except weightovei 1300 lbs steady to 15 lowei Standaid and Low Good Holstein steei s 50 75 low ei Slaughtei heiteis 50 100 lowei Cows sliong to 25 high ei Bulls steady Receipts included 72 peicent slaughtei steeis and 24 peicent 1 eifeis with the balance mostly cows Cheiall finish slaughtei steeis 25 peicent Pume and 65 peicent Choice, computed with 18 peicent Pnme and 72 pet cent Choice last week and 21 peicent Pume and 64 peicent Choice last year Aveiage cost and weight slaughtei steei s estimated at 3115 and 1175 lbs compaied with 31 12 and 1184 lbs last w eek and 33 05 and 1169 lbs last yeai Heifei sup ply mostly High Good to Low' Pume weighing 800 1050 lb in ci eased maiketing of 800-900 lo heifeis appaient and avei age yveight expected to be nea> &10 lbs lightest since last Septembei SLAUGHTER STEERS On Wednesday Piime 1150 1350 lbs Yield Guide 3 and 4 (Continued on Page 5) Robert K. Rohrer Bulldozing - Grading Patz Sales & Service Barn Cleaners - Silo Unloaders - Cattle Feeders Quarrjville, R. D. 1 Hensel 548-2559 MARKET NEWS REPORT Weekly Review CATTLE 2500 Compaied to last weeks close. Slaughtei Slecis steady, instances 25 low er on Inch Choice and Pumc, Cow.s steadv to stiong. Bulls mostly steady Supplv included an estimated 65 peiccnl Siaugh lei Steels. 20 peiccnl Cows and Bulls with the balance mainly Feedci Steci s SLU’GHTER STEERS Two load stung mostly Piime 1220 lbs 32 75 high Choice and Pi line 1075 1300 lbs 31 35-32 50 Choice 950-1350 lbs 30 00 31 75 high Good and low Choice 28 85 30 25. Good 27 50 29 75 SLIGHTER HEIFERS Choice 750 950 lbs 28 00 29 7a Good 27 00 28 00 COWS Utility and b'ei dtessmg Cuttei 24 25 25 50 C it tei 23 50 24 75 Cannei mil low Cullei 21 75 23 25 BULLS Choice 28 75 .30 s(‘ Good 27 00 29 00 Utility and Commeici.il 28 00 30 50 lew head 31 00 32 00 with five head 32 60 33 10 (Continued on Page 3) I |o.*6s“* si.eo-f* #1.55 51.50 -$1.45 sl*4o* Jstn.29 j Max *26 | Jfey 21 I Feb*26 Apr*23 Ixme IB These puces aie made up of the aveiage puces quoted by six Eai Coin pai ticipating local feed and giam Shelled Coin concerns It should be noted, Oats hoyyevei, that not eveiy dealei Bailey handles each commodity All Wheat puces aie pei bushel, except loi e a i com which is pei ton Bid is the puce the dealei will The aveiage local gi am puces buy Horn the faimei dehveied to quoted Thuisday, July 9, 1970, the mill Offeied is the puce the a> e as lollows dealei will sell foi at his mill AUCTIONS makes the difference in VINTAGE SALES STABLES, Inc. marketing livestock! # PARADISE, PENNA. Npw Holland mokes the difference BULLS, STEERS, BUTCHER COWS, new nuildliu maxes rne difference HOGS, LAMBS AND VEAL CALVES in auctions. SOLD 0N COMMISSION MONDAY 10 30 A M. FAT HOGS and SHOATS SALE EVERY TUESDAY 12 NOON 2 30 P M - FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL —— MriMnAV at m on a m FAT HOGS AND FEEDER PIG SALE HORSE SALE MONDAY at 10 00 A M. EVERY SATURDAY AT 9:«0 A.M. DAIRY SALE WEDNESDAY at 12 30 P.M. FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL - THURSDAY For Marketing Information at 12 30 P.M. Ph on e Area Code 717-442-4181 NEW HOLLANDS SALES STABLES, INC. Boxioo Paradise. p a . New Holland, Penna. 10 mi East of Lancaster on Rt. 30 ’-A * -,-l Abram W. Dif/enbaeh, Manager Phone (717) 354-219* Kenneth E. Hershey, Sales Manager July ». 1970 GFFK2SB » * I Local Grain Prices Vintage Auction July 7. 1970 CVri'LE 1029 Compand to last Tuesd.iv. Slaiighloi Slu s steady to stiong. Cows st.ong to 25 highei. Bulls fully sleulv SL M’GHTER STEERS— High Choice and Piime 975 1250 lbs 31 50 32 60. Choice 950 1375 lb‘ 30 10-32 25, high Good and low Choice 29 00 30 50, Good 27 0-j 29 50 COWS Utility and huh diessing Cuttei 23 50 25 03. 25 00 25 60. Cuttei 21 75 24 (’0 Cannei and low Cuttei 20 50 22 00 BULLS Choice Mb', 30 75 few 31 10 32 10. Good 27 00 28 75 Utiht\ and Cominemal 27 35 30 75.’ few 31 10 32 00 CALVES 003 Vealcs inos'tv sUath, with Cull 1 00 3 CO lowu VeXIERS Choice 51) 00 52 00, lew 52 50 33 50 Good 45 50 40 50 Standai cl 42 00 45 00 Ltil.tv 36 00 42 00 Cull 90 120 lbs 31 00-36 00, 65 8o lbs 25 00 32 OG HOGS 541 Bniows and Gills 1 00-1 50 lowe’ BARROWS AND GILTS—US 1 205 230 lbs 27 00 27 35 US 12 (Continued on Page 3) [ I i Bid Offered $3B 00 $43 00 1 57 1 71 84 90 90 105 1 42 1 58 CATTLE 1215 Conip.ucnl to last Thin sday slaughtei steels weak to 25 lowei. install ccs 50 lowei. tows stiong to 50 highei, most advance on Cannei and Cuttei. Bulls fully steady Supply included 12 pel tent cows and 18 pci cent hulls SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice and Pi line 1000 1225 11) 31 60 32 00. few head 32 10 32 50. Choice 950 1325 lb 30 00 3’85, high Good and low Choice 29 25 30 60. Good 27 50 29 75, Standaid and low Good 26 50 28 00 COWS Utility and high diessing Cuttei 24 10 25 50, few 25 60 26 25 Cuttei 23 10 24 75 Cannei and low Cuttei 20 75 22 75 BULLS Choice 28 75 .31 00 sevenal 31 00 32 10 with seven head 32 85 34 00 Good 27 25 29 - 75 Utihtv and Commeicial 27- 50 30 75 sevci.il 31 00 32 10 CALVES 442 2 00 lowei VEALERS Choice 47 GO -49 00 Good 42 00-48 00 Stand aid 42 00-45 00 Utility 34 00- 4100 Cull 70-115 lb 26 00 3100 SHEEP 22 Few lots Utility 55 65 lb spung lambs steady at 21 00-23 00 Receipts of 313 horses sold steady Work Horses (single) 115-195, Riding Horses 90-370, Driving Horses 100-300, Pony i r July August September October f 1 November December January ’7l Febiuary March April May June Tiend Cattle aie stiongei, Hogs aie steady, Potatoes are weakei, and Eggs aie weaker Markets provided, by Commodity Sept., Reynolds k Company New Holland Auction Jills 9. 1970 A 7 calei s 1- HORSES July 6, 1970 FUTURES (Closing bids as of Thursday, July 9,1970) New York Chicago Chicago Maine Chicago Cattle Hogs Potatoes Fresh Eggs 31.90 24.57 30.25 20.60 29.45 19.92 29.32 19.32 29.42 29.47 a-asked b-bid n-nominal Mates 15 30. Geldings 10 20; Killei s 8!) COWS July 8, 1970 Receipts of 92 cows and 2 heifois sold steady Fresh Hol stein 425-680. Guernseys 165- 310 Other biccds 265 375; Heif ci s 265 315 HOGS July 6, 1970 Hog icccipts totaling 1400 sold as follows Retail 27-28 23; Heavyweights 23 50 26 50; Wholesale 2. 3,4 s 26 50-27; Sows 17 19. Boms 17-19 CALVES July 6, 1970 Calf icceipts totaled 100 at Monday's auction Choice and Punic 46 51, Good and Low Choice 4 145 50 Standaid 34- 50 40 50 common 22 34 HAY PRICES For Southeastern and South Central Pennsyhania July 6, 1970 All hay No 2 and better, prices paid by dealeis at the faim. pi ice per ton. New hay & straw mostly steady, second cutting of alfalfa coming on the maiket Alfalfa (new) 25 00-35 00 Timothy hay (new) 18 00-25 00 Mixed hay (new) 22 00-28 00 Stiaw (new) 18 00-28 00 Mulch 8 00-12 00 Reported by Bureau of Markets Fa. Dept, of Agriculture. TRADING 26.32 2.62 40.4# 2.93 3.15 3.75 41.35 41.65 39.00 38.95 38.00
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