12— Lancaster Farming. Saturday. July 11.1970 . Society 4 Membeis of the Ticbleaiu ■> Societj of Faim Women 30 ol the Congiegalional Bible held a "come as jou aic" part\ Chinch.. Maiiclta, presented the a< the home of Mis Eugene Neff, piogiam duung a iccent meeting chnstiana RDI. lecentlj of Souet> of Faim Women 4 which was held at the home of Mis Mai tin E. Gieidei, Lan castei RD2 Mmam Kauffman. Elizabeth- town, piesentecl an onginal u-ligious leading dining the pio giain She is a munbei of the Tiebleanes Othci membeis ot the gioup aie Manan Gaibei. Manheim. and Ph.vlhs Saudei. Lancastei Mis Paul Kauffman piesidem, conducted the business session duiing which plans were made foi a tup to Hamsburg August 11 Mis Edwin Yeaglin, special activities chan man, is in chaige of icsei vations foi the tup Plans call foi a tout of the Governors mansion, lunch at the Capitol, tom of the i otunda, and a visit to the Willuim Penn Me moual Museum Membe s will le..ve Landisville bj bus at 7 45 am and letuin at 5 pm Resei vations may also be made with Miss Nissley, Salunga Next meeting of the gioup will be held July 25 at 130 pm at Hempfield Paik In case of lain, the meeting will be held at the home of Mrs Richaid Wile, 129 E Main St, Mountville Seivmg as co-hostesses with Mis Wile will be Mis Robeit Gaibei and Mis Elmei Schioll Society 28 • Bits and Pieces”, a discussion of vauous subjects, was conduc ted by Sally Ann Brenneman dur ing a recent meeting of the Society of Faun Women 28 The meeting was held at the home ot Mis Melvin Zimmeunan, Stias hing A piogiam by the same title is piesented by Miss Bienneman daily on a local ladio station Membeis appioved a donation of $25 to the County Pioject v'hich is mental health Mis William Dean, piesident, conducted the business session Mis Nelson Kieidei was in chaige of devotions, while Mis Dean seived as assistant hostess Next meeting of the gioup will be held July 23 at 8 15 p m at which time membeis will tout Rock Foid Following the tom, a business session will be con ducted at the home of Mis Hal oid Rohiei, 1623 Book Lane, Lancastei Lampeter-Strasburg Men i-Maids By Kim Hess The thud meeting of the Lampelei-Stiashing Meiii-Mauts Club was held on July 6, at the Mai tin Mvlm Jumoi High School t om 12 30 to 3 p m Theie weie 42 guls piesent with six leadeis Thei e wei e two demonsti ations given one by Kim Hess, Lon Bakei, and Bienda Hen on typi cal salads Anothei one was gnen by Lois Lehman and Kim Tiacy on mounting favonle pictu es m plastoi ol pans The next meeting will be held Monda\, July 13 A Lancosfer Fanning Classified Ad Can Help Farm Societies Society 30 Members weie given suipuse calls puor to the meeting and told to come as jou aie Mrs Fred unible was given a pnze WHATEVER YOUR BUSINESS .. . Women foi the mo-l unusual costume a nightgown. Featuied at the meeting con ducted b\ Mis Donald Homing, piesident, was a plastics demon stration Mis John FianciS was in chaige of devotions Discussion was held on possible candidates foi the faim woman of the jear contest Plans weie IT'S BIG BUSINESS TO US Here at Miller & Bushong every customer is person of consequence. Whatever your needs may bp, large or smal we know it's important to you. And it is important to us So, please do not think that your plans are t< small to interest us. Our Management, Nutrition and Planning de partments, as well as our servicemen, will do a we can to help you. We Want To See You Make Progress Next time you are near our office in Rohrer; town, stop in for a visit. That's an invitation! MILLER & BUSHONG, I FEED MANUFACTURERS SINCE 1875 Rohrerstown, Pa. Finest Service Anywhere also advanced for the assembling at 7:30 p.m, of basic kits for use by migrant dressing Acadci farm workers. A family pic Members were urged to write farm women ai to their state representatives will be held Au concerning the showing of X- Lampeter Paik rated movies at outdoor theaters, board meeting v Next meeting will be July 20 at that time HOG FARMER Heavy Constructed Farrowing Ci Made To Your Specifications Reasonably Priced. SHENK'S FARM SERV Lititz R. D. 4 Phom fiofr Robert Graybill President ai im; ■a: in<
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