Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 11, 1970, Image 1

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VOl 15 NO 33
B&W Farm Sets July 17 Sale
The-exterior of the Black & White Holstein Farm barn, including
the new section on the right. The new section 'is mostly completed,
The Black & White Holstein
Farm will hold a giand opening
oi its expanded barn facilities
with an anniversary sale of 152
cows, beginning at 7 p m Friday,
July IT Charles C Myers, ownei,
announced this week.
The completed bain facility at
1500 Rohreistown Road will be
322 fee- long, including the new
130 foot addition
The addition, Myers said,
doubles the barn’s capacity.
Workmen, headed by Hemy S
Lapp, Gap RDI, weie woikmg
hard This week putting on the
finishing touches to make the
bain ;eady for the opening
By Monday, the workmen were Besides the mam floor, the
pouring the last load of concrete new section of the barn has a
Lancaster County 4-H Youths
Win York Livestock Judging
Lancaster County 4-H members
took hagh individual and team
honors at the York County 4-H
Livestock Judging Contest at
Stonaire Farms, Lewisbuig Fri
day from 930 a.m. to 3:30 p m.
Gary Dean, Strasburg RDI,
was tne outstanding individual
contestant He took first places
in the beef and swine judging
and fifth in sheep to legistei the
top individual scoie and lead the
countj team to victoiy
The scores of the top thiee in
dividuals from each county weie
used to deteimine the county
vunnei lepoited Max Smith,
count! agent
Out of a possible 450 points,
150 foi each ot the thiee events,
Dean had 410 He got 143 in
beef cat le, 129 in sheep and 138
in swine
Ed Donough, Manheim RD3,
was second oi ei all with 402
Stalls for the animals were also
well tinder way
The Holstein Farm is a leading
local souice of Holstein cows
Myers said he generally has
about 100 animals on hand and
he usually sells about 100 each
Private sales are held daily foi
intei ested farmeis, and an auc
tion is held each thud Fnday of
the month He buys and sells
every day, he said
Myeis may keep an animal two
days or a month, depending on
the demand
The Holstein Farm helps with
financing up to three yeais
George Sipple, a Michigan cat
tle dealer, was hired January 1
as manager of the Holstein Faim
points including 140 and thud
place in beef cattle
The third high Lancastei
County contestant overall was
Clark Stauffer, Ephrata RDI,
with a fifth place finish and 388
Ray Biubaker, Rohrerstown
Road, Lancaster, finished sixth
oveiall with 381 points and a
second place 142 in beef cattle
Burnell Buchen, Manheim
RD3, was ninth oveiall with 375
points and thud in swine with
Following Lancastei Count}’s
commanding 1200 point team
total was Yoik County with 1128,
Cumbeiland County with 1113,
Lebanon with 1061 and Adams
Victoi Longeneckei of Eliza;
bethtown, RD3 was the 4-H lead
er in charge of the Lancastei
Countj gioup.
Lancaster Farming. Saturday. July 11, 1970
(iarge giound floor area foi
calves, as well as a third floor
hay aiea
Myeis, who lives in a home
Penn 'll' Livestock Day
Swine, Beef Cattle, Sheep, Horses
The Pennsylvania Livestock
Field Day will be held at Penn
State University Thursday, July
23 from 10 a m to 2 15 p m
The annual educational event
is sponsoied jointly by the
Pennsylvania Livestock &
Allied Industnes Association
and the Penn State Department
of Animal Science, College of
Bus transportation will be
available at 6 am. fiom the
center of the Lancaster Shop
ping Center parking lot at 6
a.m for $5 per person. Reserva
tions for the trip should be in
to Max Smith, county agent, at
the Farm and Home Center,
Lancaster, by Monday, July 20,
along with the $5.
Although it is preferred that
persons travel by bus, tarmeis
can go by auto, but should also
notify Smith so that lunch
reservations can be made He
can be contacted at 394 6851.
The local paiticipation in the
state-wide progiam has been
cooidmated by the Livestock
Tom Committee ol the Penn
State extension seivice, consist
mg ol Cail B Hen, 840 Penn
Grant Road Lancastei, J Hai
old Fiey, Marietta RDI Melvin
G Rohiei, Lititz RD3 Glenn
Wisslei Ephiata RDI and
Smith said the committee
now is considering a chaitci
plane flight to the Midwest to
except for some touch-up and interior work. This photo was taken from
the road along the railroad tracks leading into the facility.
near the area, grazes the animals
on nearby land He actually has
a 100 cow dairy herd and must do
practically ever> thing any other
tour modem feedei cattle
Commenting on the Penn
State trip July 23, Smith mged
local livestock farmers to make
the trip and said the timing
of the trip probably will fit in
with the usual late July lull in
most farming operations, pro
vided wheat has been harvest
Morning programs July 23
will be held at different sites,
depending on the individual’s
interest Choices include swine,
beef cattle, sheep and horses,
all at 10 a m
State Young Farmers To Hold
Fourth Annual Summer Picnic
The Pennsy.vania Young Faim
eis will hold the fouith annual
summei picnic next week
The two-day event will be held
a - the Univeisity Motor Inn and
Perkin’s Pancake House on the
i.oith side of Lewisbuig along
U S Route 15 Fuday and Satui
day, July 17 and 18
The event will be hosted bv the
Mifilmbuig Young Faimeis and
the Lewisbuig Young Faimeis
oi Union County
While state officeis hold meet
mgs, toms will be conducted to
the Pennsylvania House funu
$2.00 Per Y«ur
dairyman must do, including
milking and calving,
The difference is that Myers’
(Continued from Page 6)
to Feature
At the Swine Center, a type
discussion will be held on
judging two boar classes, with
junior judging contest winners
to be selected. The swine group
will have three tour possibili
ties tour of swine facilities
with V. E Hazlett, meat animal
evaluation center with Robert
Kimble, or question and answer
discussion period on swine
management with J. L. Gobble,
G. W. Shernlt and D. E Youn
At the Beef Cattle Center,
there wll be cow calf matching
(Continued on Page 7)
ture shovvioom and to historic
homes in the Lewisbuig aiea
The faim tom Friday after
noon will Include several dairy
laims, a modem hog fanowmg
opeiation, a laige poultiy opera
tion with an on-faim feed mill
and an egg gi acting and candling
opeiation, and a beef finishing
The picnic on Satuiday will
featuie a chicken barbeque at
the Mifflmbuig Community Park,
wheie a picnic pavilion, tennis
comts a public swimming pool,
badminton and volleyball courts
will be available