Many Area FFA Youths Win (Continued from Page 8) was third Both will iccme .1 •Hp ia PennsvKania In Ar Mechlin it's Skill ion test, with 47 competing I-.uiv Barkdoll. Dovci. was second and took n gold medal In the Agiono.nv contest, With 60 competing, Banv llos ilcr, Elizabethtown, iccciml an hanoiablc mention. Wolfe Wins Contest ' Gciald Wolfe, Manhcim Cen feral, won a first place gold medal and a tup in Pennsyl vania in the Machmeiy Adjust ment and Farm Power contest, in which 27 competed Robert H. Good Regional Vice President PmfiMatic •IGM OP THE BE*T BUY > <£S> ROUND Tff r HOG FEEDERS S 3 'Stainless 1 Steel ; 'yj.'f '' r ,£<* iT S DOES NOT RUST... DOES NOT BREAK ... TOUGH... SANITARY! For the first time in history—a hog feeder with a stainless steel trough—the most practical trough ever put on a hog feeder. PLUS other completely new features that mean extra years of service, important feed savings and less work. Have a look at the new PROFI-MATlC—check it from top to bottom—compare it feature for feature. You’ll agree—here’s the world’s BEST BUY in hog feeders. WE SELL, SERVICE AND INSTALL SS9 r R. D. 1, Willow Street Mike Mowrer, (standing) Owen J Roberts High School, Chester County, and Carl Weidler, Elizabethtown judge a heifer calf in the Dairy Cattle contest. Weidler received a bronze medal in the contest In the same contest, Dennis Landis of Penn Manor was thud and also won a gold medal and trip in Pennsylvania John Adams of Red Lion ie ceived honorable mention In Meat Judging with 42 en pH — ProfiMatic STEEL TEOUI r\ Featuring STAINLESS STEEL TROUGH E. M. HERR EQUIPMENT, INC. * % 717-464-3321 Wheat Price Support tiants, Adolf Bensmger, So Levels for '7O Listed lanco, icceived an honoiable „ mention Faimeis eni oiled in the 1970 The Lancaster Cheste, and wheat plogidm dle ell § lble fol the Lancaster Lnestei and price suppolt loans on the 1970 York counties softball team al- t C 1 so won the championship in Loan £ fol wheat stol ed on athletic events Bariy Mai tin. the fam }S $135 per bushel pitcher fiom Grassland Chap Waiehouse lodn rat £ foi No 1 ter gave up only two hits in , vhea t is $1 24 until July 10, $1 25 the five games necessary to cap- flom July n t 0 August 7 , and ture the title §i 26 fiom August 8 until Sep tember 4, aecoiding to Miss Miss Joan Lucas Is New Doiothy Neel of the Lancaster Local Home Economist c ° unty AS( r s offic f „ . . For warehouse loans, the fol- Miss Joan Lucas, daughter of lowing discounts will be made Mr and Mrs Chailes E Lucas based on grade deteinunations Ji , West Chester, assumed her No 2, 1 cent; No 3 3 cents, No duties as assistant extenion home 4, 6 cents. No 5, 9 cents, light economist foi Lancaster County gailicky, 5 cents, gaihcky, 10 on July 1 cents, light smutty 2 cents and She will assist Mis Dons smutty, 6 cents Waiehouse stoi- Thomas, Countv home economist age is available at Caigill’s at A giaduate of Mansfield State Mauetta and Nelson Weavers at Teacheis College, Mansfield, Pa , Lime Rock and New Pi evidence Miss Lucas icceived a Bacheloi Wheat loans do not matine ol Science degiee in home eco- until Apul 30, 1971 If the nomics this May maiket price of wheat goes up While in College, she was a beyond the loan i ate, the faimei member of Alpha Sigma Tau, can ledeem the wheat by lepay national social soronty, secietaiy mg the loan plus mteiest Intel of hei semoi class and a member est is computed at 30 cents pei of Omicion Gamma Pi, home monht per $lOO economics soi onty Farmers eni oiled in the wheat She is a member of the Amen- piogram will also eam ceitificate can Home Economics Association payments on wheat haivested and the Pennsylvania Home Eco- These aie computed on 48 per nomics Association cent of the allotment times the Among her hobbies aie cook- normal yield established for the mg and swimming She was a fann, times the ceitificate pay 'swimming m'tiuctoi following ment late of SI 57, up fiom $1 52 high school graduation, last yeai, Miss Neel said RUGGED, QUALITY CONSTRUCTION Handles haying jobs for TROUBLE-FREE YEARS! •, r v*.vc,s u n > SPECIAL PRICE $1995. ALLEN H. MATZ, Inc. 505 E. Main St.. New Holland Ph: 354-2214 Lancn-stor Farming. Saturday. July 4.1070 - 0 Shoppers Insist on Perfect, Convenient, Low-priced Food Piolile o( an \meinan food shoppei she's a hi r;hl hi 1 who wants a pioduet that imolus k's lime, hss waste and I ’>s monev She-i .nso ,i \c i> dem.'iiduiH shoppei who has mown lo know she doesnt h.iu> to si'th 101 second hi si These weie some of the thoughts e\pios-ccl lecenlly b\ maikelm" specialists who at tended a nieelint; sponsoied b\ the Pennsylvania Depailnienl of Agiiculluie, Leland II Bull, Pennsylvania secietaiy of culluie, lepoiletl leccntly One maiketing specialist made the obseivation that the shoppci icaches foi a pioducl the Hist time if it catches hei eve but won’t lepcat the act unless the pioduct is good “The typical shopper will sel dom complain to a stoiekeepei if a pioduct is infenoi,’’ the specialist said “Howevei, she will never pin chase the item again ” An opinion expiessed at the meeting was that a new bleed of food slioppi i hast im i m d on 1 lie \ inn k .in s t*clk Tilt 1 ncu bleed w.mts .1 pioduet Wall .111 ,l!l .lllue ,lppi ,1| .lIK C* I’i orliu ( 'inis! .iNii In ipu un- i.iaikid pi i li'dl\ loi nit il .mil lie (I iso .i'll lice I lie mu In i oil ■ilso units ,i ijood selection lo choose fi om Vml this mu Inoiil demands .i vain tv ol options in loot! Tlio food sliould come ic.icK to eit o> he .in instant oi fn/cn pioducl, oi be ol the In own .met sei ve \ .nu 1% “This in.iv sound like a lime oidei but U’ well nifoi.nod eonsumeis insist on,” a speaker A binci foi one of t'u' huge food chains obsmed that nothing sells like quality He said exceptionally nice flint selling foi 29 cenU a pound will outsell oidmaiy fimt selling at two pounds foi 29 cents “The day is long past when a food stoie can sell bananas that are too upe 01 apples that aie buiised,” he said ‘Today’s housewife wants a pei feet ear of coin and a box m which all the strawbei i les aie nice ” An official fiom a leading fio zen food fhm made the intcest ing statement that many hos pitals have switched to frozen foods, thus eliminating the need foi big kitchens and big kitchen staffs Consumeis want appeal ance, satisfaction and puce. Bull said. Milk Board Sets Hearing July 14 The Lancastei County Dauy men’s Assn has been gi anted a public hearing by the State Milk Maiketmg Board on nulk puces foi pioduceis and dealers Milk boaid officials announced that the heanng will be held at 10 a m Tuesday, July 14, at the Faun and Home Centex, 1383 Aicadia Road Testimony will be leceived on minimum puces which milk dealeis shall pay pioduceis foi vauous classes and utilization of milk, and on minimum puces which milk dealeis shall chaige to consume! s and handleis for vauous types classifications and containers of fluid milk and milk pioducts Egg Type Chick Hatch Increases Another 8% The hatch of egg type chicks in May topped a yeai eaiher by eight pei cent, accoiding to the USD \ A total of 64 4 million egg type chicks weie hatched duung the month Eggs in incubalois on June 1 weie se\en pei cent abo\e a year cai hoi Foi die fiist five months of 1970, the hatch of replacement chicks totaled 251.8 million up 15 pei cent fiom the same peuod in 1969. Biodei-type chick hatchings exceeded the same month of a >eai eailiei Coi the 25th con secutive month duung May, top ping the 1969 counteipait by six pei cent Foi the fust 5 months of 1970, tne bioilei hatch totaled 1 4 bil lion, up 10 pei cent liom the pievious joai Greens foi Salads Gieons aie the soul of salads, says Mis Ruth J Buck, exten sion foods and nutation special ist of The Pennsylvania State Univeisity Spinach, walcicress, endive, dandelion gicens, mus taid gieens csca'ole and 10- maine aie leaf\ vegetables that compete with lettuce foi a place in the salad bowl