2*--Lancaslcr Farming. Saturday. July 4.1970 Princess, Leader, Farmer, Artist (Continued fiom Page 17) when in fouith and fifth gi.uks She will be .i m inoi at Solamo High School this fall She is taking the \iadcmic course and hei fasonti -iibiccl is ail She i> a meinbci of llu \ l l Club I'hoie .ne about nine in it Tin-. >t .ii llie\ sponsoied in ait show and tamed the money to finanu u Next seal they plan to spon-oi one lor piofos-aonals They want to earn $l,OOO to defias co-.ts and pin i base pamt’ims toi the school She enjoss ske thing and painting lealistic pictmes such .is poitiaits. landscapes and ani mals Her favonle subject is horses She doesn't caie foi modem ait She is also enioiled in a conespondence eoni sc fo 1 leenageis at the Famous Aitist Schools wheie her mother studied She sells some of her paintings to fi lends Aftei giad uation next yeai she plans to go to York Academy of Arts She is a member of the Eques tuan Club at school They hold meetings and this year held bake sales The proceeds weie used to finance a horse show She is a member of the Spanish Club She has taken Spanish three yeais. although she piefers English to Spanish She is in FT A and on the staff of “Southern Lites,” their year book. She is on the “Quill” staff, the school newspaper, and writes for the guidance department Marilyn is active in the New Providence Mennomte Chuich She is secretary of her Sunday School class and on the planning committee for their youth group She is looking forward to teach ing at Daily Vacation Bible School next year She likes all kinds of spoils such as skiing, swimming, roller skating, ice skating, horseback i idmg and bicycle riding She took swimming lessons when she was five yeais old, diving lessons at nine yeais and in between took lessons fiom the Red Cross at Quairyville pool For nine weeks this spung she took a life-saving couise and ad vance swimming lessons at the YWCA m Lancaster She is a lifeguard and swimming instiuc tor at Black Rock Retieat in the afternoons this summer She like her parents, is fond of antiques She took a few les sons on the guitai and picks at the piano some, although she never took piano lessons She says, “I love to cook ’’ She col lects model hoises and has about 95 in her collection She has all kinds and they came fiom dif 'eient states and diffeient coun ties Of all hei hobbies she savs "sketching is my main hobby ” Manlyn staits voung cakes foi her fathei She helps with hai vesting in the fields and mows tneir lawn She used to help moie in the fields and helped with the heifeis when she had moie time Maxilyti has one siste', Caiol Ann, who maiuecl Biuce Stolpe thiee and a half jcais ago They have one son, Dous and live at Leola Her husband woiks at RCA Heie aie some iccipes Maiilyn enjoys making and aie their favorite dishes POTATO SOUP WITH CELERY AND EGGS 2 cups diced potatoes 1 medium-sized onion V* cup celery i 2 tablespoons butter 3 hard-cooked eggs, chopped 1 quart milk 1 tablespoon chopped parsley Salt and pepper Boil diced potatoes and onions together in three cups watei Add one teaspoon salt Add chopped celery when potatoes The new Lancaster County Dairy charm bracelet, luggage and souvenir pro- Pnncess, Marilyn Krantz prepares for a gram when she was crowned queen, busy year of activities. Displayed are her are paitially cooked When po tatoes aie soft, pour in heated milk and add chopped eggs Add paisley and buttei just before seiving Selves four CRACKER PUDDING 4 cups milk 2 eggs, separated Eh m Krantz Marilyn’s Father HOLLAND STONE Ready-Mixed CONCRETE Vi cup sugar stiffly beaten egg whites Bake at 2 cups coarse cracker crumbs 35 0 degrees until meringue is a 1 cup shredded coconut 1 teaspoon vanilla Scald milk in top of double boiler Beat egg yolks and add sugar Add this mixtuie giadu ally to scalded milk Stir con stantly Allow to cook for one minute and then add cracker crumbs and coconut Stir until cracker crumbs aie soft and mixtuie is thick Remove fiom heat and add vanilla Pour into a butteied baking dish Spiead with menngue made by beating thiee tablespoons sugai into SAVE AT BOB’S Save Rite market 743 S BROAD ST LITITZ, PENNA. Hours: Mon. thru Sat. 9 to 9 Sunday 9 to 5 CONCRETE BLOCK METAL WINDOWS . ( * Garber Oil Co. Texaco Heating Oil Burner Sales & Service MOUNT JOY, PA. Ph. 653-1821 golden brown Makes six to eight seiungs BAKED CORN 2 cups cooked or canned corn 2 tablespoons fat l‘j tablespoons flour I cup milk I tablespoon sugar 1 teaspoon salt i N teaspoon pepper 2 eggs u cup buttered crumbs Melt the Cal and add the (lour. \dd milk giadually and bung to the boiling point, stm mg con stantly Add coin, sugar, ‘•alt and peppci and heat thoioughly Re move liom heal and add beaten eggs Pout into a gieased baking dish and spi inkle with buttcied ci umbs (To make buttered u umbs, melt buttei in a pan and add the dned biead ciumbs.) Bake at 350 degiees for 25 min utes oi until coin is film Serves foui BANANA-SWEET POTATO BAKE (Excellent take-along dish, pietty too) 3 cups mashed cooked sweet potatoes (6 medium) 2 ripe bananas, mashed 1 teaspoon salt i,4 to VI; cup light cream 1 cup miniature marshmallows Combine hot sweet potatoes (mashed until smooth) and bananas Add salt and sufficient cream to make a soft, fluffy mixture. Place in buttered one quart casserole Dot top with marsh mallows. Heat in slow oven (325 (Continued on Page 21)