Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, July 04, 1970, Image 19

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protect your farm
tractor driven alternator
• 50,000 waits surge capacity
• 16,000 watts continuous duty
• Slow speed—l Boo RPM
• Cool running triple chain
drive transmission
• Heavy duty motor starting
• Close voltage regulation
• Meets NEMA codes
• Heavy duty construction
• Induction hardened input
• Rain proof construction
• Completely wired control
• Three phase available
■SEE IT AT... ■ ■■■—— i
Hoverstick Bros.
2111 Stone Mill Rd.
Lancaster, Pa. 17603
Ph. (717) 392-5722
C nucom 3_
Manufacturers of
Livestock Day Set at Penn ’U’ July 23
•ludgm.' c ont( i ,liu 111011 il
('< nioiul .ilions. .tnd ,i 'j>, siil
i.u’u pio' loi hull school
stink ills will In* li.mii • .illi.ic the Sian* Livestock Field
Da> scheduled foi lals .il
Pi nns\h.nn.i St.ilc Umv-.-uv
The field d.iy is being spoil
smed by Ihc Pennsylvania L.s,.
stock and Allied Industiics \s
sociation and Penn State Dep.ut
mont of Animal Science.
“'The program is being devil
oped so that it will be of intoicsl
to both laige and small livestock
pioducers as well as those who
participate in the business on a
part-time basis,” said Dwigh* E.
Younkin, Penn State Extension
livestock specialist.
The morning sessions, which
will start at 10 am, are to bc
located at the various Univeisity
livestock centeis and will feature
educational topics concerning the
four majoi species—beei, sheep,
swine, and hoises, Yom km ex
The swine piogiam wTI in
elude a tom of facilities at the
Swine Centei and Meat Animal
Evaluation Center and a junioi
Gram Elevator, Feed Warehouse & Flour Mill, Fleetwood, Pa.
Bulging i onicsi lln i ,iNo wiP
Ik ,i di-i iiN'ion mi Ikmi v li i mi,
,mil genet a. suuu m.iii.ui inciit
Foi the bi el i.itih ciilluisi.u's
spiu.ilisls will conduit ' s-ions
on is pi companions of hulls and
lemalcs and (.ncass csaiu.iiion
Thuc will be cow calf matching
competition and a calf and vcai
ling guiding demonslialion
Sheepmen will have .in oppoi
tunily to pailicipalc in dis-tis
sions concerning type changes in
wool, feed efficiency and rate of
gam, and caicass evaluation
Highlights of the educational
horse session will be a siiocng
demonstration, halter class judg
ing, and reining and we-,'em
uding exhibitions
High school students inte.ested
in learning moie about the many
caieer oppoitunities in the live
stock field may attend two ses
sions “Animal Industiy and
Science” will be piesentod by
Di B R Baumgaidt, and “\m
mal Industiy and Piodnction”
will be led by Glenn II Kean
Both piofessois aie Depaitmuit
of Animal Science faculty mem
I .
Birdsboro • Fleetwood
582-2741 944-7654
50 ft. Dial Scale
50 ft. Truck Dump
1000 bu. Dumping Pit
Sinking Spring
(Area Code 215)
Lhmuislci Km'inmg, Snlmdm, .lul\ I. I!)70 Iff
Ihi .illemoon pi ),. 11 vi,. I>. i\, (I II SI i mill pnsiiliiil i>
mi lode (In h.i'iiii •> iilii in (il .In \il .in il liU'iiuK am I tier
11-( l’( nil"- K 1111.1 I.l\* it »i h anil j;„, ,| (i,,,., „ m U ill „i\
Mlied IndiiMi le- \sso’i.ilion „ 1,. .
, , a in.nil p> ikei ilim ils-Ollg 111’
v 111 (n oi gi ( oiiiioi ol ll.ii i '
lung assot lalion p'lsidciil, m I’ l ' l I’"" 111 ami I'litiiic ol Me
ch.ngi 1 i\i -nloi K and Mi a| Iml>i .1 > \
Genetics Influences Poultry
Efficiency, Researcher Finds
Dr B A Kiaulman pic
sented evidence indicating a
difference in the giowth late of
two diffeicnt inbied lines on
diets limited in lysine and
methionine At the end of thiec
weeks on a good diet, both in
bred lines grew at about the
same rale Poultry genetics in
fluence nuti itional i espouse, ac
cording to Penn State icseaich
Lysine deficiency pioduced a
slight diffeience and methion
me deficiency pioduced a
twofold diffeience in giowth
late between the two inbied
lines When both ammo acids
wcie deficient, Hie diffeienee in
giowth iaie was almost thicc
Since most of the good corr
meicial buds are ciossbieds,
those chaiactenstics have to be
letamed in the cioss, if it is to
be of economic \alue to the
poultiy industiv.
Fuithor evidence was pit
sented indicating that diffeien*
ciosscs lesponded dilferently to
diets maigmal foi piotem
and/oi methionine. Some laid
tewei eggs, some ovei consum
ed to compensate foi deficicn
cies, and otheis i educed egg
size 01 depleted bodv stoies
These chaiactenstics could oc
cm singly oi in combination in
diffeient ciosses
When crosses can be devc
loped which have lowei piotem
and amino acid lequirements,
the cost of pioducing eggs will
be reduced through ieduced
feed costs