G Lancaster Farming. Saturday, June 27.1970 WASHINGTON REPORT Congressman Edwin D. Esfilemaß IM DUtrUft-fMiuytvMla Hi^Hi ;hc picdictions of the piophot> of doom .me) gloom, this Nation » economy icmains bcMcallN >tiong The adnnlment fiom a wai dominated and wai onented economy to a pcace oncnlcd economy has produced seme imbalances Put lin a; the 1) akes on to cuib inflation has caused some dilTiculties in the financial community But while Iheie me politicians hying to make the woist of the-e few economic facts, the big pictuie lev cals that the economv is hold ing up vei.v well The economy is cimenth in a Uansitional phase The fluctua tions ot the stock nrnket. the use in unemployment and the ■diop m coipoiate piofits aie le (lections of a tiansiUon f’om an o\ei heated econom\ to a mod el ate and acceptable me of GET MORE FOR YOUR DAIRY DOLLARS mSmMM The money you spend for feed mokes more money for you, when you choose FLORIN forti fied Dairy Feeds. Count on it for maximum production from your dairy herd . . . maximum profits, too. iy WOLGEMUTH BROS., Inc. MOUNT JOY, PENNY financial giowlh Inflation is be ing tapeul off without the kind of iccession that usuall.v follows a spending spiee like that the Nation went on in the Sixties Like most tiansitions, this one has its pei lods of rough going, but the momentaiy hardships can be undei stood once the de sued lesults aie obtained In this case, the lesult desned is an end to skyiocketing puces The important thing to tealize is that the anti-inflation efforts aie not banning the basic fabnc of the economy. Although the unemployment late is up. total employment icached an all-time high level in Match of this >eai I' addition, today’s unemplov ment figures compaie to the aveiage rate of uncmplo'nent pi ioi to the huge Vietnam build up The monc\ a\nlable to indi- Ph 653-1451 viduals for spending after allow ing for taxes and inflation reached the highest rate in his tory (luting the first quarter of this year. This is anothc'i sign of a basically sound financial pic ture. Also, industiial ptoducllon rales ha\e declined vety little throughout this whole petiod of what some people have called economic ciisis. The talk of economic crisis is a good bit political In lealily. fundamental economic stability has been maintained Meanwhile, we aie passing thiough the fust phase of a potentially successful campaign against inflation—the phase in winch the late of infla tion slows its use The second phase will see the mte of infla tion begin to di op At that point piobably tow aid the end of this year, I would picdict that some of the piosent economic le- will help assme that the iccession picdicted b\the pio phets of gloom will not occm Opeiating the national econ omy is such a complicated busi ness that figmes me available to piove neaih an\ones point And dunna this election \e?i I would imagine that nea’h an> figuies that can be u.crl will be used But the figuies aie not as impoi tnnt as the icsults Conti oiling the puces spual while sustaining a healthy economic outlook is the present goal Whethei the goal is being leached depends upon whose figuies jou listen to Im peisonallj more optimistic than the prophets of gloom be cause I see a leal chance for success Pick a gift. Any gift. Buy a New Idea Mow/ditioner now... choose one of these fine gifts free! Gifts range from Black & Decker drill kit to 30- cup West Bend perco lator—24 gifts in all to choose from. Act now. Offer ends June 30, 1970. The Mow/ditioner. Finest haying mack anywhere. Gives hay a softer texture, improved palatabihty, more digestibility Special non-stop, non-wrap conditioning make leafy hay with tender tips, not stei Liberal trades and terras. Special gift off i June 30,1970. Another CAN DO machine from the CAN DO people. Kinzer Equip. Co. Kmzer A. B. C. Groff. Inc. Graybill Machines, Inc. New Holland Lititz, R D. 2 Society 11 Society of Farm Women 11 met at’ the Memorial United Methodist Church. Quarryville. Thursday afternoon for a cov ered dish luncheon Members of Society of F.um Women 18 weie guests Mis Fieda Huber. Society 11. of Lancastci Council of Fatm Women, was also a guest Mis John M Hess, president juioos r jo off iui|o ui srw Landis Bros., Inc. Lancaster Longenecker Farm Supply Rheems i together. Mrs. Esther Mus* president of Society 11, c< dueled a business meeting. Mrs. Viola Warfel conduct* devotions. Speaker for the pt gram was Mis. George Albe: Mount Joy. who discussi “Heibs Used in Bible Times” Plans were completed for tl July 30 meeting to be held Willow Valley at 12:30 p.m Try A Classified Ad It Pays! Chas. J. McComsey & Sons Hickory Kill, Pa. Roy H. Buch, Ine. Ephrata, R.D. #B A. L. Herr & Bro. Quarryville id :oi tci