Pa. Milk Board Slates Hearings The Pennsylvania Milk Maikel- tiled for 10 am. Wednesday Ing Board has called a public an(l Thursday. July 1-2, at the healing on minimum milk pi ices W ‘« n ? R ? on , l ' foi producers and consumeis 'Y‘' s^ ,n> : ton •^ olo1 ’ Lodge, King which are included in the Phi.’a- °‘‘ iussia> " dclphia and suburban Philadel- Membcis of the board called phia areas. the heating at the lequcst of the Subuibnn Philadelphia Milk The hearing has been sched- Dealers’ Assn and its membeis R. D. 3, Lititz, Pa. 350 Sfrasburg Pike, Lancaster Ph. Lane. 397-5179 - Strasburg 687-6002 - Lititz 626-7766* C. B. HOOBER & SON Intercourse, Penna, ~ CALL Titus Burkholder 600 Gal. Mojonnier Vacuum Tank with Automa tic Washer and New 5 h.p. Dun Bush Compressor „ v 650 Gal. Esco Bulk Milk Tank M.C.D. I >.i IVi years old . 3 H.P. Brunner Compressor Belt Driven 2 H.P. Lehigh Compressor Belt Dmen 15 Nice Clean Milk Cans 12 & 7 Can Star Milk Coolei s Lehigh Refrigeration Compressors Automatic Bulk Tank VI ashers NOTICE We have been appointed Stocking Watehouse for Milk Keeper Bulk Tanks CALL Leroy Zook LANCASTER SILOS ACORN BARN EQUIPMENT WEAVERLINE CARTS CALL Chas. Eshleman Vaporette Insect Strip Kills Fhes, Mosquitoes and other small flying insects List Price 51.98 $1 .70 Golden Malrin Bait r.!,'’’ Sugar Bait for killing Flies IQfYTTYY Transplanter 1 vA Solution for Tobacco Quoits - $3.10 Gollons - $11.45 WHILE THEY LAST ALUMINUM SHOVELS 10 % OFF List Price RADIO CONTROLLED TRUCKS FOR BETTER SERVICE Detergents Pollute Water, University Student Claims "American women .no .imomi the woisl water pollutois m the country.” Miss Patti Collins. Umvoisilv of Richmond coed and Student Council on Pollu tion and the Emuonnient (SCOPE) co chairman, said ie cently. “Many of our lakes and estuaues are lilei ally being choked to death by excessive algae.” Miss Collins said, “and the excessive and destuiclne algae can be attubutable to phosphates in the water Over half of these phosphates come from the detei gents women use ” Miss Collins said the Middle Atlantic Region SCOPE which is a gioup of students that aduse Secietaiy Hickel and other government oftxcials on envnonmental matteis had lecommended a law pio hibiting the addition of phos phorus to detergents •‘But it takes time to get a law passed” Miss Collins said “But housewives can do some thing tight now They can use those detei gents with the least amount of phosphoius in them Most women can also use less detergent than is called for in the instructions ” The pei cent of phosphates in each of the major laundiy de tergents is as follows accoidmg to Federal Water Quality Ad ministiaiton laboratoiy tests Salvo. 56 6Tc; Tide, 49 8 Drive, 47 4, Oxydol. 46 6, Bold, 45 4. Cold Water All, 45 4; Ajax Lancaster Farming. Saturday. June 27.1!)70 La until > 44 6. Cold Power. 44 0 Punch 442. Dicft, 419. Cam. 39 5. Duz. 38 3 Bonus. 37 5. Biceze, 37 2 Cheer. 36 3. Fab, 34 8. Wisk (liquid). 142 Miss Collins suggested that everyone who has to wash clothes expei iment to find out which of the low content phos phate detergents would do the job and to find out how little of that detergent was really neces The Easiest Way to Handle LIQUID MANURE IS BY "BETTER BUT SPREADER" HERE'S WHY! « Heavier Tank • Heavier Frame • Larger Capacity Pump _• a 000 lbs. Spindles • Pump Mounted Outside of Tank • Moisture Tiap Nothing gets to pump See w hy this big rugged machine is out selling and out performing all others! Handles Poultry, Hog and Livestock Manure \v ith ease. Call or Write For Free Demonstration. SHEHK'S FARM SERVICE LITITZ R. D. 4 PHONE 626-4355 CALL Henry Esh For Soles Service Paris • S.R. 2 Diesel Like New • Used 10 HP Deuf-z • 4Vz HP Banford • 6 & 8 HP Lister Area Distributor For Lister Diesel Engines Large Supply Slow Speed Used Diesels. Check Our Low Prices. a CALL Bob Klstlsr ||| NEW EQUIPMENT F 656 Diesel Demo. - Special Price USED EQUIPMENT John Bean Sprayer Myers Sprayer M.C. Rotary Scythe Dl7 AC Tractor w/Mower & Plow Formoll 560 Diesel McCormick 76 Combine .... $450. McCormick 64 Combine .... $3OO. Facts About Fanning Ilonumakcis today pm cl; poik liom Ic. hum hogs ..mount oi .md lorn in In n,is mcicased by 23 5 pci cc the equivalent of an cxlia h lot cuiv hog Then’s a nu ut.ifoim vcai aiound supplv cause with bcttci feed utih non. it takes less lime to hogs to maikct saiv As a general ado, hauler the water, the nv detei gent is needed Most teigenl manufacluicrs, acco mg to Miss Collins, wide th dnections to apply to the ha er wateis. Phone 768-8231 h