Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 27, 1970, Image 12

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    12 - Lancaster Farming. Saturday. Juno 27.1970
Stoltzfus A Finalist-
In Inter-State Contest
Nathan E Stoltzfus. Gap. vv««
one of five finalists in the Young
Coopeintoi of 1970 award spon
so ed by Intel-Stale Milk Pro
duce! s Cooperative Thuisday
But John J. Hubschmuit.
Bi ulgcton. N. J.. was the winner
and will get an expenses paid
nip to the National Milk Pro
ducei s Federation meeting late
this year.
Stoltzfus and his wife, how
ex ei, will be guests at the Inter-
State annual meeting in Phila
dilphia Novembei 24 and 25
Mtogether, 20 young dairy
1, inters, including four fiom the
Form Calendar
(Continued from Page 1'
Lodge. King of Pi ussia
July 12
2 p m
“National Compu
tenzeci Egg Infoi nation
S\stem,“ by Umei Bauy
Publications of New Yoik
at Room 309 Pa Dept of
Agucultuie Building. Cam
eion Stieet, Hainsbuig.
neai Farm Show Building
Bpm Red Rose 4 H Baby
Beef and Lamb Club, Faim
and Home Center
Thursday, July 2
7 15 a m. to 6 p.m. coopera
tive extension seivice nur-
serymen tour to New
10 am. Southeastern District
4-H livestock judging prac
tice session, Masonic Home
Farms. Elizabethtown
Saturday, July 4
1 30 p m Farm Women So
ciety 10, Home of Mis
Fiank Hodecker, 907 Rohr
eistown Road
Strip tests prove it: Cattle
prefer Pioneer brand sor
ghum-sudangrass hybrid over
other brands. That means
they’ll eat more . . . .
make more meat or milk.
Unbeatable hot-weather pas
ture or green-chop. Can be
planted on diverted acres
and grazed after September
1. Treat your cattle to the
pasture hybrid they hkebest!
See or Call Your
Pioneer is a brand name, numbers
Identify varieties 15 Registered trade
inarK of Pioneer Hi Bred Corn Com
Lancaster County area competed
In the contest at the Treadway
Inn, St. David’s
Each of the contestants pre
viously had hi> farm inspected,
was Intel viewed and gave his
comments on the management
ptoceduic of hi* farm.
Besides Stoltzfus. area men
competing were: John H. Myer,
Quarryville: Ben S. Beiler, El
verson, and Walter A. Ramsay.
Oxford. All are members of
Maik Singley. head of the
Rutgers University agi[cultural
engineeiing department, and Di.
James Honan. Intel-State gen
eial managei, weie speakers at
the piogiam.
Rugged Chain Bam Cleaner
Frees You for Better Things
B* Heavy Forged Link Chain
* Galvanized Steel Elevator
* Powerful Transmission
* Fast...23’ per Minute
Come in Today for Details.
445 South Cedar St . Lititz. Pa 17543 Ph. 626-8144
Purina Dairy Conditioner Special can prepare
cows for good production at low cost
John J. Hess, li, Inc.
Ph 442-4632
West Willow
Farmers Assn., Inc.
Ph 464 3431
West Willow
Core of Scissors
Good scissors and shears
should last a lifetime if propell>
caied for and used only foi cut
ting fabuc
Never allow scissors to remain
wet If rust appears, remove it
with oil.
Oil the screw occasionally but
do not tamper with the screw If
shears seem tight when new. The
sciew is set and sealed at the
factory to last the lifetime of the
If scissors need shaipening,
have the job done by a compe
tent individual.
You might also return the
shears to the manufacturer lor
sharpening or take them to the
store wheie you bought them
If you’re not among the many good local
danymen who have started mixing
Purina Dairy Conditioner Special with
your own giam to build a research
pro\ed diy cow ration, it can pay you to
check into this low-cost way of feeding
dij cows.
Piuina Dairy Conditioner is a 16 percent,
pi otem i ation foi tified with extra Vita-
mins A and D plus phosphorus to help *
guaid against milk fevei.
To help you save on diy cow feeding
Puuna Reseaich recommends vaiying
feeding le\els depending on cow condi
tion and the quality of yom loughages
Foi example if a cow is in good condi
'lion and loin loughages aie ot excellent
quality >Oll would feed less Puuna diy
con lation than if the cow yyeie in only
fail condition and if the loughages were
ot onh fan quality
'Reg. Trademark— Rilston Purine Ce.
Ira. B. Landis
Ph 394-7912
1912 Cieek Hill Rd, Lane,
James High &' Sons
Ph 354 0301
• Outstanding
(Continued from Page 8)
egg price will go five cents low
er than in 1967-68 bust and stay
low for 21 months or longer.
Out Stein noted some key
cancellations in chick hatch
placements for August totaling
more than one million biids.
The UEP is urging zero hatch in
Ray Delano of the UEP ex
plained that the UEP plan calls
for birds which would be hatch
ed in August to be delayed un
til September and September’s
to October, and so forth, thus
eliminating one month of hatch
The f IS"'''
That Conies \ j /\
From V V£ i \
Doing A
Good Job Of
It's a great feeling to know that you are the
master of your farmlands . . . that whenyo*
treat your soil right, it will treat you right:
Liming is one of the most important factors in
keeping your soil in. the highest productive
range. By raising the pH from a level below
6.0 to 6.5 or higher, you can expect to harvest
7 more bushels of wheat per acre, with similar
increases for all other forage and cash crops.
Order Now For Prompt Delivery
Blue Ball, Pa. 354-4125 Gap, Pa. 442-4148
(Lancaster Forming carried ■
detailed report on the UEP plan
lust week on page 1.)
The UEP plan also calls for
selling off layers 45 days soon
er than usual, thus reducing
egg production by eight per
Stein repeatedly told the 200
producers and allied industry
men present that if everyone
makes a small cutback in pro
duction, everyone will benefit;
but if the bust is allowed to
occur, everyone wil suffer bad
ly. he said.
It Pays!
Try A Classified Ad
Using Purina Check-R-Mix* formulas we
can build you a low-cost dry cow ration,
combining Purina Dairy Conditioner
with your gram Or, if you’re feeding
low-protein roughages, it may pay you
to feed Dairy Conditioner “straight - ’
just as it comes from the bag.
More and more successful area dairymen
are proving that good dry cow feeding
pays off in extra cow condition and
extra milk production in the next lacta
tion Foi example, 100 to 200 pounds of
additional body weight at freshening can
pav off in 1 000 to 2,000 pounds of extra
milk dunng the lactation.
Diop in soon and get jour fiee copy of
the Punna Dij Cow Program folder.
We'll be glad to point out how Purina
Dauy Conditionei Special can help pre
pale youi div cows foi good production
at low cost
John B. Kurtz
Ph 354 9251
R D 3, Ephrata
Wenger's Feed Mill
Ph 367-1195
aer j *sa