Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, June 20, 1970, Image 7

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    Can Egg Industry Stop Bust?
(Continued fiom P.iyo 1'
offit'Kils mdicMtiM .1 simil.u huge Wink pirns .no .it the Tins means the- mue.ised
At ihe time m Apnl when "‘»i LM , s , e Wds l in ‘ UL ‘ m V‘ iv A 111 ' 1 ks I)a ' ,lk ( -' vul k ' L ’ l 101 moat pio- pioduction egg authoi Hies
Dcku-o nude Ins analvsu ol the P y c ° iui,u,m = into June miceis, lowei foi some, knowl .nc expecting to lesull liom the
potent d egg bust, the USD \ •'“■’‘inwnile the egg p, ill quote edgable authoi itiea agiee knee hatch meieasc in the (nst
had udeased figuies showing na- H B.iuy on Fnday’last the impact ot the big l.ijci bin Id- halt ot 1970 has just baiclv
tional la>ei hatch up 21 pm cent I^ ee ' W i s , * ccn^ s * Ol , up since h‘is not e\en stalled to enlei the maiket
in Januaiy over the same month ~.® e vv * llte e Slts.down about begun to play its pail in egg piLtuie
a yeai ago and up 17 per cent m lllee ccnts * lom tllL ' Post-Eastei puces
Februaiy. lange
What will happen lb that thib
„ Tiv Ti win liticklpi incieascd pi OdUCtlOn, it SOIIIP-
Notmg these figuies, Delano Commentin S on the 37-38 cent Coi ‘ y a<re p.‘ said ‘this week it lhin » lsn,t done t 0 st °P ll - wll]
•aid on Apul 4, ‘This is veiy f llce ir ! f ,,rly n^ pMI fOl . fancy takes 22 weeks fiom the time of eniei thc maikct steadlly °''ci
serious if this continues foi the iSt'aLuT “hJeat hatch unUl tlle bucls be - in t 0 ‘f. 0 ! I f < ?’ I 1 '?! 3
next couple of months We can p „ w ® JU about bleak moduce e™s about 22 weeks behind the hatch
iook (if it continues) for veiy even for the P loducei - (Many p uulv-c 00 Thus, the full impact of the
veiy low (egg) puces beginning ! ndustiy leco ‘ d , level ' nclc ‘ lSL in
parly next year.” Z*t o°ne to sfx eenfs a hatch on Januaiy 1 should begin ayel ‘ y P e , ch , lcks w,11 ( n I ° t
iiom aoout one to six cents a f. front the industiy until about
Since that statement, USD\ dozen at this price, according to to Siait pioduction around the j anuaiy 1971
figures show the layer hatch local sources ) end the is t week 111 June
climbed 19 per cent in Maich This early pioduction, howevei. With the impact on the egg
and 15 per cent in \pul * But e ®= puces since early is generallj light and giadually industiy not even begun, most
April have been geneially lower picks up steam foi several weeks aulhouties on eggs and egg mai-
Although no figuies had been than 37-38, eating up most of before peak pioduction is kcting, like Delano, aie project
released by mid-week for May, this small piofit achieved mg the woist egg bust in the
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Banvel provides weed-killing
power you must have to control
the toughest, most persistent,
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important in narrow-i ow, high
population fields, Banvel does not
cause corn to become brittle.
New clearance for Banvel gives
you easy control*of more than 40
of-the most common weeds ... m
-cluding wild garlic ... weed brush
and weed trees.
In field corn, Banvel controls Canada thistle, vmeweed (morning glory), lambsquarter, smart
weed, pigweed, cocklebur, sunflower, ragweed, mustard, velvetleaf, pepperweed, waterhemp,
Spanish nettle, poorjoe, prostrate spurge, annual clover and many other broadleaf weeds.
A *,
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A liquid, Banvel mixes quick
ly and stays mixed. Spot weeds
eaily. Stop them early with
l/ 2 pint/ acre ... at about
$1 90/acie (broadcast).
Banvel kills two ways. By ab
sorption through leaves, moving
to stems and roots and back again,
for complete kill. Applied to soil,
Banvel leaches to loots, is ab
soibed and translocated thiough
out the plant. ’ , , .
Just follow label insti actions.
You will control*weeds economi
cally, safely.
-; f.
Vfr <
A ' '
341 East Ohio Street,
Chicago, Illinois 60611 \# IM
Lancaster Farming. Saturday. June 20. 1070
* x \
Smoketown, Pa.
PH. 397-3539
liislot\ ol .m iticliisltv which is
nolfd loi Ijiiv.s
Tin woi ljuit m hisloi v
I’NLKSS tlic mcliisii v nious
(|incl\lv .mil decisively to slate
oil the niaiket glut which now
appeal s inevitable some acid
The issue now facing the in
clustiy, as it has been descnbed
to us by numcions peisons. is
Can huge mimbeis of individ
ual tainicis scatteied thioughout
the nation act together foi the
fust time, on shoit notice, to
stop what many believe will be
ceitain economic disastei for
many individual egg pioduceis
and ielated films and a major
blow to the entue egg industiy?
It’s in the context of this his
tone and massive egg pioduction
capacity build-up, which on even
much smallei scales in the past
has always lesulted in disastious
‘busts,’ that Delano will call on
slate egg pioduceis Wednesday
to help avoid economic disaster.
Dairy Princess
Judges Named
Judges have been announced
foi the Lancastei County Dany
Pnncess Pageant to be held
Tuesday, June 23 at the Faim
and Home Centei
Seivmg as judges will be
Robeit Buchei, faim lelations
duectoi, Commonwealth Na
tional Bank Mi s Skip R Palm
quist, public lelations super
visor Godfiey Agency, Inc , and
Bob Malack, faim editor,
Mastei of ceiemomes will be
Hany Kauffman, director of
Amenean Dairy Association.
Committee co-chairmen are
Mis Robeit Giegory and Ster
ling Elmei
A leception will begin at 6 30
p m and the dinnei and pageant
will follow Tickets foi the
Pageant may be obtained from
DHIA Supei visors, members of
the committee oi at the Agucul
tuie Extension Office
Daily Puncess candidates are
Susan Kauffman, Patucia Bare,
Manlyn Kiantz, Donna Hess,
Linda Kieidei, Nanette Stauf
iei, Chailene Smokei and Lois
Doggie Roast Planned
The 4-H Soil and Watei Con.
seivation Club is holding a
Doggie Roast at Fishing Cieek
along the Susquenanna Rivei at
5 p m June 27
Auangements have been
made by Mi Vincent Hoover
foi fiee boat ndes and water
skiing anytime aftei 2pm
Membeis aie asked to bring
only a coveied dish and cold
dunk, as the doggies and rolls
will be piovided
Anyone wishing to watei ski
should bung his own skis A
cottage, two powei boats and
opeiatois will be available.
Penn Willow Clean-Up
The Penn Willow 4 H Club is
having a clean-up today (June
20) fiom 9 a m to 12 Noon in
Mai tic. Pequea, and Conestoga
The 35 membei gioup will
meet at the Conestoga Elemen
taiy School and will pioceed
to clean-up the loadsides in the
thiee townships Theyie being
assisted by borough-trucks - and